Archive for September, 2009

Build me up, people!

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

I am not the least bit embarrassed to admit my love for winning! Now don’t get me wrong….I’m not cut-throat competitive or anything. But I love to win! Don’t you? Winning just feels good. Come on, admit it!

Yesterday, I learned that Lynnette at Dancing Barefoot chose my caption for a cute picture of her son on her blog. She is sending me…..homemade caramel popcorn! Woohoo! I love that stuff! I am so excited to win! Thanks, Lynnette!

This morning, I woke up to find that I won a blog award from Heather at My Red Apron. How sweet! I love it that someone thinks my blog is lovely! Feels good!

What about you? Have you won anything lately? It doesn’t have to be huge…..cause really that doesn’t matter. It’s the little reminders that God is always blessing us. It pumps me up and fills me with JOY!

I love the two blogs mentioned today. Both of these ladies are inspirational women. I enjoy their tips, family happenings and great contests.

5 Things I love about my Pastor

Monday, September 28th, 2009

Over on Living Proof Ministry’s blog, Beth Moore shared some sweet thoughts about her pastor. I thought it was funny when I opened it up this morning. Why? Because… yesterday during church, I was thinking about how I loved my pastor too. I even planned to blog about him today. Weird, huh? Oh Holy Spirit….why do we wonder? πŸ™‚

I wanted to share a few thoughts about Pastor Bob. I know how difficult his job is (remember….I’m an ex-PW). There are many people to please in his line of work and oftentimes it’s impossible to do. But he never shows the wear and tear of ministry. He makes the job look easy. I admire him for that. I pray for him and his family. God uses His servants to minister in a variety of ways. They love ministry….and it shows.

5 Things I Love about Pastor Bob

1—He isn’t ashamed to worship. He doesn’t sit back and watch it happen. He’s one of the main players in the open admiration of our Lord Jesus. I like that. Worship is one of my favorite things to do. It’s all about you Jesus!

2—He loves people. I’ve heard him admit how hard it is to love people on a few occasions…..yet I sit amazed at how he really does. He’s an inspiration in that capacity. He does a great job of showing love. I know what “not showing love” looks like and Pastor Bob….you are not it.

3—His past has made him who he is today. Sin has a way of destroying a person. But God has a way of restoring and making them better than whole. I cling to my own gift of salvation and understand when Pastor Bob speaks so passionately about his own. I will never take God’s love, mercy and forgiveness for granted.

4—He doesn’t hurt or wound when he preaches. His words are strong yet caring. Some think preaching the gospel has to be a bit offensive. Not Pastor Bob. He says what needs to be said…..and it makes perfect sense. I hear a true servant’s heart when I listen to him.

5—He wants to be the best he can be for Christ. It can be draining to pastor a large church. Time can chase you down and run over you. Pastor Bob knows he has to rest, enjoy his family, escape and still minister. He does a great job managing all of that. Which in my opinion…shows in his outward living for God.

Yesterday, Pastor Bob spoke about a little dream he has for his future. When all is said and done (aka retirement days), he wants to minister for free to little churches in areas where they cannot afford a pastor. I completely understood what he meant. What a privilege that would be. I bet he’ll do just that.

God bless you, Pastor Bob. You make my family feel loved and cared for. We came to you wounded and tired from the very job you do. We pray that your ministry grows and reaches as far as the eye can see. Thank you for what you do….in the name of our Lord Jesus.

Google me!

Saturday, September 26th, 2009

Who knew there were so many ways to find someone? I like to point out that most of my adult life has been spent under a rock raising really amazing kids! I know I’m behind on just about everything hip and technical. Because everybody knows “hip and technical” go hand-in-hand. πŸ™‚

I love meeting new people (especially when they come over to my blog)! I’m comfortable with the label of “social butterfly” placed on me by hubby. But who knew you could meet so many fantastic people just by clicking on the computer? Google, you are amazing!! I mean it! You’re incredible!

I wish I had invented you. Then maybe I’d be driving my dream car instead of the same Chevrolet Suburban I’ve been driving for the last 10 years. Oh how I love that car! But, if given another…..would jump and giggle like a little girl. ~~Thankful for my paid-for vehicle~~

I’m still learning so much about the world of blogs, websites and the such. I’m amazed at the visitor’s who show up just because they googled something that I wrote down. So cool! I’ve even been told by coworker’s that they “happened” upon my blog before (because of Google). Huh? Get out!

So, if you don’t use it. Start. Google anything. More than likeley you’ll find someone or something of interest to suck up all your valuable time. It’s only a click away! Go ahead, Google me!

The forecast is rain

Thursday, September 24th, 2009


I posted this picture on my Facebook status yesterday. It’s the view from my front yard. It’s not much different today. We’ve been experiencing a bit of rain here in Indiana. It’s actually a soothing welcome. We’ve had such outrageous heat!

I don’t think it will be so welcome on Friday night though. It’s football season and our team….well, they’re finally winning some games. The fans and players will not appreciate a rained out game. It’s just how we sports fanatics are, ya know? The forecast for the rest of the week and weekend? Rainy…..very wet and rainy!

Oh well……I’ll just laze around and enjoy the rest that comes with it. It makes for good snuggle weather. Maybe we can watch some movies or something. Who knows?


Or maybe I’ll just sit here…

Yea….I’ve been published

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Oh I brag! Many months ago, I submitted a funny story that happened years ago with my children to Parent Life magazine. They selected it for the October issue and here it is!


I’ve always dreamed…….I mean for years…that I would someday be a published author. I guess this counts, right? πŸ™‚ The story happened when my kids were mere babes and I can remember it just like it was yesterday.

I hope you can see it….online or in person. It’s on page 7. They mailed me my own copy last week. It was so exciting to open and see it. I can’t imagine having something really deep published. Beth Moore must get giddy everytime she sees her stuff for the first time.

If you’re interested in submitting a funny story about your own children. Go here. Click on the right sidebar “Submit your funnies”.


Am I living outloud?

Monday, September 21st, 2009

So many things have happened in the last few years….that have shaped my outlook on things. Especially on life! I know I’ve whined told about my troubles on here before. Who wants to hear it again? Nobody, that’s who! So I won’t bore you with any of it. It’s way too depressing!

I can’t escape the dry feeling I have on a daily basis. What I mean by dry is, that I feel so empty. Crazy, right? I know for a fact that I have a living Savior completely inside my heart….yet I feel void. Not void of God….just dried up. Kapoot! Dusty!

I keep asking myself….and God…..”What is wrong with me?”. Is it just a phase? Am I really as low as I think I am? Cause, I feel really low and worthless. Even the people I get around help confirm it. I don’t teach anything at church……(and I haven’t been invited to). I can’t tell you how out of place that makes me feel. My gift is teaching! My heart is women! But here I sit……dry! Nowhere’sville!

Is it a test? I don’t know. I think I’m failing if it is.

My life is worth so much more. Don’t hear me wrong….I don’t mean….I’m SO special! Even though to God, I am. I can’t let my wounds keep me from living outloud for Jesus. I don’t think they do…..but what is going on that I feel so shunned by fellow Christians? Does God want me to do something particular? I wish I knew the answers.

I do know this. My life, my faith, my walk with Christ…..will always be personal to me. What I do for Him…..will be bathed in prayer and lavished with a willing heart. I will keep my eyes on Him and I will not turn away…..even when I feel crushed. I may never lead or teach anything ever again……and if I don’t I pray that God sends me peace so that I won’t feel the way I do now.

Stepping away from full-time ministry has been complicated. My heart never left serving God…..just my husband’s vocation. I’m still me….I’m still His. The question is…..