Posts Tagged ‘Tamar’

Who’s Running This Place?

Thursday, July 19th, 2012

I know I was all "up in a tizzy" yesterday about my old cable company and it probably wasn't the best place to air my frustration.  So, if you were wondering if I'd lost my ever loving mind….I didn't.  I was just bursting with frustration and writing it out really made me feel better.

Sometimes, just saying it outloud or writing your feelings down..helps.

Last night as I crawled into bed, I could hear a rumble/argument going on in the next room.  I tell people all the time that I didn't have FIGHTING kids, and I really didn't.  They got along well most of the time growing up.  Also, I didn't allow them to get into knock-down drag-out fights.  I tried to help them work out any differences and believe me, they had plenty of those.  Disagreements are just part of life!

So, instead of barging in on them….I let it go.  I could hear back & forth banter and some of it sounded pretty heated.  It took a lot of willpower not to intervene, especially when it escalated to cry-talking.  I didn't know who, just that the argument had managed to reach real emotions.

Which is what arguments are about anyway.  Real emotions that rear their ugly head and beg for release.  Everyone's not equipped to sit on them or stifle them down in a heart closet.  Sometimes….blurting them out and spilling them for the world to see is all you can do.  Like me, yesterday regarding the cable bill issue.

King David experienced a few blow ups during his lifetime.  In 2 Samuel 13, David's own son, Amnon, crossed the line when he pretended to be sick and raped his beautiful sister Tamar.  After he finished with her, he literally threw her out and locked the door.  Nice guy, huh?  When Absalom (Tamar's other brother) heard this he hated his brother Amnon.  Who wouldn't, right?

Absalom let it fester.  Don't we all?  He devised a plan to get him drunk and then ordered his men to kill Amnon.  The message delivered to the King was that all of his sons had been killed.  When his nephew, Jonadab spilled the truth about the rape and Absalom's hatred for Amnon….David flipped out!  He ripped his clothes (they do that a lot in the Bible, huh?) and fell down on the ground.

I imagine he was pretty overwhelmed.  Falling out and losing it seem to be a natural response to such horrific news.  As a mother, I can't help but think David was blaming himself.  Why did I?  Why didn't I?  All the crazy thoughts that go through a parents head.  David probably had them all.

Troubles come in life.  Bad things happen.  We're only human and while our issues may not be as terrible as David's….they're still issues.  It's up to us to handle them in a way that honors God.  I don't recommend blogging or posting on Facebook your anger (sorry y'all) when you're upset.  It doesn't solve anything and more than that…it only ignites more pain.  People get their feelings hurt.

This morning I asked about the argument.  Both gave general answers and seemed to have it worked out.  Just as I had hoped.  Reminding me….let go and let God!  He doesn't need me running everything!  HE IS IN CONTROL!


Someone else’s sin

Monday, July 27th, 2009

One of the saddest parts of scripture can be found in 2 Samuel. King David had some bad kids! Namely, Absolom. In chapter 13, we see that he had a beautiful sister named Tamar. Tamar was a virgin. Amnon, another brother (from another mother) was fascinated with her. He was lusting to the point of craziness. He had to have her! An evil plan was put in place at the urging of Jonadab, a not so upstanding friend. Amnon would fake sick and ask for Tamar to come make cakes and feed him until he felt well again. Huh? That just sounds hokey to me. King David sent word for Tamar to aid poor sick Amnon (never knowing that a crime so sad would take place against her). She went, he raped her…even though she begged him not to. Then, verse 15 says, “Amnon hated her with such intensity that the hatred he hated her with was greater than the love he had loved her with.”

Tamar’s life…..was ruined!

She lived the rest of her life as a desolate woman in her brother’s house.

The King…..was furious! That’s all we are told. He doesn’t call him in and bust any booty! He simply feels helpless, maybe. Oh but Absolom, he hasn’t let it go. Two years later, he pounces on an opportunity to retaliate. He too devises a little scheme. He invites all the king’s sons to a little party out at Baal-hazor. He tells his men to keep an eye on Amnon, once he’s good and drunk…..kill him! They do the deed….the rest of the sons take off (wouldn’t you?) and head for safety. By this point, who can you trust, right? Certainly not a brother!

Again, the king does nothing…..he mourns but gives no real consequences. Scripture tells us, he tore his clothes and wept. Which is understandable….it was his son. On top of that, he was killed by another son. So, yeah….I think that’s pretty awful! But, come on KING! Hold someone accountable! Parenting is tough! We’re not to be passive in that job. Our kids need Christ-like guidance all the time.

We see that Absolom stays away for 3 years. Then weasles his way back in….and here’s where it gets really ugly! Absolom wants to take over his father’s role as king. Undeservedly at that. He uses people and trickery to get the king into battle. King David split and started running for his life with his men…..he left behind 10 of his concubines to take care of the palace.

Bad idea.

Absolom is so wicked. He takes these poor women to the roof and rapes them for the whole world to see. Not only are they his victims…but in Chapter 20 we see that they lived the rest of their lives as if they were widows. King David put them under guard, he provided for them…but he never spent any time with them again. It was as if they never existed!

Someone else’s sin! Tamar and the 10 concubines….victim’s of someone else’s sin! What had they done? Through no fault of their own, these women carried the consequences of someone else’s sin to their graves.

This causes me to think long and hard about my own sin. Not only does it affect me but it affects those around me. I don’t want it to, but the reality is that it does. How can I protect those that I love? By living in obedience to Christ. He specifically died for me in order that I would be free from the effects of sin. He was beaten….so I could be whole. God’s forgiveness and sacrifice allows me the freedom to be His…even though I don’t deserve it.

“I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and give them joy for their sorrow”. Jeremiah 31:13