Posts Tagged ‘grace’

Grace Hoarder

Wednesday, April 4th, 2018

Confession: I withhold grace from people I love.

I’ve always known this about myself and I’ve worked on being better a million times but yesterday as I walking to the mailbox, I felt God whisper to me my inability to extend grace. At first, I wondered where that thought came from then….I realized God was nudging me, reminding me to snap out of it.

So much has happened this year. I’ve had time to reflect on my life and how I’ve lived it. Maybe more than I really needed. Nothing is wasted with God so, I’ll take all of the looking back as a lesson in becoming better.

My children experienced my graceless mothering over the years and I know they love me and even forgive me…but, I can see how that has crippled much of my relationship with them. They feel as if they can’t please me and I blame it on my wielding the sword of perfectionism over them. Each of them are beautiful, unique and wonderful people. I’ve always known it and I’ll always believe it. It’s me that pushed too hard, blazed over them when they made mistakes and left them hurting by my angry silence.

That grace, the holding it so tightly….hurts everyone.

My kids are all grown and gone but I can see the effects of my grace hoarding in their lives. I can tell that they handle me with caution. I don’t think they do it to hurt me but I know it is just a consequence of my own doing. I grew up with a mom who couldn’t give grace. There was no moment in my life where she said, “Hey, that’s okay!” “Don’t worry about it!”. She was the opposite. She lauded her fury over me, beat me down physically & spiritually. I never received the grace I needed from her.

No one has ever been given more grace (BY GOD) than me. He has gone over-board loving me fully and unconditionally. My life, many times has been like a trainwreck! Still, G R A C E was plentiful and even sweet over my foolishness.

Why? Why have I lived hoarding my own grace?

I can’t answer. I won’t blame. I’ll just make it my priority to offer it out every chance I get.

Grace for you.
Grace for me.
Grace for everyone.

Do This….or Something Better

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017


There are prayers for help and then there are beat down heaven’s doors begging for mercy kind of help prayers. I’ve done both. Over the last season of my life, I’ve mulled over my circumstance (much like anyone would do in my position) and I’ve sought God’s direction for what’s felt like impending doom once another month comes and goes…..and my husband is still unemployed.

How long, Lord? How long can this go on?

It’s only human to ask and I know God isn’t the least bit surprised at my human nature pondering. I’m terribly adept at questioning every little thing, just ask my family. I’m a questioner. I question. I analyze and roll every detail of the answer around just in case there’s a scenario that could switch things up to equal something else. I cover every base.

You’re welcome, world.

Still, here I sit in pretty much the same boat I was in back in September. Only this time I’m closer to a wedding of one of my daughters’, at the end of my school year and any subbing days I might get and filled with a whole lot more cynicism than a person should possess. What next?

Bad bad bad. Never ask that. More trouble coming your way, fool.

This Sunday is Easter and the sermon last week was so good that I left church with a brand new perspective on the damage done to my heart over the course of this last year. Betrayal. No one knew betrayal the way Jesus did. His experience with it opened my whiny complaining heart to understanding that I CAN GET OVER what’s been done to me. I can forgive and I can move on. I can trust that it’s all part of the journey to where God wants me to be eventually.

God never leaves us where we are, He’s always pushing us forward.

So, back to all the praying and begging God to work a miracle in my life. All these months, He’s listened to me. I’ve blown my horn loud and obnoxiously for Him to hear every little detail of what I need and when I need it by. He is so gracious.

I’ve not gone hungry…but, I’ve worried about how to pay for groceries.
I’ve not gone without a home or electricity…but, I’ve played magic tricks with my funds to pay both.
I’ve not had to sell my belongings…but, I’ve learned to be content with everything I own when I’d really like to purchase something special.
I’ve kept my dignity…but, the devil has shown up almost daily to remind me just how pathetic it is to be jobless and living with the fear of it never ending.

Oh, how gracious my God still is.

needs 1

In all that, He still listens to me. He above all knows my every need and He is at work. My weak faith or belief that He’s going to do something bigger and better is tainted by my lack of understanding just how big God really is in the great scheme of things.


I do not have the mental capacity to understand all that God is and will be…but I know that all I have to do is ask and He will go exceedingly above and beyond whatever it is to answer me.

My new prayer?


Do this…..or something better.


Caught Off Guard

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016

grace will

I’m on day 7 of my new life. On Thursday my hubby came home to give me the news that he’d lost his job. I’d be lying if I told you I handled it with joy and grace. My high strung personality just doesn’t respond like that. I cried. Lost my cool. Wished I knew karate.

Life is like a roller-coaster. One minute you’re up and soaring like an eagle and the next you’re plummeting to the ground at speeds that feel like they’re going to kill you dead. Up down Up down. Twist turn. Slam on the brakes.

Losing a job is painful.

While he explained the details of the event, my mind raced around (surely it’s a wife thing) imagining all the stuff I needed to get rid of in my house…so it could sell before the bank foreclosed on it. Then I moved on to our daughter who is “so close” to graduation and all the hard work she’s put in to getting to this precious destination. Next, our youngest who is dreaming of a wedding in the coming year….how would we ever pay for it without a job? And our son, who’s a thousand miles away reeling in his own job loss.

What are we going to do?

I want you to know that GRACE doesn’t come easy in moments like this. Matter of fact, here on day 7 I’m still searching out my feelings and praying for how to move on minus a rotten attitude.

The flesh is weak and the mind is a battlefield.

I’ve felt pretty much every emotion — I’ve gotten angry, imagined being mocked or ridiculed, wished I could wake up from this bad dream and also felt hopeful. I know God doesn’t miss a thing….and this job loss situation matters to Him just as much as it does to me.

He is in control.


I have to trust Him and believe He has a plan. Even as I wrestle with medical issues that are still a mystery and the guilt of buying a “new to me” car.

He isn’t caught off guard. He is God, Jehovah-Jireh!


Forgive me for my tiny faith. Show me how to lean on you when I am afraid. Open the door to the place we belong.

Do I Look That Old?

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016


older me

I am completely aware of how old I am. However, I am also a victim of denial.

Until, I see myself in a picture.

old as heck

…..and I say, DANG! I LOOK OLD AS HECK!


I was just…..________!

lizzy rides

Who cares? Clearly, not Miss Lizzy! She loves me, no matter how crusty and chubby I get look.

The most challenging part of the aging process… the pain. Everything hurts and none of it feels “normal”. Every new ache feels sharp and fatal. As if, perhaps….the end is near!

With the pains, come the feeble forgetful mind. Nothing sticks in the brain anymore. Except old song lyrics. Those hang on and it’s a good thing because when a good 80’s song comes on the radio, your hubby will be so impressed that you know every word!

Isn’t God funny?

Here’s the good news. I’m cool with looking my age. I’ve earned it. No one, not even those with endless amounts of money to fend off looking older get to stay young. We all grow older. It’s a privilege. Not everyone gets to meander through a long life.

I want to get old. I want to live a long time. I want to see my kids get married, have kids and live a full life. I won’t even mind looking like a real granny. Granny’s are beloved!

I can’t wait for a whole new generation to love and love me back.

Until then, I’m just going to live my life and enjoy the process, aches and pains to boot. It’s a sure sign that I’M ALIVE AND WELL!

me and my sweet new ride

Even if I look like my mother! Is that you, Mom?

my mama

Now, go on….LIVE!!!

Grace is the Word

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

I had no idea what was ahead of me at the beginning of this year….when I claimed MY WORD for 2013. No way could I have imagined all that would take place; the changes, the loss….the new, the sadness and most of all the chronic need for GRACE.

Time after time over the last 9 months circumstances have sent me banging on heaven's doors in search of His grace. Each time, I found it there. His grace is sufficient for me. This morning I opened up Beth Moore's blog to find the most beautiful example of GRACE I've ever read. Words that hold power and warmth….words that fill up and replace empty….words that prove GRACE is real! Real for me and real for you. (Thank you Ms Beth – I love your heart)

I'm sharing her words and linking to her post –> GRACE


Grace is an inflated raft that can submerge to the floor of a sea to save you.

Grace is the silver thread that stitches up the shreds of mangled souls.

Grace is the eye that finds us where it refuses, there, to leave us.

Grace calls the waitress to the table and sits her down to wash her feet.

Grace sees underneath the manhole on a street of self-destruction.

Grace is the air to draw a breath in the belly of a whale.

Grace is the courage to stand in the shamed wake of a frightful falling.

Grace is the only fire hot enough to burn down a living hell.

Grace waits with healing in His wings when we’re too mad to pray.

Grace is the gravity that pulls us from depravity.

Grace races us to the Throne when we make haste to repent and always outruns us.

Grace treats us like we already are what we fear we’ll never become.

Grace is the doorpost dripping red when the angel of death grips the knob.

Grace is the stamp that says Ransomed on a life that screams Ruined.

Grace sets a table before me in the presence of my enemy even when my enemy is me.

Grace is the cloak that covers the naked and the palm that drops the rock.

Grace is divine power burgeoning in the absence of all strength.

Grace proves God true and every self-made man a liar for the sake of his own soul.

Grace is the power to do what we cannot do for the Name of Christ to go where it has not been.

Grace is a room of a thousand mirrors, all reflecting the face of Christ.


Grace is…

The eye popping

Knee dropping


Earth quaking

Pride breaking


Dark stabbing

Heart grabbing


Friend mending

Mind bending


Lame walking

Mute talking


Slave freeing

Devil fleeing


Death tolling

Stone rolling


Veil tearing

Glory flaring


Chin lifting

Sin sifting


Dirt bleaching

World reaching


Past covering

Spirit hovering


Child defending

Happy ending


Heaven glancing

Feet dancing…


Power of the Cross.



Jesus Christ, Grace Incarnate.

Copyright 2013 Beth Moore

Yes.  It is.  Grace, it's all over me and it's all over you because of Him.  Don't let this world tell you otherwise.  Jesus knows how much to give and He lavishes it on each of us….when we need it most.

Just you wait and see.

found grace

I Am Not Afraid

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

I’m overwhelmed with “stuff” today. I suppose we all have these days at some point or another. I could use some encouragement. So, I’m going to zip it for your sake.

Prayer and God’s grace are my biggest need right now. If you can spare a bit…it won’t go wasted here. I hope to be back on top of my game soon.

Really, that’s how I’m getting through today. Pathetic, huh?

But I know better! Don’t you?

I know WHO IS IN CONTROL! So, if you’ll excuse me….I’m off to get over it!