Archive for December, 2011

Dirty Hearted

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

I went to bed mad at everybody last night (and I’m not proud of it!). Why do families hurt each other so easily? It seems like I’m the target of teasing every night at the dinner table. Maybe it’s just the age my kids are right now, they can find a million reasons to make fun of me or criticize. It doesn’t help that I pretty much throw myself upon the sacrificial teasing table!

I’m an easy target! 🙁

It worries me that I’ve raised mean people. Sometimes, the snarky comments cut right to the bone. It’s a bad habit that I wish none of us ever started. I think we need a NICENESS INTERVENTION!

Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart O God and renew a right spirit within me”.

Today is a new day, right? So, I’m CHOOSING JOY! I’m not going to play the game of smart comments and sarcasm. Even little ones can sting!

Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who need it”.

Maybe you can relate to my situation today. The world is full of rotten behavior. As you see, even inside Christian homes. I like to think my family has a healthy fear of the Lord and respect for HIS righteousness in their lives. But even so, we fall short (especially when it comes to treating each other with love and respect). Our time together on this earth is limited. Why not use it to show one another the genuine love we feel instead of wounding with our careless words!?!

I’m sorry for my careless words. I don’t want to hurt anyone with what comes out of my mouth. I’m guilty more often than I’d care to admit. I realize that what pours out of me is directly linked to my heart. Help me, make me more like YOU!

Land of Second Guessing

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

Well, I’ve hit that point! You know the one. You shop, you order…you stack up & hide stuff then you let your mind take over and before you know it– You’re convinced you don’t have enough “wonderful” for your kids to open up on Christmas morning!

Please, tell me I’m not the only one who does this?

Every year I search high and low for the items my kids feel are important enough to put on their lists. Sometimes they have something way out of budget reach (just to remind me they are dreamers too) but for the most part, it’s something that they can actually use.

I like having frugal on target kids! 🙂

This year, like most…I have tried to fulfill all wishes with a little extra stuff thrown in. Yet, here I am doubting myself and clamoring for a few “last minute things”! You know, ipad 2’s and BIG gas cards! Teehee!

Oh I kid!

Although, I would certainly appreciate both of those under my tree this year… Dream on, mama!

So, tell me. Do you second-guess yourself too? Yesterday, my daughter (who will go un-named) asked me why are we the only family without wrapped presents under the tree? To which I replied, “Because, I have no privacy to wrap ( I want to have a wrapping party like BIGMAMA ), I work full-time, I’d rather pick my nails, the dog needs to go out and because I’m busy!” Hrmph!

But out, kid!

Note to self: Get to wrapping that pile of “stuff” stacked in my bedroom! STAT!


Monday, December 12th, 2011

I woke up this morning with a little more zip in my step. Now, that doesn’t mean I woke up all chipper and happy (let’s be real here)… I’m simply feeling excited about how close we are to Christmas break. It’s actually in view, as in…it’s just around the corner.

Next week, around the corner!

That’s school days–not total days. We have this week and half of next week! Finals begin this Friday! Can you believe how fast this first semester flew by?

Me either!

Here’s to a great week, friends!

He Deserves It

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

My hubby is a humble guy. He was raised by good people who worked hard for everything they bought. He does just the same. I’m thankful that he’s not flashy or fancypants! I like a down-to-earth man who works hard to provide for his family.

I know I can count on him….even in this crazy economy!

But we have struggled. I’ve shared many times about how tough it was trying to bounce back after being unemployed so many months. It was tough! We learned some valuable lessons from that time. One of the greatest? How important our family was to us. We never felt so grateful to have one another more than we did then.

God cared for us in a way that can only be described as miraculous.

It’s been a hectic year in our family. Many changes have pounced on top of us, some planned and other’s not–graduation, college changes, car accidents (3 of them), 18th birthday, long-distance moves (parents, not us), long trip to Florida and your typical life stresses. Stuff, ok? Lots of stuff.

We really had to make a car decision. Two kids driving to college and jobs at different times sharing our cars just wasn’t working out. Matter of fact, it was downright crazy annoying. While hubby was on the trip out west, we talked about him upgrading to another vehicle and just passing his on to our college girl.

It made us both nervous. We haven’t had car payments in a looooong time. Hate them. They’re evil. 🙁 So we dragged our feet.

Until…we found a deal that just couldn’t be real.

Now before you jump to conclusions, don’t..please. This is an unbelievable car. It’s luxurious and fancy! We are not either of those things. Seriously. We’re just normal working folks trying to raise some kids and have our own place someday! Ya know?

After much pondering, praying and deliberating….we decided we needed something newer, comfy-er (we’re crotchety about comfort), reliable and preferrably BMW. Hubby loved his other one enough to kick it up a notch. I’m so glad he did.

It’s really, WOW!

For the first week or so after we bought it…we kept it parked in the garage. We felt weird, embarrassed. WE ARE NOT RICH OR FLASHY! This car makes you feel FANCY! We’re not fancy either. So, we sat around wondering what to do with it. Should we give it back? Naaah, we liked it!

Have I mentioned that my husband WORKS from his car pretty much all of the time? He did it without air-conditioning and a jacked-up transmission in his Hyundai (Thank you God for safely totalled cars). He’s paid his dues. Plus, he was able to purchase his new car for LESS THAN HE PAID FOR THE HYUNDAI! Way less.

So, in my opinion……He deserves it.

You know our hearts. We’re not bigshots and we don’t act like we are. We know exactly why we have anything…..YOU! Thank you for the way you bless our family. I knew being patient and waiting on You would be way better than making decisions on our own. You never give halfway.

Oh and remember how I struggled with Ally getting a decent and reliable car? God had the best plan. She’s loving her “new to her” car!

What Will You Give Up?

Friday, December 9th, 2011

I know I’ve posted this song before….but it’s so good, it’s worth the sharing again.  The Canadian band DOWNHERE and their beautiful melodious voices suck you right in and squeeze your heart.  The words to this song ring true (in my life).  My own selfishness runs pretty deep and I can’t think of too much that would be “easy” to sacrifice.  Stuff is one thing, but family quite another.

How many Kings do you know that would give up everything for you?

With all of the Christmas present shopping and parties to attend….this is a good reminder of what this season is really about.

Thank you for sending a King for me.

Come On Over

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

My son was searching our home PC looking for the pictures from our trip to Hawaii several years back.  I haven’t used that computer in years…..for anything other than watching tv.  He gave up after a few minutes so I hopped on to look around.  I found them tucked in securely somewhere that I could probably never find again.  Yea, I’m that savvy on the computer.  Don’t hate!

While I was pouring over the sweet photo’s of my little babies, I came across one of some old-time favorite friends from seminary days.  We were in Louisville Kentucky at a friends apartment for a little party.  The apartment was teensy and the owners had a dog that was as tall as the table (which was holding all the FOOD) and he could walk right up to it and steal whatever he wanted.

It was a real adventure.

We spent most of the night outside.  There were so many kids between us…it was the smart thing to do really.  I think we ended up playing some fun games with the kids.  It’s the last time we were all together.  Our kids are all grown up.  Matter of fact, the sweet smiling gal sitting on my lap sent me a message today that she was heading to Murray State to move her son home from college.  He graduates in the next week or so.  Babies, they were all just babies!

I have laughed everytime I’ve looked at this picture.  It was a cramped little space but that didn’t stop us from having fun.  I know a thing or two about hospitality.  Something I’ve learned in my 45 years is that people really don’t care what kind of house you live in or if you have the fanciest decorations.  But they will always remember how you made them feel while they were in your home.

Were you warm and inviting?  Did you make them feel like they belonged there?  Was the atmosphere fun?  The food yummy and plenty to drink?  Or was it stuffy and cold?  It’s so easy to skip out on having people over.  All of us do it.  It feels like too much work (and it can be) to entertain.  I promise, if you open your house to friends and family…..and prepare something easy & hearty–you will bless not only your guests but yourself as well.

I miss our annual Open House.  Every year that my husband pastored a church, we decorated our house and invited in our entire congregation.  It took a bit of preparation.  We tried to keep it simple by cooking one pot of chili and one pot of soup (both southern dishes) along with some jalepeno cornbread.  Never, not one time did I hear anything less than praise for our willingness to share our home.  It was a special way for us to connect with our church family outside of church.  They loved it and so did we.

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it”.  Heb. 13:2 

Recipe for the most amazing party soup ever.  I know it’s going to sound icky…but trust me here!  People will rave.


2-3 Cups cooked & chopped chicken breast

2 C. chopped ham (not lunchmeat, real ham)

1 pint chicken broth

2 cans Navy Beans

2 cans Great Northern Beans

2 cans sliced potatoes

2 cans Turnip Greens (Drained)

That’s it, unless you need more chicken broth.  Add everything together and let simmer on low.  Serve with spicy jalepeno cornbread and literally BE AMAZED!
