Archive for October, 2012

31 Days — Positive Attitude (Day 17)

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

I've had this boo-boo.  It appeared out of nowhere and I decided to do what I thought was best AND IGNORE IT!  My mistake.  It grew.  Then, I got busy.  Then, Texas and now….it's too much to ignore any longer.  

See this. Don't worry, you thoughts are pretty much the same as mine!  Ewwww!


This. is. my. arm.   Eww, eww, eww!

Today, I took off early from school and went to the doctor.  (thanks hubby)  But, I'll be honest….fear had creeped into my mind and swallowed me up!  I was filled with dread.  The monster was consuming me in more ways than one.  Note: arm possibly rotting!

Of course, as soon as the doctor took a looksee…she was baffled!  In all her 35 years of medical experience, she hadn't come across this!!  Wouldn't you know it.  However, she felt certain it was a Pyogenic granuloma and it had to be removed today!  Double that fear thing!  I was shaking by that point!

They pushed me right into the "operating room" and got started.  I barely had time to sign the paperwork.  I admit, this was probably for the best because y'all, I was on serious chicken out-itis!


This is after she did the deed.  The hardest part was the dang anesthesia.  Yea, that hurt like the devil.  I was having trouble staying put on the table and holding the tears back.  In my defense, the room was very bright.


Dr. Weir was great!  She was aggressive and insistent (which I need when it comes to stuff like this)!  I'm going to have a scar thanks to the great size of the "tumah" and they still have to send it off for lab work.  I'll feel better when I hear she was 100% correct and that there is no other evil lurking inside my body.  One cancer patient is one too many for a family at one time, don't you agree?


Here I am all patched up and ready to go.  Little did I know the pain would kick in a bit later.  I was still feeling fine at this point.  Ahhh, it's probably good to just not know.  Right?

Fear of the unknown can really tweak your attitude.  For me, I had no clue what could be going on with my arm and it was silly to try ignoring it.  Fear can make you do some foolish things.

Tips to deal with a fearful attitude:

Believe the best.  Doom can be our worst enemy.

Trust you can manage.  Difficulties are always going to happen.

Determine your purpose.  You don't have to give up, so don't!

Gracious Lord

Thank you for taking care of me, in spite of my fear of the unknown.  I trust that you are in control and I am not.


31 Days — Positive Attitude (Day 16)

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

I haven't actually spoken the number 46 out loud regarding my birthday last Friday. But I thought it'd be safe to say it here, I mean…who cares really? Heck, I don't even mind being that old young! I'm sure everyone feels about the same on birthdays. Nostalgic, hopeful & grateful.

I know I'm not that old but I am old enough to know… There's no going back! Short dresses & cutesy styles have left the building. It's time to face it and dress/act my age. Which quite honestly is old enough to be a grandmother, I know this not because of my children's young adult ages but because many of my classmates are proudly posting pic's of their own sweet grand babies all over Facebook. Oh me!! Let me see 50 something first, Lord. I'm not ready and neither are my "still under my care" kids!!

What can you do when your kids make big time choices that affect not only their life but yours too?

Don't own it.  The choices they make are theirs.

Let them be responsible for the choice.  We do no favors for our kids by trying to bail them out.

Don't take it personally.  You most likely weren't even on their mind when they made the choice.

This, coming from a certified helicopter mom.  The decisions my kids make are just that, theirs.  Over the years, I've trained myself to swoop in and rescue, the results of that behavior are ugly.  It makes for lazy, irresponsible people.  The opposite of what I wished for while lovingly raising my brood.

Now, I'm in a sort of retraining period.  Don't worry though…they seem to be getting it.  It's good for me (and them) if I keep these truths in perspective and remain solid on the difference between their choices and mine.  My attitude, and yours does not have to suffer because of loving our kids to the max.

One more thing.  Poor decisions still affect us (parents).  Just remember, they have to learn….just like we did!


31 Days — Positive Attitude (Day 15)

Monday, October 15th, 2012

If this 31 days doesn't end soon the devil is sure to run out of ways to flub me up!  Something new, everyday!



It's a beautiful fall day where I am right now (in Indiana). The wind is blowing and the bright leaves are flying all around. Which makes perfect sense when that all too familiar sound happened a few minutes ago and the house went silent. Big tree falling on power line equals no electricity and where I live, it could be a while before we see light.  No need to rush, you see.

 Now, now let's not make a mountain out of a molehill, right?  [I’m talking strictly to me].  I'm just thinking ahead.  My evening plans included the next NEW episode of Revenge (how befitting, right?) and if this power isn't back on….I might flip!  Or lose it.  Or totally get all bent out of shape.  I mean, come on…who likes to be inconvenienced?  Nobody!  Especially on the very last night of a great fall break!  This whole debacle brings to mind, little things that threaten to steal your joy.

How do you handle your attitude when stupid little inconveniences keep interrupting your life?

I confess, it gets under my skin. That's just how I'm wired. I wish it weren't that way and my family probably wishes it even more. My attitude often shows the moment there's trouble!  Why? Why? Why?

Maybe it's just me, eh?


Scripture is a great source in helping me stay on course when frustrations come my way. I like memorizing God's word and I can't tell you how many times Bible verses have literally bailed me out of a personal slump.  I don't want to give you the idea that I only use them for troubled times but in keeping an attitude worthy of honoring Christ, scripture is a lifesaver!

My tip for hanging on to your dignity today instead of wigging out when your attitude is shaky.


Read it.
Repeat it.
Hide it.
Write it.
Share it.
Believe it.

Scripture has power and I can't think of anything I need more when I'm on the edge of a meltdown. Take my word, God will clear a path where there seems no way to pass. Even the little things that nag for your attention will seem silly. All because of God's calming word!

Ps. 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

Ps. 56:3 – When I am afraid, I will trust in you.

Ps. 51:10 – Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

John 12:27 – Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour.



It's 10:45am on Monday (15th) and my house is still out of power.  It was interesting this morning getting ready for back to school after a great break away.  But my attitude….it's admittedly hanging by a thread.  Considering how I just spent over $300 restocking my refridgerator/freezer this weekend.  Everything…is melting! 


31 Days — Positive Attitude (Days 12, 13 & 14)

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

Ok, ok….I know.  I missed Day 12!  But I have some excellent excuses.  1) I was traveling the long journey back to Indiana from Texas.  If you've ever had to catch a very early morning flight in a town you're not familiar with, then you know how stressful that can be.  I had to be up at 4:20am and packed to begin the long race of a day!  2)  Internet and blogging are kind of tricky when you're in and out of airports.  Nothing was easy, so blogging took a back seat.  3)  It was also my birthday!  So, I gave myself a break (even though…traveling on an airplane isn't an actual break)!

I'm happy to be back home but I will forever miss that wonderful bed that I slept in while in Texas.  It was amazing!  This morning, I woke up with a krink in my neck!  Didn't have that in Texas!  Weird!

Since I arrived back home last night, I've done 9 loads of laundry, swept & mopped the floors, cleaned out the disgusting fridge, washed a ton of dishes, cleaned the bathroom toilet & sink, washed both dogs, cooked a few meals, dumped all the garbage, bought a fat cart full of groceries & put them away and watched my baby's scary Ghost Walk skit downtown!

Attitude shmattitude!  I'm on fire!

Oh and if you're wondering……no, no one offered to pitch in on any of those jobs!  

Life, is back to normal!   wink

It came to me today, you know…while I was doing my chores.  HOW DO YOU KEEP YOUR ATTITUDE IN CHECK WHEN THE ONES AROUND YOU ARE HAVING A BAD ATTITUDE?

Apparently, there are some great ways to handle this.  Wanna know how?  Ok!

Don't take it personally.

Resist the urge to assume.

Act instead of react.

Keep yourself positive.

Ignore negative comments.

Point out the positive!

I've experienced firsthand the brunt of someone else's bad attitude.  I've jumped right in and tangoed where I didn't belong.  It never turns out pretty.  So, take my advice…even if you're really offended or crushed by someone else's jerky tude–don't fall for it!

Keep smiling, sister!  Keep on smiling!

31 Days — Positive Attitude (Day 11)

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

Did you know your attitude is contagious?  It is.  Remember that saying, "If mama ain't happy….then nobody's happy!" ?  It's true.  So what are you doing today to make sure your attitude isn't causing everybody around you to be grumpy?

Try these 4 tips for when the jerky attitude hits ya–>

1 — Use words of affirmation.  Say nice stuff even when other's don't.

2 — Express gratitude.  You'd be surprised just how encouraging thankfulness can make you.

3 — Avoid negative people & situations.  You don't really need an explanation, do you?

4 — Focus on the positive.  Instead of fretting over no ice, celebrate having cold drinks in the fridge.

Your attitude will be the first thing people pick up on when they meet you.  Be happy, smile and use positive language.  Don't be afraid to spread an infectiously good attitude!

It really is catchy!

31 Days — Positive Attitude (Day 10)

Wednesday, October 10th, 2012


Everything really is bigger in Texas!  Even the silo's!  This is hubby & Preston.  They're checking the tower on top of this big daddy.  Remember me telling how poor the internet is here?  Yea, this is the other end of the line and they were hoping to find "something" to repair to make it zippy fast for the whole ranch.  Didn't happen.

After a long day of here & there wire chasing and new computer set-ups, this is where our bodies naturally gravitated…the lake behind the house.  Which, have I mentioned has no ice?  Oh the challenge to keep a positive attitude!  Just kidding!  I know how to make ice, y'all!

It didn't take long to catch something good!  We let him go!  But isn't he a good one?  I love the smile on his face.  He's been so busy while we've been here, I've missed seeing him have some fun.


Look who's dressed and ready to go.  I've mentioned that I'm sitting in the middle of nowhere a few times, right?  Well, when you get a text that says, "Wanna go to lunch?".  You jump up and get dressed!  For real dressed — cute clothes, makeup and styled hair!


The lunch?  I know you're wondering.  Since there is no real town, where'd we eat?  Ahh, good question!  Down the road from that silo was a four-way stop.  If you go right, there's a hole-in-the-wall store (and it looks like a hole) that sells BBQ along with other "convenient" store goods.  You had to stand by the drink cooler to eat your sandwich.  If you turn left, there you'll see a metal barn/building for mexican food.  Preston, who was with us…had eaten there so we chose the place we could sit down and actually eat a meal.

I can now say that I've eaten genuine TexMex food!  I had the #16, chicken tacos with a tamale.  It was delicious!  On our way back to the barn/office, Preston told us about where he lives.  They have a real town with Walmart and fast-food.  I asked if there was a place to stop for ice and water bottles anywhere nearby…..nope!  No chance.  It would be a 45 minute drive to civilization.

Forget it!

I can just go home and have this!  Minus the candy mixers though!  Have I mentioned how much I love flavored cream?  Oh yea, me likey!  Here, they no havey!


So, you're probably asking what does all this have to do with adjusting my attitude.  A lot.  Anytime you & I are taken out of our natural element the tendancy to get aggravated is high.  When everything is out of our control our reactions can be negative.  Finding ways to solve your problems is key to coping in a healthy way.

For me, I've done a bit of detoxing.  The first day or so while I was here, I slept and relaxed.  Each night, I've fallen into bed (early by my normal standard) and gone right to sleep.  Once asleep, I've stayed there…deep and cozy!  It's been as if my body was saying—-chill!

In the detoxing process, I've also had a heavy dose of solitude.  Something that I don't get much of.  For me (and you) our bodies & minds NEED SOLITUDE!  It's our way of regrouping and coming back better than we were before.  It gives us time to reflect, think & pray over all that our daily world throws at us.  Solitude teaches us to function without all the interruptions knocking at our door.  It clears away the cobwebs that form by way of busyness.

What would some time to yourself be like for your attitude?

Then, what are you waiting for?  Do it!