Archive for October, 2008

Hot Lips? Well, Sorta!

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

Remember hubby and the allergic reactions? Well, they are still going on. Not everyday, just here and there when you least expect it. Last night on our way out the door of the church….he hopped in the car and said….”Does this look normal?”. His bottom lip was beginning to swell and NO, IT DIDN’T LOOK NORMAL! It looked weird!

Beginning of reaction…

By the time we arrived home… the top lip was swelling a little. Within 45 minutes he looked like this!! ALERT!! Not for the fainthearted…..look away if you gross out easily!

Notice the eye swelling as well. This is just crazy! We have gone through every. single. little. thing. trying to sort out WHAT it could be that’s doing this to him. There is nothing! Some days he is fine…then bam! he breaks out all over. One day it might be his tongue swelling or his body is covered in hives or his lips and eyes swell. He’s taken so much Benadryl that he’s permanently kooky from it.

I know what you’re going to say…. GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!!!! I’ve tried that one! He says he will…then nothing happens for a few days and he thinks he’s okay. This has been happening since we had the hurricane Ike winds wreck our county. I’m wondering….if there’s a connection!?!

He’s been in bed most of today (pumped up on Benadryl as usual) and some of the swelling is down. But he’s still a big ole mess! Pray….friends….pray!

I want him to look like this again! Hey, why didn’t anyone tell me I had helmet hair?

I Forgive You

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

Three simple words.

But not to everyone.

Is there someone you need to forgive?

What’s stopping you?

I’m on my last week of living on this earth (according to my bible study LLYWD) and I have to question my own heart. Who am I harboring unforgiveness against? Why? Do I really think it doesn’t matter? I know it matters. Look at the bitterness that rears it’s ugly head when I least expect it. Oh it matters! So I pray, “God pierce my heart… NOT let me rest until I get it right!” I don’t want to die with it in my heart. Or theirs.

I’ve learned some things in my 42 years here on earth. People are similar in many ways. Especially in the sin nature (no duh….we’re all sinners!) and we tend to follow the path of least resistance. We like to go where it’s easiest. So being vulnerable and saying, “I’m sorry” is not so easy for some people. Matter of fact, it can be nearly impossible. Our flesh struggles against being in a position of weakness. For some, saying those words makes them feel as if they are admitting they are weak. For other’s maybe it’s a hardened heart. Either way, we live trapped in it. Unforgiven and unforgiving!

If I put things into perspective, I can see that holding onto unforgiveness separates me from all that God has for me. His peace, His understanding, His mercy, His grace and maybe even from feeling His love. All because I can’t let go and forgive. It doesn’t sound worth it, does it? I don’t want to be separated….I want to be connected and for that connection to be rock solid tight.

What if? Tomorrow doesn’t come? Have I righted all my wrongs? Am I at peace with the junky stuff in my life? I can’t help but think of what my Lord has done for me. He’s offered me forgiveness for so much. I could never match it. I want to love like Him and see like Him. Mold me Lord and make me like you. Forgive me for not trusting you in ALL ways and trying to handle things in my own power. I’m sorry!

Now for the homework……Dr. Smalley challenged each of us to write out a list. Yes, a list! Anyone that has hurt or offended us…put them down. Pray and pray…..oh yea….and pray! Ask God to forgive you for whatever it is you are holding on to. You may have to do it repeatedly, some wounds are deep. Then begin forgiving them, go to them and get it right. Make peace one person at a time. Don’t run from it any longer. Live like you were dying!

I forgive you………………..

Romans 12:18 “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.”

Is This All I Do?

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

I know what you are going to say….when I tell you that tonight was another concert! Is that all this chic does? Go to some show put on by her kids? Good grief, lady! Well, after this last week it would seem so. I’ve been to 4 different “shows” that one or two of my kids are performing in just this past week. Whew! I’m exhausted! Not to mention I turned another year older in the midst of it all! Geez!

Gates hasn’t even had her big shin-dig yet. She is in show choir at the middle school and her group is called “Una Voce” (one voice). This is a great year for her. She’s in 8th grade so that right there makes her rank as big dog on campus. Her choir teacher is brand spanking new and THE MOST FUN!!! Yay Mrs. Thompson!
She is doing all sorts of exciting things with the group. So we are very excited for their fall performance (Oct. 28). Go Miss Gates! Can’t wait to see those beautiful costumes.

We watched sweetboy do his thing with both bands tonight. He plays the baritone (a funny looking tuba/trumpet thingy) and is darn good at it, ya’ll! He plays trumpet and owns two of them, but changed to baritone last year sometime. He’s versatile like that. Talented dude! I’m so glad my kids all love music…’s in their DNA!

This Friday night is senior night at the game. Sweetboy thinks I won’t be able to deal with it. Pshaaw! I got this! I can do it. We still have all school year to love on him and take care of him and pay his bills. 
What’s a little honoring seniors going to do to me? I’m rock solid on this. I can take it! Oh shoot! Who am I fooling? I’m nuts about this kid! I may cry a little. He’s my first baby, ya’ll! He’s been so precious his whole life….I’ve loved mama’n him. Congratulations to you son! Go class of 09!

Some tonight pictures!

Jazz Band (fancy pants band) heehee

Marching Band…..tuba guy to the left? Is sweetboy’s BFF, Gavin Regan! Yea, I said Gavin! 🙂

I loved their newest song addition…..Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train!

Miss Ally In Concert

Monday, October 13th, 2008

Just 2 months ago I bought Ally a certificate for piano lessons. Our local radio station hosts a monthly auction live and if you’re quick on the dial you can catch some really great deals. The certificate was for first-time students only and it was just $25. I knew she would love it. Plus, it was with her Middle School choir assistant, Mrs. Stormes and she loves her.

After her third lesson (they only last 30 min) she excitedly hopped in the car announcing that she would be having a recital in October. Huh? What? Already? I didn’t realize she was a prodigy on the piano….and really she’s not. But she assured me she would be ready. Even though we only have an ancient keyboard for her to practice on.

Then hurricane Ike passed through our dear town of North Vernon (YES way up in Indiana) and wiped us all out for a week. Causing every home in our county to lose electricity. So she missed practice that week. But she was able to go last week and put her final touches on her music choices. Her performance was awesome! We are so proud! Way to go Ally!

Here is our Miss Ally…..LIVE and IN CONCERT!

Song 1–Soon I Will Be Halloween
Song 2–Down The Haunted Staircase
Son 3–Halloween Night


Ally’s Fall Recital 08

It’s My Birthday!

Sunday, October 12th, 2008

What is it about your birthday? You don’t want to brag about it and seem all fishy for “Happy Birthdays” from people. But you can’t just ignore it and act like it’s just another day. Cause it’s not! It’s your birthday! The day you were born! It’s significant in so many ways. If I wasn’t born think of all the things that wouldn’t be… marriage, my kids, my friendships, my wacky weirdness, my issues, my testimony…..and on it goes. None of that would be. So, thank you God for making ME!

Today has been a normal Sunday. After church, my entire household found some hole to crash in and slept the afternoon away. The week seems to catch up to us on Sunday and we literally R E S T !! My dear hubby and I went outside and did some rock removal work. We moved giant rocks from one location in our yard to another. Yesterday, he hung my swing up that has been in our barn for 7 years (waiting to be hung) and now I can sit out by the creek and enjoy the view. Happy Birthday to me!

It’s so much more special to me to receive a creative-thought-out gift than something mass made from the store. That’s not saying I wouldn’t love a kickin’ shopping spree….but these days….lack of positive cash flow nip that idea in the bud! Maybe when my kids are grown and gone. Or not! Until then, I’ll take the gift of working in my yard or building something that we’ve been wanting. Mostly, I’m thankful for another year….even if they seem to be coming faster and faster. I can’t believe I’m 42! Huh? How?

Way back when…..1970 (4)

Today….2008 (42)

Hosea 10:12 NIV
Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers righteousness on you.

Go find your birthverse here: BirthVerse

This Contest Rocks!!!

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

If you are in the mood for some household bling!!! This is the contest for you ladies!
I want this baby! Not only is it one of the world’s greatest products, it’s PINK!!

Go now… ends soon! Like October 15th.

Bloggy Giveaway site has some of the best contests.