Archive for November, 2010

TSA Gone Safe or Nasty?

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

I know this is very controversial right now. But, I just can’t believe how ridiculous it is! What in the world? WHY? Why is it necessary to do such invasive procedures to people? I’m not the least bit interested in A) Having a NUDE scan of my body taken for the whole flippin world to see. Or B) Having a stranger grope me up and down with their hands in front of all the other passengers waiting their turn at the yuckfest! Both just creep me out! And I think it should creep you out too!

Listen, the “terrorist” are NOT flying with their little children or teen daughters to see Grandma in south Florida! They are pretty much young male Muslims with a little different flight plan in mind. What is this….ROCKET SCIENCE? I’m a small-brained mama living in Indiana that probably doesn’t operate on half the brain juice as these folks making such decisions. But, seriously! How does this make sense?

I have an idea. How about INVASIVELY probing the suspected criminals who try to fly and leave the rest of us alone! I’m more than perturbed about this. I’ve gone through my own “possible” experience over and over in my mind….which would I do? I don’t want to do either! And, I certainly do not want to allow either of my teen daughters to have to either. Hello? A NAKED PICTURE OF YOUR TEENAGE DAUGHTERS PLASTERED ON THE WEB???!!! {You do realize, people are pretty icky…right?} I don’t want to hear a word about how these images are deleted and not used for anything else. YEAH, RIGHT!!!

I’m baffled and aggrevated! I think this has gone too far. I’m all for a safe America. I’m also for protecting people who fly. I know that people are looking for ways to kill and hurt Americans (and sometimes it’s even Americans that want to do bad things!). But, come on people! Stop the madness!

Thank you dear government. I feel so much safer now. 🙁

Oh and another thought. Who knows if these scanners are physically safe? Isn’t it a little daunting to think that you could be PAYING them to make you sick? Yea, that’d be icing on the traveling cake!

Just hangin on

Monday, November 15th, 2010

For the last week or so…..I’ve been hangin by a thread! Things seem to overwhelm me at times (I pray I’m not alone in this) and I hold onto them internally. Everyone knows….that’s not good! So, my heart is taking a beating but I’m trying to put life in perspective.
I’ve had a verse posted on my desk for encouragement.

1 Peter 5:6-7 “Humble yourselves; therefore, under GOD’S mighty hand that He may lift you up in due time. Cast ALL your cares on HIM because….HE CARES FOR YOU (ME)!!”

I hope you have that same assurance that I do. Stop looking to the world for comfort and peace. You’ll never find it there.

That’s my advice to me too! 😉

Sweet tunes

Saturday, November 13th, 2010

I’m in love with this song. The words are so touching. Watch and I bet you’ll agree.

As a wife & mother it reminds me how important it is for me to love other’s with no boundaries or conditions. I want them to know I love them for who they are and not what they COULD be. Like God loves me.

What about you?

Oh yea, I’m thankful

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

I’m so THANKFUL to share a great blogger with you and her really awesome giveaway challenge! Go meet Susie.

I’ve been seeing posts on Facebook all week from friends sharing what they were thankful for. Everytime I read one….it sparks my own heart to the many blessings I have in my life. I’m seriously blessed! Even when adversity comes my way….I feel gratitude (whining about it sometimes too). I know that all things work to the glory of Him and I just have to be willing to LET HIM WORK! For that, I’m thankful!

I never mind sharing the things I’m thankful for.

My salvation. I know….one day, I’ll see His face. WoW!
My husband. Who on earth could love me….like him?
My son G. God went out of His way to pick the perfect kid. He’s a best all-around winner.
My daughter A. She’s a precious daughter and I see a forever fun relationship with her ahead. An angel.
My daughter G. She makes my heart melt. So many qualities to list. Caring. Loving. Sharing. Fun. Beautiful. Happy.
My family. Each one so unique and awesome!
My home. It’s a fun safe-haven! And my family is there to share it.
My pets. They can be more loyal than a human friend. And they always like you…even when you’re unlikeable! 😉
My friends. They make me see my weaknesses and I’m thankful they do.
My life. It’s not been a bed of roses but I’ve come out smelling sweet more so than not.
Who I am. While I recognize completely that I could be anyone else….I’m blessed to be me. Flaws and all!

What are you thankful for?

What can man do to me?

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

It’s comforting to know that I’m covered by the blood of Christ. However, knowing that doesn’t always keep my fleshly brain from flipping out when I have to walk through the fire. Just about anytime I’ve had to face adversity or trouble…..I feel like retreating and giving up.

Then, I remember! I don’t belong to this problem or that. I belong to the MIGHTY ONE! He is KING in my life (and more importantly…He isn’t King to many that I deal with on a daily basis). Which brings me to fake Christians, they’re everywhere! It’s disheartening! I wish people who CLAIM Christ and live like hell would just STOP IT!! Just shut it….don’t tell people you love Jesus and then openly live in sin. It makes the rest of those who are genuinely trying to follow and obey Christ stink to the whole world. {Ahem, thanks!}

Tonight, I’m clinging to the grace I know Jesus has lavishly bathed me in. I recognize what a pathetic wretch I am and I confess my many weaknesses. And I thank you Lord…..that you love me, anyway!

What do you do when you feel attacked?
How do you handle twisted accusations that are meant to destroy you?

“The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.
What can man do to me?
The Lord is on my side as my helper;
I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.

It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in man.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in princes.”

—Psalm 118:6-9

“Many are the sorrows of the wicked,
but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord.”

—Psalm 32:10


“SWEET 16”

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

I knew it was coming! I tried to ready my heart….hard to do when it’s YOUR BABY!!! Today, November 9th 2010 is my youngest child’s birthday! I know I say this every year…but seriously, I just brought this girl home from the hospital! Time, you race me in everyway!


God knew we couldn’t be us without you! Our family would have been a real boresville had you not joined us 16 precious years ago. Each member of our family has a special relationship with you. You’re a blessing in a million ways……I hope you never forget. YOU ARE LOVED!!!

Big hugs & Lots of kisses!! XOXO XOXO