Archive for September, 2013

I Didn’t Love Him

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

Yesterday my hubby and I celebrated 24 years of wedded bliss.  Like most married couples, bliss doesn't quite describe all of the 24 years.  There were many times that we both wondered, "What in the world am I doing here?".  It doesn't mean we lived in misery although marriage can have moments of misery (or so I hear).

I'm just glad that I never acted on any "reactions" that I might have felt for a fleeting moment.  Otherwise, this post would be about my old marriage to "Whatshisface".


I'm absolutely sure that I didn't love him when I married him back in September of 1989.  I couldn't have.  I mean, I loved him but not with the full heart that God wanted me to.  I loved me me me and I thought me was very important.  I was clueless to real life.  I had no foundation with which to base my love.  I was purely acting on blind faith.  Luckily for me (and him) God intervened and grew the love that we have today.  I believe that most marriages must start out the same way.  What we think we know…..we really don't until many years later.

Like, how to REALLY love someone other than yourself.  That takes time.

When I first married Don I could only see a glimpse of the things that bothered me.  A few months…years into it, I couldn't see anything but his flaws.  For a while there I even let them jade me into thinking I had goofed up and picked the wrong one for me.  Lord, help me… was my constant cry.  Then, time eased on and so did the selfishness inside of me that could only see happiness from my own point of view.

Somewhere along this time I learned about The Five Love Languages.  Learning about these little beauties changed my whole outlook on love and marriage.  His too.  It seems we both had been speaking our own language and couldn't quite understand what the other was saying.  I realized that he really wasn't a total jerk and that he did the things he did to show me the kind of love he needed from me.  Doi!

Life changing!

Together we've weathered some storms.  We've lashed out and stung one another because of anger.  We've teamed up against each other and we've fought on the same side too.  Nothing has come easy for us.  Especially having a good marriage.  We've made it hard all because of the stubborn personality inside both of us.  I blame it on that FIRSTBORN thing.  We've also lived in victory.  When things could've gone to the dogs, we held on and fought it out until we found a resolution.  We've stayed together because we understood that God could heal any hurt.  Our family knows what kind of passion it takes to make it work and how to stick it out when leaving seems to be the easiest answer.

Our kids know…..marriage isn't always easy.  But it's worth it.

Kids have no choice but to live with the family God gives them.  Ours have probably wanted to run away a time or two when their parents weren't seeing eye to eye.  However, I find it heartwarming now that I see them in a stage of young adulthood that has them looking at potential future spouses.  Each of them carry a long list of requirements that they feel are important guidelines for picking a mate.  I like that.  It blesses me that they are mature enough to know….who is going to fit and who is not.  Marriage is forever whether you stay married to the person or not.  You are forever linked once you say "I do".

I didn't love my husband 24 years ago because I didn't know how to.  I was too busy thinking of myself.  Years and practice teach the heart some valuable lessons.  For me, it was how to love unconditionally outside of myself.  I had to learn to die to some selfish thinking and to also accept him the way God designed him.  To me, he's pretty close to perfect.  I catch myself comparing others to him and there's just no way they can measure up.  I believe that's a total God thing and a maturity that satisfies the soul of a husband or wife.

No one can fill the spot of a spouse.  That's why it's important to guard marriage like a trained doberman.

I'm mad crazy in love with my hubby today.  Next to loving God, he's the most important person to me.  I trust him, I rely on him, I need him….I desire him.  To me, he's amazing!

I know I love him now and I look forward to treating him more like it for the next 24 years.

Happy Anniversary Don Galloway!  I really do LOVE YOU!


I Can Make That

Friday, September 13th, 2013

We have a running joke in our family….whenever we see something crafty or clever for sale someone will always say, "I can make that!".

Except, we never do!

Remember how simple life was before Pinterest?  Great DIY ideas are everywhere now thanks to the popularity of Pinterest.  Oh and handy bloggers too.  They've really helped catapult the desires to update and beautify our homes.

That's how I ended up with a new kitchen bar.  (still working on it, pics soon)

I've decided that I just need to quit my job so I can work on all the DIY projects that I find.  They are time-consuming.  I have a ton of cute stuff that I can't wait to do more than just Pin on my board online.

Like this –>

sparkle pic

I know the perfect place for this little beauty to go.  My girls' apartment!

This is going to happen, soon!  Hubby kept the beautiful beams out of our family room for the last 7 years and now we are repurposing them into one of these!!

kitch table

My heart skips a beat everytime I look at it.  Table love!  XOXO


I need this!  My tv is currently sitting on a mini computer desk with all it's wires and equipment piled up all over it.  Looks awful!  This little darlin' would clean up a multitude of sins.

After spending 35 minutes last night trying to untangle necklaces…I realized my storage methods might be lacking.  So, this will be my solution.


Hello, cutie!  Easy peasy, right?

chalk it

I love the look of these rustic chalkboard message boards but I refuse to pay the crazy prices they're going for in the store.  Even TJ Maxx has them but for $29.99?  No thanks.

I have no idea what my next house will look like but if I have to redo a bathroom….I want one of these.

bath sink

Oh Pinterest!  Stop it!  You're killing me!  But mostly, you're killing my hubby who is having a rough time keeping up with all my dream diy jobs.

Soon I'll post all the pictures of our goodies.  The bar, almost finished.  The table?  Ehh, it's on the horizon too.  I'm still recovering stuff and updating all that I can't stand looking at anymore.  It's all coming together at a snails pace but ON THE MARKET we go in the next few weeks.

Yippee!  Operation SELL THIS HOUSE is full speed ahead.

Happy DIY Friday to ya!  I'm off to spend another weekend doing "stuff" so I can move to another house to fix up.

Glad I can say….I can make that!

Deep Grace

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

he loves me

I'm in deep.  His love for me is full and unending.  When I think about HOW HE LOVES ME….I feel like I'm suspended in air, floating & lifeless.  No worries.  No fear.

HIS GRACE, it blankets me.  Covers me.  Holds me to Him.

I trust Him and I know Him.

…..but I want to know Him more.



Your Word calls to me.  Thank you for the love and grace you give so freely.



Who Can Forget?

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

Every year this day sneaks up on me.  I scroll along with my life never thinking about big significant days except when I see a commercial or hear a story.  September 11th 2001 was a horrible day!  I'll never forget where I was or how I felt.  That seems to be true for most people.

Today I focus my prayers on those affected by 9-11.  They probably never miss a day of thinking about it.   Time can't erase the ache or sadness for them.  As an American, I hope that what was done to our country out of hate and evil will be a reminder to our leaders that danger is always lurking.  America cannot play dumb or ignorant to the threats against us because they are real.



Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

my time


I feel like all I do is hurry up and wait.  The house repairs are time-sucking and tedious.  I buy supplies, tools and more …. and then have to wait.  All the while thinking of all that still has to be done for a potential buyer to come inside and look at my house.

If I could do the jobs by myself, I would.  Hubby is stretched thin and working some long hours. The drive doesn't help either.  So renovating our castle all night is killing us both.  He's superman to me but every human has his limits.

So, time….it is a tickin' and the messes are a pilin'!

Darn jobs!  They really get in the way of getting stuff done, huh?

On a happy note:  Our girls visited yesterday and I went home with them for the evening.  Hubby stopped by to pick me up and we all had dinner together in their new apartment.  It was a great visit!  Filled up my mom tank!  There was only a little crying during the meal.  crying  We all miss each other and are struggling with the newness of being apart.

I heart my family!

I’m Okay, Really

Monday, September 9th, 2013

I know you've been wondering…


I've slept 3 nights without any of my children down the hall.

Im no

It's probably a good thing my house is under such a mess of construction.  It's kept me focused on something besides the fact that my kids are all grown.

poor me

When I wasn't expecting it….tears showed up to wash away the quiet.  They seem to come so easily now.

….and I'm no crybaby!

So, if you needed to know…

it is

Counting my blessings today.

1 – Smart & confident kids.

2 – Loving & amazing hubby.

3 – Great home & getting even better.

4 – Sweet friends & family that encourage me.

5 – Great jobs. (me & hubby)

6 – Happy pet.

7 – Wonderful future.

8 – Wedding anniversary in 1 week!  (24 years)

9 – The Colts won!

10 – It's fall!  My favorite season ever!

Dear God

It doesn't take much to remind me just how much YOU LOVE ME.  Thank you.
