Archive for February, 2014

Shopping Alone

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

empty nest full heart

I saw her trying to shop.  She shared her eyes with the stack of childrens clothes on the table at Costco and her two little kids strapped in the cart.  Back and forth she went, table to cart…trying to appease the tiny people all while searching for a great deal.  Then, I heard her voice change.  I recognized it.  It was the "Mom" voice.  Her little team was getting antsy and by the looks of her cart, she hadn't been there very long.

I listened in, not to invade her space or be nosey but to see her be the mom God called her to be.  She spoke with firmness and love all wrapped together but I could tell she was stressed.  I didn't mean for it to happen but a flash of memories clicked away inside my head.  Memories of three little me's hanging onto and riding in my cart: a handsome boy wearing a ball cap, a bouncy curly blonde wearing something pink and a wild-haired baby with some sort of food in hand.  I let the memories flow as I walked away thinking of how weird it would be for me to say anything to this young mama.

Who wants to hear a stranger tell them to enjoy every minute of this hurried, noisy and messy time?

I saw her again in the parking lot.  She was leaving as I was returning my cart.  God placed me in her path because He knew…..I needed to hear her praising her children on their good behavior!  She used her mom love sword to build them up.  Her enthusiasm didn't go to waste, both of them were beaming!

I thanked God for letting me have a peek into this young mom's heart.  I've been there when shopping was an adventure but you still had to do it with monkeys in tow.  I've used my mom love sword to pursuade little people to hang on and be patient just to get through the store.  I've made deals, threatened punishment and handed out bribes (hey, I'm not proud) so that groceries could be bought.

And now…..I'm shopping all alone.

What happens while our kids are little is that we think they'll never get big.  We somehow see the days as endless and exhausting (and they are).  God in his infinite wisdom doesn't let us see the empty nest.  Oh, we know it will happen and many of us tease about the excitement of it coming.  But the names God stamps onto the heart of mothers….is deep.  The love she feels for them when they're chewing on the cart handle quadruples when they don't sleep under her roof anymore and pay (most) of their own bills.  She sees the fruit of her labor and she falls more in love than she ever knew she could.

If I could say anything to a young mother….it would be, live it & feel it.  Every single bit of it.  It's fleeting.  It ends.  It goes away and doesn't return ever again.  Your tired days & sleepless nights….are very long when your kids are small and get even longer when they sleep somewhere else.  You think about them and your heart swells…..its just how God wired us.

So, for those struggling to be nice at the store because you're tired.  Hang on.  You'll be pushing that cart alone before you know it.


Even Superman Forgets

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014



I was so mad at my husband on Monday.  I didn't set out to be that way.  It just happened.  He forgot his phone on a day that I actually needed to communicate with him.  So, the circus of events that ensued pretty much sent me into ticked-off wife territory within just a couple of hours.

Now, he didn't leave the phone on purpose and I knew that.  Either way, it happened and things got real tough to deal with when I couldn't get ahold of him to help me with the meeting the windshield guys at a friends house.  I trudged on because you know, martyr. 

Marriage is challenging.  Even good ones face issues that test the depths of love.  I felt the testing on this day full blast.  If it could go wrong, it did.  Just by the way each circumstance fell into place, frustration and powerlessness managed to wedge its way into the middle of us.

Ok, I was mad!

But you know what?  I didn't let that change how I really feel about my husband.  The bottom line is that he is who he is and to me, HE IS EVERYTHING!  So, imagine the reaction of the window guy who couldn't get the rearview mirror parts back together when I snapped a picture to send to my husband.  He said, "If I can't get it….he most likely can't do it either!".  To which I informed him….."Oh, HE CAN GET IT, HE IS SUPERMAN!".

That little tidbit surprised Mr. Safelite not because he knew I was frustrated with my hubby (he didn't know that) but because WHO THINKS THEIR MAN IS SO SUPER?!!  Uhh, me!  I knew without a shadow of a doubt that if my husband was working on that mirror piece, he could fix it!

I may have a husband who forgets things sometimes (never on purpose or to make my life crazy) but he is a man who won't quit!  He will work and work until he finds a way to make something happen.  I never have to worry or wonder…."Can he do it?".  He just does it.


Can you say that about your true love?  In spite of his weaknesses, can you see the real man and the real intentions of his heart?

I hope you can because there will be days……there will be crazy days that will put you to the test.  And when that happens, will you tear him apart or will you elevate him to the level he truly deserves?  Husbands have a lot of people to please, ladies.  It's not just us that they are trying to keep happy.

Remember that when your SUPERMAN forgets…


The rest of the conversation with Mr. Safelite:

Mr S – "Oh so you're married to Superman?"

Me – "YES, almost 25 years!" 

Mr S – I don't think I could do that.  Be married that long.

Me – You're not Superman then.

Mr S – Did you know he was Superman?

Me – No, it was all by chance!  I didn't know he would turn out to be so amazing! I took a risk and God blessed me!

He smiled and we laughed together at my GOOD LUCK!!!

Stretchy Me

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

get movingI forced myself off of the couch this morning.  For weeks, I've sat there….doing a lot of nothing besides wishing I had the motivation to MAKE SOMETHING FUN happen in my life and watching Kathie Lee & Hoda drink way too early in the morning.  Just keepin' it real.

I looked up the fitness class schedule on the church website (Trader's Point) and wouldn't you know, if I hurried….I could make the 10:30am Stretch Class.  I debated going (with myself) because no one is as good as me when it comes to talking myself out of something.  But alas, I brushed my teeth and tore my closet apart searching for some sort of "work out" clothes.  Just so you know, I don't really own anything worthy of calling it work-out gear.  So, I wore sweats and an old Colts t-shirt of my son's.  On a positive?  My tennis shoes and socks were new — so, looking good in the feet region while the rest of me appeared plenty haggard & worn was my only choice.

Leaving a grand memory of a first impression.  It might be my new specialty.  (remember crying when I met the new neighbor?)

I walked in late because the lady at the information desk sent me to the wrong gym and I had to hustle up a flight or more of stairs to finally find the right location.  You know what that means, right?  All of the 7 nicely acquainted ladies turned to see me enter (huffin & puffin) and only one of them had the graciousness to smile and sort of welcome me in.  I grabbed a mat and joined ranks AT THE BACK OF THE CLASS!  Cause, Hello….new girl, way out of shape and guaranteed NOT A SINGLE BIT OF STRETCH left in my muscles had no intentions of being watched by strangers who've been stretching together, forever!

I got this!

The class leader mentioned she was pregnant with her 4th baby before we began the torture routine.  She seemed pretty normal (not huge and obvious like I was preggo) and so I congratulated myself mentally on picking the perfect class for my lame out of shapeness.  This should be a piece of cake!  Mmm, cake.  Sorry.  Nothing makes you want to do bad stuff like doing good stuff does, right?  Anyway, I judged her.  I thought in my tiny brain, "Oh well, this class oughta get me going!  I needed a beginner course in getting this old body into shape!".  Then, she started.

I couldn't get my legs to go anywhere near where she had hers.  I tried everything (beyond snapping some important muscles) to stretch my body into those positions.  It hurt!  It hurt so bad, I wanted to cry!  I started praying to God.  "Lord, please don't let me embarrass us both here!".  This hurts, everywhere.  How is she doing that?  Then, it got real!  Girlfriend jumped up and grabbed a bag of popcorn out of her bag!  She opened it (while explaining the next death twist move) and started eating!  She ate, stretched, held it and popped more into her mouth as she dropped some and caught it while mid-stretch!

I feel she was taunting me.  I think I hate her.

This went on for days hours too long!  I have never in my whole life seen anyone move like she did.  She was pretty much….pregnant jello!  It's probably not good to have such evil thoughts while hanging out at church, huh?  But, she forced me into pure envy!  After class, I intoduced myself to butter body and she was as nice as she was limber.  I confessed to her that my dried up, frazzled and barely there muscles were crying and begging me to make it stop….and she laughed!

I liked her!  And I can't wait to go back!  And get really good at STRETCH class!  It felt amazing, in a weird painful killer kinda way!


Minus -1

Monday, February 10th, 2014

I have seriously had one challenging day.

Its not even worth sharing about.  What I will tell you is that this


Is being repaired right now.  It is negative 1 degrees outside!  Lucky for me I have kind people in my life who let me use their garage for such fun frolicking.


Thank you Hageman folks!

These kind installers appreciate your warm garage and so do I.

Too bad…..winter won’t just go the heck away!!

Someone’s Knocking

Friday, February 7th, 2014

Tonight, I have big plans.  I'm hosting a little "get-together" at my house for some new friends.  Possibly, my new small group from church.  It's a new group for all of us, so I'm pretty excited!

I'm breaking them in right (southern style) with a big pot of Turnip Green Soup & Jalapeno cornbread.  Don't wrinkle your nose… is actually delicious!  Just ask all the other suckers we've fed it to over the last 25 years.  I just hope my new peeps love it too. 


I'm feeling great about the opportunity to make friends with people that are different than me.  Small group's tend to be made up of different folks doing life their way who come together to grow & learn from one another.  That's my hope!  I want to be stretched and challenged but I also want to be used by God to influence someone else while I'm here on planet earth!  This snowy, icy….freezing cold Indiana earth.

That's not the only opportunity facing my family right now.  Something big has been brewing and while I knew of its possibility, a phone call last night brought it front and center.  God is so cool like that, huh?  While hubby and I drove to Wal-mart last night we discussed some budget concerns and the consesus was that we were cutting it close financially.  Closer than either of us feel comfortable with.  I offered to sell HIS CAR!  He didn't like that idea at all.  I have a car, it has NO CAR PAYMENTS and I was willing to drive it and get rid of his payment (since he drives a company car now).  Still, not an option at this point (for him).  Within an hour, his cell phone rang and for 20+ minutes he chatted with someone who I assumed was from his office.

Nope.  Better.

It was an acquaintance who offered a "part-time" job while he continued working at his new job.  The offer comes with helping a start-up IT company get going and involves him troubleshooting and working from his phone as needed.  The best part?  He can do it and make extra money to offset what's not ideal in our current situation.

We both wanted to cry.

God is that creative, y'all.  He knows, He sees, He blesses….if we just let HIM work!

Now, I don't want to give out a wrong impression.  WE ARE NOT POOR!  WE ARE NOT BROKE!  WE ARE NOT TEETERING ON THE EDGE OF LOSING IT ALL!  We are just not set in the position we had hoped we would be at this point in the game.  What we understood and agreed to when moving here…..has turned out to be much different than originally planned.  That has put a challenge on being comfortable with doing anything more than existing.  And at 47…..we are ready to do more than that.

So, here's to opportunities knocking on the door  — friends, jobs and more.  I'm ready!


Throwback Thursday

Thursday, February 6th, 2014


Gone are the days of hauling around busy little punks.  Ballgames, coloring fun pictures and climbing on the monkey bars were just a smidgen of the daily routines for our family.  I bet if I asked them (my babes)…they would all agree, life was so much simpler back then.

I love looking back.  But I don't want to get stuck there.  Life happens.  We grow and we change.  Time teaches us to honor and love those we have in our lives.  Otherwise, looking back wouldn't mean so much to us.

I'm so grateful and proud of the life I've lived raising a family with the husband God gave me.  Every day something new and even when the days felt stuck on repeat….I knew to cherish each one.

Who would've thought…..throwback Thursday would be here so soon?