Archive for December, 2011

Gladys Gets An iPhone

Friday, December 30th, 2011

I know my friends are going to flip! I’m constantly listening to their little jabs regarding my ooooooold cellphone. I can’t blame them, I make fun of me too. I’ve had the same very simple grannyfied phone for the last 3 years. Now that isn’t too terribly long except have you noticed the CHANGES in technology since then?

My old phone is now good for nothing! You cannot reactivate it or hand it over to a friend in need. It’s a real dinosoar! 🙁

Who knew?

Oh yea, ME!

I’ve really wanted to join the ranks of all my cool peeps out there (and I swannee, ya’ll–if you are making fun of me…keep it to yo self!) by getting an Apple iphone! But, I was a little intimidated! I despise trying to use my kids or hub’s phones (they all use the fancypants Droids). It’s like space ship controls!

Iphones are new, hip and cutting edge! Right?

I knew at Christmas that my hubby was buying me one. Period, end of discussion. So, I readied myself for all the awesome and today….the little beauty came home (thank you Federal Express guy).

Just look at me. Smitten! Happy! Possibly a little uptight, but overall–HAPPY! Don’t let the startled expression fool you. That’s just “surprise & click”!
Thank you, dear son for snapping such a flattering photo of your mom.

I’ve been playing with it all day and I have decided — what in the world was I waiting for? It is the greatest little gadget ever! Thank you Steve Jobs & best hubby in the universe!

And look, I’ve even blinged her up already! Pretty, huh?

It’s my favorite Christmas present…. ever! 😉

And no, my name isn’t Gladys. I just feel that old and behind the times.

Burning Down The House

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

I spent the ENTIRE DAY cleaning my house!  I woke up and skipped breakfast to get a head start on what I knew was going to take me all day.  The Christmas decorations!  While I love having a lovely Christmas-y house, putting everything back in it’s place just feels….Ahhhhh, nice!

I gathered all the rugs, shook them & washed them fluffy clean.  I vacuumed and swept my whole house.  I scrubbed bathtubs, sinks, mirrors, floors and even managed a few loads of laundry as I went.

Bottom line?  My house was spiffy clean and smelled like heaven.

Until tonight.  My hubby made a rockin’ fire in the fireplace so we could enjoy the cozy while watching a movie.  {We actually had a fire going, he just brought in some SUPER WOOD}   SEE–>

I didn’t have a good feeling when I saw this blaze of glory.  So, I snapped a couple pictures innocently.  Then, the smoke came.  Strong and heavy until it ran us outside.  I happened to look back and this is what I saw next….

I could hear a strange sound coming from that side of the house.  I honestly thought my hubby had come out to do something.  So I walked over to that area and that’s when I could really see the embers flying.  THE CHIMNEY WAS REALLY ON FIRE!!

I realize this is difficult to see….but to be truthful, I was starting to flip out and it was dark.  There was a real fire going on in a dangerous spot that needed attention RIGHT THEN!

Hubby went straight to the roof with a huge bucket of water.  Ally ran to the back of the house to get a waterhose (which was almost frozen).  We moved a huge ladder by our scrawny selves (Uhh girl power)!  I had to block the fireplace opening with huge towels to try to dampen the blowing smoke.  Epic fail.  Smoke will fill your house–no way to keep it out!  🙁

Finally, it was out! 

It was discovered to be a problem that might not have been found had we not been putting on a movie.  Back in the summer, hubby repaired some of the bricks with a special poxy type substance.  When he added a large amount of highly flammable tree debris the high/hot flames ignited this poxy to a dangerous degree.  A DANGEROUS FIRE ENSUED!

I’m so very grateful that we were there when it happened.  We’ve had several fires this winter, matter of fact…we had been burning one all day.  Something about the size and substance turned very deadly within a matter of seconds.  I feel like we’ve been given a gift.

My house burned to the ground when I was 11 years old.  I was home with my mom and newborn baby brother.  There was nothing we could do but watch everything we own go up in smoke.  Neighbors helped us rescue our dogs.  I’ve never forgetten that fear.  It started in our fireplace.

You can bet… I’ll be sleeping with one eye open.

Please beware of dangerous fires in your home.  Even innocent ones in your fireplace can turn deadly.  After getting things under control, I couldn’t stop thinking of the family in Connecticut.  How easily everything could have turned deadly.

She Gets It

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

My youngest child has been a little challenging to raise. She has a strong spirit and  a short fuse but she can be the sweetest most loving child I have. There have been times that I wondered if I’d get her raised with my mind still intact.  The jury is still out, she’s only 17.

It’s not easy being the baby and it’s really not easy being the mama. Children are hard work. Raising them to have manners, integrity and good sense takes an enormous toll on a parent. Especially the mama’s! We’re usually the ones who have to do the hard stuff->


It’s mom’s who go without something so their little darlin’s can have something even better.

It’s mom’s who need Botox by the time their kids are teenagers. {Think, mean mom face!}

It’s mom’s who do most of the disciplining! {Time out, To your room, You’re grounded, Spankings}

It’s mom’s who clean up the poop, puke and the weird stuff stuck to the carpet in the car.

It’s mom’s who fall into bed exhausted every night because her “to do” list is a mile long and there is no maid to pitch in and help.

It’s mom’s who have to sit in weird spots so everyone around her will be happy. {Think: the car, movies, at events, on rides}

It’s mom’s who make the best meals and make sure your favorite outfit is washed and ready to go.

It’s mom’s who fill out the forms, make the phone calls and write the checks for every important big deal.

It’s mom’s that eat less so everyone else will get all they want.

It’s mom’s who wait to replace stuff she needs because her family comes first.

It’s mom’s who end up neglecting DAD because they get their parenting management off kilter. {Sorry, Dads}


I’ll stop there. You that are mama’s know, I could go on and on. Being a parent takes a sacrificial person.  It  isn’t for the faint of heart. That’s why I’m still reeling from the text message I received from my sweet youngest child.

From: Gates
I appreciate you as a mother and a kind woman.

She’s babysitting 3 little sweeties on her Christmas break. Need I say more? 😉

Dear Lord

I’m so thankful to be a mom.  It really is the greatest job in the world.  Forgive me when I feel frustrated or tired.  I know it’s only a matter of time and they’ll all be grown.  Remind me, that I’m raising someone’s spouse & parent when I want to give up.


The Galloway Christmas (Smilebox)

Tuesday, December 27th, 2011

Just thought I’d share some Christmas memories with you. Enjoy!

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Thank you Smilebox.

Not This Year, Dude!

Monday, December 26th, 2011

I believe I’ve whined shared about my crazy love for a certain chocolate truffle here before. It’s only available during the winter months here in America, the land of the free and home of the serious chocoholics! It’s sold at Sam’s Club and if you’re a “real” chocolate lover…. YOU WILL BUY AS MANY BOXES AS YOUR HUBBY WILL ALLOW!

Because, once Christmas is over..they mark it down in price (which is cra-cra since I don’t mind paying full price for quality deliciousness) and the pigs jerks animals shoppers come out and buy the stuff by the cart full!

I loathe them!

Last year, I learned a very valuable lesson. Don’t sit on your buttoosky playing online while these “people” are out wiping the shelves of your beloved chocolate! Did I mention, how they disgust me? 😉

It really wouldn’t have been so bad had I actually purchased more than one box. But I thought…. “I had this” under control. My plan was to hit the store sometime after Christmas and LOAD UP on my drug of choice truffles. Hubby and I lahh-dee-daahhed our way down the candy aisle only to see the yucky stuff left!

No, mama don’t lie! It was a meltdown right there on the Christmas clearance aisle. I vowed to the Lord and Don Galloway right then that this would never happen to me again!

As you can guess–I hit the motherload! Hubby and I rolled out of here early this morning and went straight to Sams. As soon as we reached the candy aisle, I knew it was going to be hairy. People were packed up and down the lane picking out their favorite chocolates on sale. I Nascar drove manuevered my cart right up to THE GOOD STUFF and piled it in!

Check it out, ya’ll!

In my defense, I have some special people that I like to share with so it’s not all for me. Geez, just most of it! Teehee!

FACT: World’s greatest chocolate truffles fill my love tank!

If you ever wondered about my ability to bare all shallowness–friends, here it is! 🙂 I pray you’re cup overfloweth from the Christmas weekend!


Sunday, December 25th, 2011

It’s a been a wonderful day celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amidst all the presents, cooking and rushing off to church….I thought I’d stop and say Merry Christmas to you (wherever you are) and thank you for coming to my blog. It’s one of my favorite places to hang out and it makes me so happy when I hear someone share that something they’ve read here touched their heart!

May your Christmas holiday be filled with family and love. Remember, every good and wonderful thing comes from Him above. Aren’t you thankful that Jesus came for you and me?

Happy Birthday JESUS!