Posts Tagged ‘bucket list’

Day 4 – Bucket List

Thursday, February 4th, 2016

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Way back when my hubby and I were dating, we’d go out on adventurous dates late at night. One of our favorite things to do was climb up on top of the bank building in our small town and look at the world from way up high. It wasn’t a skyscraper, by any means….but it was one of the highest locations in our area and NO ONE else ever went up there.

It was “our thing”. Maybe a little weird, but it was our way of seeking out something to do together. Oh, and it was FREE!

We live in a new world now. Smartphones have taken us by storm. Instead of climbing up on roofs to dream together, we sit staring at our screens (not just my hubby and me – the whole world)….lost in a silly post or article that in the end, really means nothing to our relationships. Cellphones are not wicked little devils out to destroy us but the truth is that we ALLOW them to steal precious moments we can never get back. All because we’re mesmerized by what we see on our little tiny screens.

A lot of relationships are in the tanks.

What if we decided to dream together again? Every couple needs a common goal or two. I don’t think you need me to tell you that YOUR KIDS MOVE out someday, that before you know it….you’ll be alone with one another.

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Tonight, instead of laying on the couch with one eye on the tv and the other on your cellphone screen – how about sitting down together and creating a bucket list?

Day 4 Challenge: Create a Couples Bucket List

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The idea here isn’t to plan a lavish vacation. Unless that’s your big dream. This is an opportunity to focus on something that doesn’t involve the hum-drum droll of everyday life. What “something” would you love to do together? Where would you like to go? What would you like to see?

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You might find out that sharing a united goal puts you on a path of making it happen. Stop sitting on your dreams!


Fall Bucket List

Thursday, August 30th, 2012


Since my air-conditioning is still iffy in my extremely hot car…I thought it would only be fitting for me to dream a little about the crispy cool fall weather that is just around the corner.  It is just around the corner, right?  Oh, it has to be.  I can't sweat take it much longer.  Hot hot hot!

Oh Indiana!  I love your beautiful fall weather with your bright lovely leaves and your hoodies & jeans.  I don't think I could ever miss another cool autumn again by moving back to Florida.  Unless there's a beach house involved and if that's the case….I'm outta here, y'all!

I know, my loyalties are wishy-washy!  But a beach bum….I am!



Decorate my front door area with fall mums & pumpkins.

Cook my family's favorite soups.

Take a trip to Brown County.

Go on a picnic with my hubby on the Ohio river.

Ride bikes with my kids.

Go camping.

Sit by the fire pit.

Bake breads & muffins.

Can pumpkin butter & jelly.

Vote for my new President!


What's your favorite season?  How will you celerate & enjoy it to the fullest?


Saturday, December 4th, 2010

We’ve been a little busy. What’s new, right? No, really busy! For the last few months, we’ve been hitting the streets 3-4 nights a week for musical practice. This weekend is showtime! We’ve managed to get halfway through it (still have tonight and tomorrow’s performances). It’s been interesting…..that’s all I can say.

Well, and lots of fun too! πŸ˜‰

I’ve had so much fun making new friends, hanging out with old ones and doing a show with my sweet girls. It’s been a ton of work and a stealer of our freetime….but the three of us all agree, WE’VE LOVED IT!

The lead actor is a friend of mine and we were discussing the leap of faith it took for him to take on a “musical” (he’s not a big singer). He said, “I like singing in the shower!”. I told him….”Now, you can cross this off your BUCKET LIST!”. hehe πŸ™‚

Who: Jennings County Players
Where: The Park Theatre (downtown North Vernon)
What: The musical WHITE CHRISTMAS
When: Saturday 12/4 @ 7:30pm & Sunday 12/5 @ 2:00pm
Tickets: $8 at the door, $3 for students

Come see us!