Archive for May, 2013

10 Things Kids Need From MOM

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

I'm never going to claim professional mom status here because the obvious truth is that I'm a work in progress just like every other mom out there.  But after many years of doing the mothering to three human beings that didn't get a choice on the mom draw…I'd like to believe that I've learned a thing or two about what kids really need from a mama.

Kids need…

Unconditional love — Kids are very intuitive, they understand when someone is just playing the part.  Showing affection and genuine love to them is important for many reasons.  It builds confidence, gives assurance and fills their hearts with a love that can only come from a mother.  Loving a child based on how well they behave or perform creates a superficial foundation for them and leaves them with a false sense of care.  Real love equals real security!

Quality time — So many moms are barely scraping by thanks to the busyness of life.  It's one of the most common complaints of every family.  Spending time with kids is important because that's when memories are made and when investment in who they are takes place.  Give up a little and the reward will come back to you. (I promise!)

Forgiveness — No kid can handle the cloud of unforgiveness hanging over them and parents can be the best at holding a grudge.  Give up the frustration & disappointment that can come from mothering HUMAN BEINGS who make mistakes and fall short.  Let them off the hook as often as possible.  

Sillyness — Being a mom isn't one big fun-fest every day.  But it can come pretty close if you find the funny in rotten situations.  Life is sometimes too serious and when that happens surprise your kids by doing something you know will crack them up.  Laughter can fill a heart faster than an Icee causes brainfreeze!

Trust/Honesty — Telling little white lies or twisting the truth adds up in a kids heart.  It teaches them mistrust and places them in a vacuum of unsurity.  Be honest with your kids and help them do the same.  Never allow lying from them and make that the rule for yourself.  Just like you…they know when they're being lied to.

Direction — Guiding a child seems like a normal part of parenting but you'd be surprised at how many parents drop the ball here.  They let society, tv, schools, relatives….whoever will take the reins do the leading when it comes to their kids.  Sadly, our society is a mess due to this kind of neglect.  Kids need a mom to direct them in pretty much all situations.  Every day.

Physical touch —  It doesn't matter how many times they pull away from you….keep reaching towards them!  They might act like they don't want your affection but they do.  Love them with all your might and never miss a chance to show it with hugs, back rubs, hair massages & tickles!  Imagine never ever being touched.  The body hungers after it.  Show your kids how you feel.

Discipline — Too many moms are skipping consequences for wrong choices with their kids.  The results of doing so are costly.  Kids are making bad decisions and many times it is directly linked to permissive parenting (letting them get away with poor behavior while growing up).  Don't be afraid to punish your kids.  They will learn to do what's right….or die trying!  This will one day be proven as a big positive in the final outcome of your child!  I promise!

Godly example — It's one thing to teach your kids to love God but quite another to show them through your example what living for Christ looks like.  Kids know when you're faking it and learn to do just the same.  Be genuine in your relationship with God and your kids will too.

Acceptance — I saved this one for last because I believe it to be one of the most important things a mom can do for her kids.  As a mom of 3 kids I can say that each one is different even though they have some similarities.  I love each one for their uniqueness and I see something incredible in all three of them.  I accept them the way they are….and I never try to compare them to anyone else.  Moms have a great advantage over any other human being in their childs life….they are THE ONLY ONE who will love them no matter what they look like, act like or think like!

I'm blown away that God blessed me the way He did when He gave me kids.  I believe I got the best ones out there.  Hopefully every mom feels that way.  I wanted to be a good mom my whole life and I purposefully made it my mission to give them all of me every day of their lives.  Today as I celebrate being a mom with my family……I praise God for the privilege of a loving family!  I'm blessed and I hope they feel the same!

20121114-090432.jpgmy 34th of Julymama n babes


Doctor Doctor

Friday, May 10th, 2013

It's been a crazy week but I'm not going to complain because God has taken care of some seriously big deal stuff.  When it rains it pours, of course.  So, when your kid complains that she thinks she's GROWING ANOTHER TAIL….it's time to perk up and listen.

I don't want to say I didn't listen….because I heard her.  I just didn't have a clue what in the world she was dealing with.  All weekend she cried.  I had to keep questioning her as to the extent of the pain.  Like — Do I need to call an ambulance?  Or — Is it just really uncomfortable?  Help me here.

By Monday morning….there was no question as to what needed to be done.  She needed a doctor and she needed it STAT!  I took off work and headed over to see the Nurse Practitioner at our family physicians office.  As soon as she saw her she said, "This is not good!".  Then she left the room and grabbed the doctor who said pretty much the same thing along with … she might need to go to the hospital.  I nearly cried!

It seems the poor kid had a very serious bacterial infection that was dangerously spreading and they didn't want it to get into the soft tissue.  Instead of the hospital route they decided to combine some really strong antibiotics and hope that the area would begin to drain.

Within 7 hours of the doctor….the abscess began to drain and relief was almost instant.  Completely different kid.  No joke.  She still couldn't sit down on her bottom but the whole area was on its way to healing!

By the next appointment on Wednesday she was so much better the doctor almost did a happy dance in the exam room.  She admitted that she and the NP were so worried they didn't think the results would be so good.

Thankfully they caught it in time and the meds were powerful enough.

I thought all was right with the world and then  I got a text from my son…

Mom, I'm sick.  I can't stop throwing up!

Back to the doctor…

But hey, IT'S FRIDAY!   Let's celebrate God getting us through a tough week and only 8 days left of school!

Respect the Man God Gave You

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

Are you one of those women who feels like your husband only thinks of ONE THING?  After being married for 23+ years…I'm finally picking up on what makes my hubby tick.  His needs are different than mine.  Sometimes they are intimate needs and other times not.  The challenge as a wife is to lock in to what pleases him and helps him be the best man he can be.  It's not always what I (or you) think it is that he desires.

For instance…

Did you know that the number one need your husband has is to be respected?  Now that may sound pretty simple but the honest truth is that on a day-in/day-out basis you and I miss the mark bigtime on respect.  Never has there been a time so confusing in leadership roles in families.  Women are taking over.  They run the house, the family and pretty much the husbands too.  I realize how easy it is to just do it when it comes to taking care of the needs of a family.  I tend to be aggressive in this area myself.  However, it's very important for me to rely on my husband's leadership in our family.  One of the best ways to do that is to openly allow him to lead.  That doesn't mean I wait on him to take care of all the family needs.  It means that I acknowledge him and the role God has given him in our family.  I let him know I trust his decisions and I don't rule over him when he is trying his very best to provide for our family.  I've learned the hard way that running rough-shot over my hubby is demeaning to him and shows a weakness in my own personality.  I don't want him to feel less than because of my own bossyness.  So, I make it a priority to show him the respect he deserves.

Another need is the ability to provide well for his family.  Men are competitive by nature.  They crave winning!  Knowing that because of them their family is well-cared for is high on the list of successes.  Guys love being needed and they feel good when they can give their family the best.  I can see the joy in my husband's eyes & smile when any of us say how much we love our house/cars/clothes/food/stuff/him.  It's clear that he loves us very much and that he works very hard to give us not only what we need but what we love too.  I never miss an opportunity to tell him what a great provider he is!

Husbands have needs outside of respect and recognition for their hard work.  They are visual monsters who crave the love of their wives.  It's no wonder our world is so bombarded with sexy images, porn addictions and affairs.  Men are extremely physical.  They need touch, they love beauty and they are starving for all of that from the women who possess their heart.  It's an honor to be the wife of a man who loves me (you) completely and it's a shame when we ignore the needs of our hubby's over our own.  I bet if you asked….your hubby would say that HE DOES THINK OF YOU  in that way throughout his day.  So, why do we withhold that one thing that no one else can give him?  It's time for us to prioritize that personal love that can only come from us.  I'm getting better at being "all that and a pack of crackers too" to my man.

PS — With no strings attached!

I realize how awkward this subject can be for so many.  It's hard to talk about personal issues.  I'm convinced that marriages need all the help they can get and it starts with women.  As I watch my own young adult kids sort through life….and get closer to their own marriages, I'm challenged to show them what a healthy relationship looks like.  I want to see them love their chosen spouse to the fullest.  The best way I can do that is to love their dad and to be willing to meet his needs….no matter what they might be.

Does your husband know how much you respect him?  Does he know how grateful you are for the hard work he does to provide for your family?  Are you loving him the way only you can?  Now's your chance…

Easter 2010 004


Missing: 10 Years of Horror

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

I had to turn up the television when I heard the reporter tease the story.  What?  Two missing women found after 10 years?  How does this happen?  In Cleveland Ohio?  Who does something so heinous?  As it turns out, three women and a six year-old child were rescued from a home not far from where each went missing a decade ago.

Remember Jaycee Dugard, Elizabeth Smart or Elizabeth Fritzl?  All three were held captive by men who tortured them and robbed them of normal life.  A crime so inconceivable most of us struggle to even imagine it.  In what can only be described as miraculous all three were saved from the horrors of their abductors and now live private lives filled with healing & innocense lost. 

The details of this latest story are still unfolding.  It's safe to say that these women were not being held for anything other than some sick twisted purpose.  The 3 men arrested were brothers who to the outside world appeared to be normal people.  Each of the victims were taken from the same area neighborhood and were being held within 3 miles of the spot from which they went missing.  

So close….. I can't even process it!

This case just boggles my mind and stabs at my heart.  As a mother of 2 beautiful girls….how do you hold onto hope that your missing child is alive?  How can you take your mind to a place that understands the evil of a captor and his wicked plans?  No person can honestly manage such information without going mad themselves.  Perhaps we (through God) are protected from such thinking.  There's no other way to explain it.

For now, we are empowered with knowledge.  Just knowing that something so awful can happen and then seeing the outcome of being found again should give us all hope.  Hope that evil can be overcome. Hope that the lost can be found.  Hope that what someone means for evil God means for good.

How can we protect ourselves and our daughters from such a crime?

1 — Be aware of your surroundings.  Watch who's watching you.

2 — Play it safe.  Don't walk alone and take familiar routes only.

3 — Be prepared to fight.  Never make 2 crime scenes.

4 — Recognize that "weird" feeling. Know when your instincts are telling you to BEWARE!

5 — Always communicate with family/friends your whereabouts.  I don't care if you're 20 years old.  Check in with someone!

6 — Understand there are crazy people who mean harm to others. Don't live with your head in the IT WON'T HAPPEN TO ME sand!


I rejoice at the news that these women have been found.  Only YOU can heal their heart, mind & bodies.  My prayer is that they would be fully restored and that they would know without a shadow of a doubt that YOU LOVE THEM & SAVED THEM!


My Senior Prom

Sunday, May 5th, 2013


I know, I know….I'm too old to be a senior in High School.  But a girl can wish, right?  The cold hard truth is that hubby & I work the prom every year.  He parks sweet cars and I check in all the fancy dressed punks who show up to party.  

This is my long-time table checking partner.  We have it down to a science.  Not really, I just wanted to use some educational words and science sounded uber smart.  However, we do know what we're doing…even if the rules of the game change up a bit.


This fella was only there for the prom court nomination he was not interested in dancing or partying.  While he waited for the crowning of the new king he found a good spot to relax.  Listen, the prom can wear ya out.


I loved seeing so many of my students all dressed up.  It's a fact, not one of us will look nearly as spiffy Monday morning.


Prom court.  What a nice group of juniors!


More of my students.  Notice the loss of tuxedo clothing… gets a little warm on the dance floor.


This is the first year in a loooooong time that I didn't have a child going to the prom.  My youngest who graduated at midterm this year was not interested in the least regarding prom.  She had been to two in the past and just didn't want to do it again.  I think she thinks she's too old.  Pish posh!  

Less than 1 month until graduation.  I'm hoping she's not the only one moving on…I'm praying it's my senior year too.  Fingers crossed.


Lincoln Day Dinner

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

Or as some would call it… Dinner with the Republican bigwigs. It was a fun night out with these guys–

It’s fun being a mom to grown up kids who care about politics.

I love watching them … Enjoy themselves.

This guy is a governor worthy of respect. I’m grateful for Godly leaders. Governor Mike Pence (R)

This isn’t too weird is it? Since I didn’t get to meet him personally…this is my only chance of a photo with my Indiana governor. Score!

That’s how I spent my Wednesday night. How about you? Do anything exciting?