Posts Tagged ‘reality tv’

Reality or Not

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

Why is there such a fascination in our country to watch reality shows? What does it say about us as people? It seems the edgier the participants of the show the more popular they are. Uhh, hello Jersey Shore! Most of these shows are filled with nudity, heavy drinking and no big deal hooking up! We the cable paying public keep these people going.

Sad, huh?

I’m not trying to be a bonafied fuddy-dud, really. I love to watch tv. Matter of fact, my whole family would rather stay home and hog up tv time than do most anything else. Lame! We like being home and tv is crucial to the mix. I tend to watch the same stuff just not on a regular basis. Reality shows aren’t part of that lineup either. Except, I have been known to watch the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, New Jersey, & Orange County. Just not regularly.

Yesterday, I read the sad news that a husband from RH of BH committed suicide. The story is so sad. These are real people with real lives and real problems. Maybe we watch them because it’s an escape from our reality. We size up their problems and compare ours to theirs then justify our behavior based on what we see them do. Never have I heard anyone profess Christ on either of the shows or act like they have a relationship with God. Usually it’s just trainwreck petty behaviors riddled with shallowness and snobbery.

But–we watch anyway! πŸ™

I’ve broken my own arm patting myself on the back (in my sick self-righteousness) regarding the many raunchy reality shows I DON’T watch. Yea, I’m one of those Miss Goody-Two-Shoes! If I think it’s sleazy and disgusting (Uhh, hello again…Jersey Shore) I refuse to watch it. See how I manipulate my own mind into believing I’m holding onto my holiness? Twisted, that’s me.

This latest sad truth reminds me that parading your life before America can end in tragedy. Families fall apart (mmm, Jon & Kate), privileged children run wild (mmm, Hulk Hogan’s kids), rich girls have no respect for common people (err, Paris & Nicole) and sadly….true love isn’t found in a tv matchmaker series (oh Bachelor/Bachelorette)! Real life doesn’t deserve to be exploited for money.

Tell me….do you think reality shows are harmless? Or am I being too harsh and judgemental?

“Create in me a pure heart O God and renew a right spirit within me” Ps 51:10

I need my own reality show…

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Everytime I see the different crazy shows offered on tv…..I crack up! What in the world? “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant”? Huh? Who is the idiot claiming that one? Seriously! Umm, are you completely NOT living with your own body? There is NO WAY….that before delivery takes place….YOU DIDN’T HAVE A FLIPPIN CLUE!!!! People, pregnancy is uncomfortable at least some of the time. Oh and the baby belly….even chubby can’t hide a wiggly baby!

I’m not buying it, ya’ll! Nope! Not gonna!

Back to MY show! If people are looking to find entertainment in the sheer wackiness of life…..allow me to volunteer! I’ve got a little idea for a show on P M S !! Yes, I said it! It’s one of those indescribable forces that NO MAN can reckon with. Literally! Men beware! Both yesterday and today….were my my family’s lucky day! It’s really not funny. Thankfully, my people love me and care for me. Otherwise they’d all report me and I’d go to “hormone jail”. {If it exists, like I think it does!!}

I couldn’t stop feeling so edgy and boohoo-ey! I loathe that feeling! It’s inescapable! I want to feel normal…but my body just won’t cooperate! Maybe I’m not alone. I kid about having my own PMS Reality tv show. No one wants to see mama go all “Mel Gibson” on anyone. It’s shameful!

I didn’t write this list…but I feel confident that I could’ve. Please read and note…..these moments come and thank goodness they always GO!! I’m looking forward to a better day tomorrow! πŸ™‚

13 possible meanings for PMS:
1. Pass My Shotgun
2. Psychotic Mood Shift
3. Perpetual Munching Spree
4. Puffy Mid-Section
5. People Make me Sick
6. Provide Me with Sweets
7. Pardon My Sobbing
8. Pimples May Surface
9. Pass My Sweatpants
10. Pissy Mood Syndrome
11. Plainly; Men Suck
12. Pack My Stuff
13. Potential Murder Suspect

# 2 & 7 were my evil nemesis today!

You love me. Even knowing me intimately like you do! Thank you for creating me with such thought and care. Help me to manage this very delicate and unique ability I have to be completely out of my mind. I only want to honor you….and it isn’t always easy to do when your body feels out of whack!

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. Col. 3:15