Archive for May, 2009

Things I don’t really like

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

I drive my family crazy! I admit it! They think I’m wacky! Maybe I am….who knows? But there a few things that I just don’t “really” like. I try to be positive about most things. Really, I do. Still, there are some things that I just can’t get a grip on. Wanna know? Ok, here goes…

Bad drivers! Yep, my family thinks I have road rage! I feel so frustrated by those who cannot make simple decisions when behind the wheel of a car. Mean, I know….but I can’t help it!

Terrible service in restaurants or stores! Oh man, this drives me bonkers! I like to be friendly! I enjoy it when someone talks to me and acts polite, don’t you? Why is this so difficult in our society? Think, SERVING OTHER’S!

Mean people! This one…oooooo it gets me, ya’ll! Why do people have to be so mean-spirited and unkind? It causes so much heartache. Jesus was never mean…..I want to be more like Him everyday. Before you say something that will hurt another person…think! Will this help them in anyway? If not….don’t say it! Be nice! πŸ™‚

Messy cars, houses, bedrooms! Aaaahhh they stress me out! I want to run away. I am not nearly as anal as my mother about this…but I really don’t like living messy! It makes me feel overwhelmed and anxious!

Unruly kids! What is the deal? The longer I’m in education…the more I want out! I LOVE my job! But the bad behavior is becoming unbearable! Kids….pick an age group (I work with high school teens) have NO RULES or BOUNDARIES holding them back. They are rebellious and the parents are contributors of it. Very sad! I still cling to ….there is hope!

Ham! See, I told you I was wacky. I just don’t really like ham! It’s’s just not my favorite thing to eat. I mean, I will eat it. But I don’t ever crave ham. Ever!

Spiders, bugs, snakes! Nope! Do NOT LIKE THEM! They are horrible creatures and they are on a mission to GET ME! I just know it! Frogs…..I love them. I will catch them. But bugs…..ummm, NO WAY!

Check him out! He assaulted me in my laundry room this weekend. Yea, he jumped on my hand and ran up my arm. What did I do? I SCREAMED!!! I jumped around and went pretty much crazy. My family thinks I’m wacky…..but this is where I draw the line!


Can you see the gargantuousness of him? It was awful!

Oh and everybody knows flushing spider’s down the toilet is surely the death of them, right? Uhh…not to me, people! Remember that song The Itsy Bitsy Spider…..he didn’t die! He just got washed away…

See why I’m so crazy?

The Big Night

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

Girls tend to fantasize about dressing up. It’s just how we are. We imagine ourselves being the most beautiful girl there (no matter where it is). That’s why finding the right dress is so important. We want it to be perfect! Because we want to look amazing! Especially at the prom.

Saturday night, our girl looked just that. Amazing! She had anticipated this night ever since he first asked her…through a series of letters in the mail (aaah, you’re so clever TM). She had pictured herself looking just right and making him proud to be her date. I think it worked…

She looked stunning…..and he didn’t look so bad either. πŸ™‚




Worth it all….

She said the big night was a 10!! Congratulations on a fantastic prom night…Ally & Tyler!
Two weeks til graduation…

She really is …. just a baby!

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Not only is time ticking for my sweetboy….but my baby is growing up too. Last night was her very special 8th grade dance! This is the equivalent of the high school prom (without the long gowns & tuxedo’s…oh and limo’s). Anywho. You get the picture….it’s a big deal! She is the last of my brood to attend the blessed event and knew a little about the whole process. She watched her sister/bff do it just two years earlier. So she knew what she did and did not want to do.

Her dress had to be “one of a kind”. Cause everybody knows it ain’t cool be replicated at your big deal dance! Think, Katelyn ______ last year! She was so wearing the same dress as _______!!! DISASTER!!! Then, she did not want her hair to look like everybody else’s. Umm, have you seen Gates hair? It’s beautiful! Nobody else has hair like that…..except her sister and she wasn’t going to be there for sure! So, we went to see Sheila and she tamed down the curls and made her look glam! I’ve already told you about finding the shoes….that was last weekend and they were HOTT! Girlfriend was lookin so fine!

The rain tried to put a damper on the night. It stopped just in time for drop off. All the punks kids looked great! Parents and teens were all over snapping pictures. Our girl? Wouldn’t stop and pose….so we snapped shots of her from the view she left us with. Her backside! πŸ™‚ We walked away….realizing that our baby may be growing up but she’ll always be our baby.

She looked beatiful! And NO ONE ELSE HAD HER DRESS ON!! πŸ™‚

Gates Morgan Galloway (foxiest chick at the dance)

Why I like being a mom

Friday, May 8th, 2009

I have been “mothering” all of my life. From the time I was a little girl all I wanted to do was be a mom. I played the part of the mom in every make believe scenario with my cousins and friends. When I was a teenager, I would dream of my future and the children I knew I would have someday. I even carried around baby name books (weird, I know) because I wanted to have the perfect names for the kids I knew God would give me. Can you tell I really wanted to be a mom? Not so badly that I would do anything crazy… have a baby out of wedlock. I wanted the whole package….hubby…..then babies! πŸ™‚

I found my true love when I was 22. We got married and that first year of marriage….I had my first baby, Gavin. It didn’t take long for me to realize that it was even better than I’d ever dreamed it could be. Being a mom was the greatest gift God had ever blessed me with and it’s only gotten better over the last 18 1/2 years. With Sunday’s special Mother’s Day approaching, I thought I’d tell you a few reasons why I like being a mom.

~ Holding them in my arms when they were babies.
~ Rocking them.
~ Teaching them about Jesus and His love for them.
~ Being the one they wanted for comfort.
~ Looking into their eyes.
~ Hearing them call my name, Mom….Mama..Moooooooooom! πŸ™‚
~ Listening to them. Stories, recollections, funny things they say…
~ Singing with them.
~ Bedtime lovin. Even still today.
~ Going places with them.
~ Watching them grow. Painful but good…really.
~ All the notes, cards and words they’ve blessed me with.
~ Hearing them say things like..”Mama, you are da best cooker!”.
~ Playing, camping, swimming, biking, hiking, beaching, canoeing, theme parking, ballgaming, friend hanging, family hanging..all of it. So fun! When it’s with them!
~ That feeling of when someone compliments one of them. My heart beats a little faster….I’m so proud. Because I know it’s true.
~ Knowing that they choose to follow God for themselves….not for me.
~ Seeing them “get it”!
~ Watching how they love their Dad. MADLY UNCONDITIONALLY!
~ Knowing they trust me and rely on me.
~ Teaching them about life.
~ The smart conversations that I have with them. They know stuff!
~ Seeing their compassion for other’s.
~ Being a part of their future.
~ Knowing that…no matter what….I will always be their mom!


You knew. You blessed me with just the children I needed. I prayed but you had something even better in store for me. I am forever grateful for the gift of being a mother. It has been my greatest blessing and honor. Being called mama by Gavin, Ally and Gates has been my privilege. How can I ever ask for more?

Best job in the world… it involves blogging, ya’ll!

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

It was this time last year that serious concern was an understatement regarding hubby and employment. He had been without a J O B for three very long months by this point. I’ll just say it, WE WERE FREAKING OUT!!!! It’s something I pray never happens to us again. With the economy like it is right now….people are suffering the same fate all over our country. But not this lucky guy!

The job was advertised as “Best Job in the World” by the tourism department of Queensland State in Australia. The candidates had to submit a video application and from there the contestants were narrowed down to finalists. From what the story revealed, the system couldn’t keep up with all the applicants and the site crashed due to overload. Hmm, go figure!

The job? Live on an island off the Great Barrier Reef! Yea, that’s what I said. LIVE THERE! Oh he has to work too ya’ll. He is required to swim, snorkel, sail, fish, explore and BLOG! Umm, that job is calling MY NAME!!!! How did I miss this one? πŸ™‚

When I first heard the story….my thought was, “Hmm, I bet it’s one of those survivor challenge stories”. Who cares? Well, once I heard the real deal…my jaw dropped. This really is an incredible opportunity. The guy who won has to be so excited. I am and I didn’t even get the job. Wow!

Oh, the pay? $111,000.00 for six months! I could probably make it on that, how about you? I mean, come on. His job is to bring in more tourists….so he’s getting paid to “LIVE IT UP” and make you want to visit there! Can you even imagine? Geez! He starts work….July 1st and he can bring his girlfriend along. Oh the perks never end, huh?

This made me think…. What would my dream job be? I’m not sure. I certainly wouldn’t turn down an offer to advertise an island of luxury, WOULD YOU? Go check it out!

Rocket Man

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

Tyler Mote
(Athlete of the week photo)tyler-mote

Bragging time. I claim him not because he’s such an awesome athlete…..but because he’s the one my girl loves. He’s also a super kid and athelete. We’re really proud of him (sorta like he’s our own) and all that he works so hard to accomplish. He pushes himself not just because he wants to be the best…..but because he really likes what he’s doing. He’s an amazing athlete!

Yesterday was the first track meet I’ve been able to attend. Every week something has been going on to prevent us from seeing him fly. He really does fly… a rocket! πŸ™‚ I stole that title from his Aunt Lori’s foreign exchange student, No-no (yes that is her name). She says, “Tyler Mote is like a freakin ROCKET!!” (said with the most serious face). She’s so funny! I laughed and laughed.

So I just wanted to brag on him a little. He’s worth it! Congratulations, Rocket Man! You were great! I’m very proud of you!

Tyler Mote racing to win! from Wanda Staton Galloway on Vimeo.