Archive for June, 2011

Extreme Parent(s)

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

Everyday that I spend [home] safely surrounded by my precious kids, I’m reminded just how blessed I am.

When I turn on the tv…..I see the sickening news of parents suffering. The Lauren Spierer case is still unsolved and the searches continue everyday in Bloomington Indiana (a measely hour & 1/2 from my house). A town that my son lives in and a college that my son attends, just like Lauren! It’s ripping my heart apart watching these parents plead for help and answers to where she is.

Someone knows. Please tell.

If that weren’t enough “mom worry”….tune into the many talking-heads analyzing the very sick Casey Anthony case. I’m beyond being nice about this girl. I can’t believe she has the show of a lifetime going on in MY COUNTRY!!! Why? Why is she aloud to carry on in this circus of show called a trial? The whole case is a horror and she is the cause of it. The evidence and the lies……it just goes on and on.

{please do not even get me started on the people (sickos) fighting in line to get into see her fiasco disturbing case in the courtroom!!!}


You have two families. One, dying inside to find their sweet girl. The other, lying-twisting-conniving-cheating her way to her own selfish freedom. The world knowing that she is the reason her baby is gone.

You alone know the truth. You alone can heal a broken heart. You can bring both cases to an end. I plead on behalf of both families…..reveal the truth and set them all free.

If you knew something about a missing person…..would you tell someone? My heart is having a real struggle with why someone wouldn’t. Oh the ache of not knowing. I will continue to pray for the Spierer’s. Won’t you?

We Are Plumbers

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

No, not really but we do act like them.

Once upon a time there was a little spot on our living room ceiling. I said, “Honey, I think we might have a leak upstairs!”. He took a looksie and thought outloud…..”Oh No!”.


Spot on ceiling grows and changes to an even uglier color and shape. Not good, ya’ll!

Fast forward to a lovely day. We’ll call it, Father’s Day 2011! Hubby KNEW we had a leaky faucet in our upstairs main bathroom. We stopped by Home Depot after a great lunch at The Cracker (Barrel) and purchased got robbed a new spigot/handle/shower combo to replace the jacked-up one. Around $100 chaching!

Hubby decides that he might as well cut a hole in the ceiling and survey the problem going on in it’s secret hiding place. Uhh, yea….here’s where life gets hectic and very sad for the whole family. πŸ™

You know that moment…the one you wish you could take knowing something back? I think he’s having it right about now in this picture. Darn leaky OLD copper pipe!!!! Oh and if you’re wondering…yes, it’s pouring the water like a faucet that’s been turned on. So awful!


All I can say (cause it’s so long to really tell you) is that I made 3 trips to Home Depot which is in another town on Father’s Day Sunday. We lived (barely) without water all day & night until hubby could turn it on again after the many different repairs that had to be done. By 3am when he finally got it to stop spraying water like crazy….we were back in business.

I can’t tell you how thankful he was to have the world’s greatest plumbing assistant, ALLY helping him. They worked together and made plumbing magic in our very unfortunate circumstance. She was amazing! Not once…..did they argue, fuss or snap! The messes were in all 3 bathrooms and our living room. You probably can’t imagine what I mean by mess. But it was a horrible catastrophe!

Everything is almost back to normal. Tonight, he’s back in trying to perfect some of the work from Sunday night. I’m just thankful that we (he) was able to fix it. This would have been a $2000 plumbing bill. Eeek!

So, what’s happening fancy in your world? Don’t try topping my stuff. It’s impossible. πŸ™‚

Saturday Special

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

I’ve spent my Saturday doing a lot of blog hopping. There are so many awesome and crafty bloggers out there. How could I not share the amazing linky goodness? Be prepared to A) Start cooking. or B) Start thrifting & crafting! That’s what happens to me everytime I discover new inspiration such as this:

Chocolate Chip Pie over at Six Sister’s Stuff

Tiered Serving Stand at Laura’s Crafty Blog

Homemade Dog Treats at Snowflakes & Dragonflies

Cloud Light Crescents at BADD Blog

Frame Earring Holder at A. Alouette’s blog

Make your own ruffle shoes at Fine Craft

Homemade Poptarts at Catie’s Corner

5 Ways to Reuse Tin-Cans at Infarrantly Creative

PomPoms Tutorial by The Hopple Family

This may be a little more than you bargained for today….but I couldn’t help it. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to actually do something productive around here like fix a meal! It’s after 6pm and I’m still in my pj’s! Eeek!

Wanna Go Somewhere?

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Since I’ve been so busy lately (cough cough), I’ve had plenty of time to dream of going somewhere fun. I tend to do that when I’m free from real responsibilities. I dream of awesome places and fun family time enjoying it. But the reality is that I have nowhere to go (what’s new, dude?) and nothing fun to plan with my family.

Sucks to be me, eh?

As I wander around in the blogosphere, I see tons of fun being had by the bloggers I like to read. Jealous! Most of them involve THE BEACH or the lake. Which is my all-time favorite stuff to do. Besides shopping and napping. Honestly, life should involve lots of water fun and freetime as families. I think (after hearing Priscilla Shirer last weekend) taking a shabbat is necessary.

This past weekend my hubby preached on being a good father and leaving a Godly legacy. He hit the nail on the head with every point. Being a dad is very important for everyone involved. Dad’s hold the key to the hearts of their children. I know this firsthand. My kids love their dad so much and often overlook any weakness he may possess. That’s not usually the case with momma’s. They long for his attention, time, affection, affirmation and love. Something they don’t do with me. I’m a mom. It’s my job to do that no matter what.

Dad’s have a power over their kids that matches no other. They can build them up or tear them down with just a single comment. A reminder to weigh each word carefully when talking with or in front of your kids. Also, a dad can guide or not guide their kids to being a parent themselves someday. A task that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

I’d like to praise my hubby for his awesome dad skills. While not perfect, they come pretty darn close to me. He’s always willing to “handle” anything our kids throw his way. Even though he’s not a TIMELY person he will jump at an opportunity to help them out. He’s there for each of them and they know it. He’s solid and they know that too. I’m thankful for him and I know they are too.

Thank you for your awesome dad skills. You have never been afraid to show your love to our kids and they know it. You are a light that shines bright in each of their lives.
I love you.

Now, take me to the beach! Soon. πŸ™‚

I’m Busy

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

At least that’s what I say everytime my husband asks what I’m doing. It’s my new motto. You know, the summer days are just so wonderful and it’s not hard for me to remember how I longed for the freedom to “lounge” around all day. So, I’m spending a ton of my time…..just hanging around doing a bunch of nothin! πŸ™‚

My freedom is so limited. Summer break can fly by in a flash. I don’t want to miss any chances to just lay around and do nothing. I’m starting to get a little nervous though. I’ve caught myself eating “extra” throughout the day. What I mean by that is….usually I eat one eggroll, yesterday–I ate two! Gasp! As soon as I took the bite of the next one, I hated it with a passion. To be honest, I love eggrolls. It just hit me that next on my list was the evening news of the fire department loading me (BY CRANE) into a special vehicle to take me and all my obesity to the hospital for bedsores!

Call me crazy…..cause I am, ya’ll!

I vowed to me (and I was serious) that I was going to get up off my duff and exercise. Period. The end, dangit! I haven’t gotten to it yet, but I have had a shower and put on some makeup today. In my defense, I had to finish a book on my nook that I had from the local library. Jeannie Out Of The Bottle by Barbara Eden. I loved it. I grew up in the days of I Dream of Jeannie playing everyday on tv (it was my favorite show). I’ve always been a big fan and she didn’t let me down with her sweet story. She is quite a lady and the world needs more of her class.

I’ve just ordered a couple more books to occupy my time. Ya know, cause I’m so busy! πŸ˜‰

How about you–are you blasting through your summer staying busy? Or are you like me, savoring every little lazy moment? Whichever it is, enjoy it. I sure am!

I <3 IPAD 2

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Tonight, I went on a date. Before you get all high and mighty, don’t. Everybody parties in their own crazy way. Mine just happens to involve things like; taking your teen daughter’s Droid to Verizon for a reboot, Steak & Shake for dinner (without kids rolling their eyes) and roaming around Sam’s Club in search of new dress pants for hubby! See, I told you “we party”!

While at Sam’s, I noticed the ipad 2 on display. I felt it was time for me to actually hold one in my hands and try it out. Hubby and I each grabbed one to play with. Instantly, I knew….I have to have one of my own! Seriously! I think I actually heard the brush of angels wings when I logged onto my blog with it. Heavenly!

Now, the coolest contest is going on over at I Am Bossy. Yep, you guessed it an IPAD 2 baby! I nearly screamed out loud I was so excited to find it. Listen, if I were to win this thing…..people will have to shake me out of my crazy. I might lose it! So, here’s the thing–if you’re in the wish market like me then go enter to win too. You can thank me later (if you win)!

Enter to win HERE!

And go check out Brad’s Deals too! He’s so kind to offer such a cool giveaway!