Archive for March, 2012

He’s Amazing

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012


Just because I love him and he's not around this week to tell (yes, I can text him)… I thought I'd share a few reasons why he means so much to me.

My Hubby is amazing because…

  • He drops whatever he's doing to bring me food, forgotten items or money.  He works hard but never makes me feel left out.
  • He emails me funny things he finds or interesting facts that he knows I would enjoy.  He KNOWS me!
  • He understands how tired I am on Friday night and never minds eating something easy or ordering out.  Score!
  • He lets me rub my toes on his legs at night when I'm trying to fall asleep.  That could be annoying, but he never says so.
  • He defends me (even when I flub up) to our kids/family.
  • He tells me I'm pretty or that I look good as I race out the door in the mornings.  (Remember, I face YOUTH all day long)
  • He takes care of ALL my technical needs.  I don't know how anything REALLY works, but he does and he just handles it!
  • He will clean up any gross accident that happens in our life.  I can rely on him to step up to the gacky plate!  He is MINE!
  • He likes to surprise me with "favorite" items like Strawberry Limeades from Sonic when he's on his way home.
  • He understands my crazy behavior over sports like football and never criticizes me when I scream my head off at the game/tv.
  • He encourages me to write (even when it's pretty mediocre) and to follow my passion to big things.
  • ​He loves me…..and isn't afraid to look foolish trying to prove it!


I'm thankful for him and I think he knows it.  I try to show him how important he is to our family and to me but like every wife/mom…. I drop the ball every now and then and fall flat.  Having a husband that doesn't mind doing whatever is needed is all I know.  I'm blessed by his love & willingness to be the husband God has called him to be.  Just for me.

I miss you, Honey!  Work hard & stay focused!  Home is closer than you think.


In A Bottle

Monday, March 19th, 2012

Have you ever wished you could bottle up a special memory?  I asked my hubby yesterday to share with me a happy memory.  Something that he thinks back on with fondness and joy.  I didn't mean to put him in a weird spot, I was simply wondering what are the things that have meant happiness to him.

His answer was similar to what most husband's would say…."I have many happy memories".  I understand.  I do too.  Pinning the most precious ones down involve our kids and times that we've spent together with them.  Honestly, there are tons of special moments.  It's hard to name them specifically.

But, I challenge you to think of what memories hold the most significance in your life.  Share them with your family. Write them down and give them to someone who will cherish knowing your love.  I'm working on my own…right now.

Do it, while the mind is still cooperating.  enlightened


Happy Monday, friends.  This week is going to be great!  Spring break begins on Friday and the weather here in Indiana is crazy beautiful!  We've had to turn on the A/C because we still have no leaves on our trees.  Let's hope next week is just as awesome.

Birthday Girl

Saturday, March 17th, 2012


It's St. Patty's Day, which means my sweet baby celebrates another birthday! My now 19 year old baby! She's out tonight partying it up, Irish-like…with her sister and some friends from work. They boogied on up to Indy to eat some "real" Luck O' the Irish cuisine. She called ahead just to make sure it wasn't a bar and that they could actually dine there since they are all under 21.

Oh to be a sweet young thing!

This morning, I jumped out of bed and hit the floor running. I had several last minute things to do in order to throw a HOME party honoring the birthday girl. The problem….I woke up very early but forced myself to fall back asleep and didn't wake up until 11:30am! I NEVER SLEEP THAT LATE, EVER!! So, it jolted me back to the real world when I checked the clock. Yikes!

Ally loves cinnamon rolls and I just so happened upon a delicious recipe of Mini Cinnamon Rolls yesterday. I quick-like whipped up a batch and took off for the store. I wanted to make a great lunch and surprise her with her most favorite caramel brownies (I made them last night and hid them in the downstairs fridge). So, the party was a hit with Pot pie & Caramel brownies all mixed up with awesome presents! 

I think she was quite happy!

Happy Birthday, Ally! I sure do love you!!


Easy Mini Cinnamon Rolls

1 pkg crescent rolls

4 T. brown sugar

1 T. flour

1 t. cinnamon

1 T. butter (melted)

Mix brown sugar, flour, cinnamon & butter. Roll out crescent rolls and press the edges together. Spread mixture onto crescent rolls, roll up & slice. Place on a cookie sheet, bake 350 degrees for 9-11 minutes.


1/2 C. powdered sugar

1 T. heavy whipping cream

dash of salt

Mix together and spread over cool cinni mini's!

Then, look out! People are going to fight over eating the whole pan! Oh, you're welcome!



I Dare Ya

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

I love how the Holy Spirit works in my life.  If ever there were a person that needed full-time direction….it would be me.  I have the sweet ability to bark out a challenge and then the Lord in His infinite wisdom PUTS ME TO THE TEST!  Oh yea He does!

Now don't get me wrong….I don't believe that He's playing around with me and treating my life like a puppet show.  I just think He KNOWS me and wants what's best for me and will use my own TALK to direct my WALK!

He's a master gardener, remember?

Yesterday, I posted this on Facebook and little did I know that later in the day…I would face the ultimate challenge.

Take your opportunity today: Build someone else up! Don't bother with false flattery! Really find something good to encourage someone.

It could change their life…


Everything was going along swimmingly until I had to run my youngest to the dentist and in walked what my heart would call an enemy.  A "friend" from the past who played a pivotal role in what has ultimately become my new life.  My NO LONGER IN THE MINISTRY life.  It stung my heart as soon as I saw her standing behind me!   [Dang you satan!  

I felt sick and nervous.  I wanted with every part of my body to be invisible.  Then my wicked heart went directly to thinking sarcastic thoughts (I hate my flesh sometimes).  I tried to be cold and for a minute there, I really was.  We had to sit in the waiting room for about 5-10 minutes and honestly, if there hadn't been another innocent lady sitting there….I felt brave enough to tell her how she had wounded me.  (Seriously, I was willing to go there!!  Crazy)

The door finally opened and they called her back, which brought me total relief or so I thought.  That's when the HOLY SPIRIT started His work on my dirty black heart.  I wrestled in my head my reasons for feeling so angry with her and everytime the Lord said, "Forgive her!".  I raked it over again in my heart and felt my skin heat up red with hurt, fear and embarrassment!  I wanted to tell her—YOU HURT ME!!  I trusted you!  Again, the Holy Spirit would have none of it.  I have to be clear here–I'm not saying my pain was dismissed by God, He never made me feel like that.  It was simply a call for me to show mercy and love ESPECIALLY WHEN I DIDN'T WANT TO!

Ultimate challenge.  To say the least.

I sat in the waiting room with an elderly lady for about 20 minutes while my heart received a gentle makeover.  She never knew the internal battle I was wrangling and when her chipper husband walked out—we had a brief conversation that set me back on a path of kindness.  {Thanks strangers}  I sat there alone and the door opened up–out came the one who caused my heart to stumble.

All I can say is that mercy flowed from my mouth and I physically felt my hard heart soften.  I suddenly felt deep sadness for her and I couldn't stop myself from treating her with kindness.  Words just popped out, nice ones.  I knew that she was hurting and it broke my heart.  I wish I could say I'm better than that.  But how can I throw out a challenge to love other's when I walk around in my own wicked snarky flesh?

I have to be real.  I struggle.  I fall short.  I stink at loving people.  I'm growing in Christ.  He's working in my life and He wants to see me be the best me.  So, don't let me off the hook.  If you see or hear me "preaching" about being Holy and not living it–call me out!  I need it and deserve it.

I dare ya!!

Need A Lift

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

I got a word. A good word. Yesterday, I was assigned to work with a teacher that I don't usually get to see during my regular schedule.  The school was being visited by some big-wigs and they needed me to cover a few spots while they did their thing.  As I walked up to greet her….she smiled a big smile and covered me with thoughtful words.

Teacher (excitedly):  I was so glad to find out it was YOU covering for me!  It took a great load off of me.  I know you can handle anything! You rock!

Me:  Thank you, that's the sweetest encouragement!  I needed that!

Talk about a pick-me-up!  Wow!  Sister may never know just what that little bit of kindness did for my spirit.  I floated high on her words the rest of the day.  She built me up whether she meant to or not.  I took her words of affirmation and let them wash over me.

She blessed me.

While I was getting ready this morning for school….I reflected back to that moment and realized WE ALL NEED ENCOURAGEMENT!  I'm talking about genuine kindness not false flattery.  Anybody with half a brain can tell when it's a true word of encouragement.  Don't make the mistake of missing opportunities to bless the people around you.

It can change their life…

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thes. 5:11

I suppose we don't notice how important compliments or positive encouragement is until we actually receive it.  If you work in an environment that is negative or live in a family that constantly finds fault—then you understand how important it is to build someone up.

He’s Gonna Croak

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

On that glorious night that so many working folks dread…..SUNDAY NIGHT, THE ONE THAT WE HAD TO SPRING FORWARD?!! I couldn't sleep! Neither could my hubby because we were hostages! I know what you're thinking, we lived like we were on our old time… but that's not it. Oh, we were tired and wound up by the stress of missing an hour's rest. But something else had our attention, right under our bedroom window!!


I've shared pictures of my beloved pond by my front door, which happens to be under my bedroom window too.  I've also blogged about my love of frogs and how I WISHED THEY'D COME LIVE IN MY POND!! After my Sunday night of all-night croaking….I now want them to die!


Everytime I almost conked out, Riiiiiiibp-Riiiiiibp-Riiiiiibp! My eyes would pop right back open and I'd switch sides thinking that would help me….relax! Uhh, no chance baby! They (I'm calling them more than one) were loud and obnoxious. I'm convinced they had no idea that it was a school night let alone a day that the powers that be STOLE A WHOLE HOUR OF GOOD SLEEPING!! 

Destroy them!

I must have finally fallen asleep when I was jolted back awake by my hubby opening and closing the window.  I didn't know it at the time but he had taken the whole croaking thing quite personally and started throwing ice at them. {Like he could see them hiding in the dark!}  It didn't work!  They continued their wicked communicating until morning.

So, what to do about this?  I'm glad you asked.  Meet the Frog Zinger 1000.  You won't find these on the market, they're strictly custom-made.  Are they effective? I don't know, I decided to swig a little extra Benadryl last night in hopes for a good nights rest.  I missed any frog killing/scaring that might have gone down but from the location I found it this morning….it appears to have gone unused!


All I know, is sleep is my boyfriend and every gal knows WE LOVE OUR BOYFRIENDS!! So, if those cute little suckers keep it up…they will meet their maker by way of redneck bee-bee destroyer!  Goodnight!