Archive for March, 2012

Stupid Mistakes

Monday, March 12th, 2012

I can't be the only one who makes dumb mistakes!  Surely there are more out there who forget deadlines, take on too much and assume those around you can "handle" seemingly normal responsibilities. Life is just tough that way, right?



Take this, for instance.  This is probably not the time to rush out and tell your husband that, "Hey, isn't today the deadline for FAFSA?".  Working under the hood trumps all other pending issues and will most likely cause one (or 2 or 3) to forget that whole important deadline!

Yea, me missed the date!  πŸ™



Oh this!  You know what's wrong!  I don't have to go into detail about how my teenager couldn't find her glasses and decided to borrow mine and when she didn't quite like them….threw them with a fierce vengeance tossed them down in the floorboard.  I've finally replaced them, but my squinty facial expression still sticks with me.  Botox?  Please?


I've told you this sad story but it's worth sharing once again.  I wanted this cup, it's a Lilly Pulitzer (my fave designer).  I bit the bullet and ordered it on my anniversary (Happy A Day to me) and the 2nd day I had it at work….some dude out of his seat knocked it off a desk flying to its poor little cracked up death.  I used it, broken, anyway until I dropped it myself recently.

It's really gone now!


The point is, we make stupid mistakes!  There isn't anything we can do about it AFTER THE FACT!  Life throws curve balls.  I spent yesterday crying over the missed FAFSA date.  It ruined my whole day!  I still do not know the extent of the damage that error will cost us.  But, I can't give up.  I have to go on.

And so do you!

If you've flubbed up….trust God.  That's all we can do, for worry never gained us a thing!

Happy Monday & time change day people!  Oh and whatever you do, try not to make a stupid mistake!  

Goodbye Peyton

Friday, March 9th, 2012


I wanted to flip my lid the other day regarding the news of #18 leaving.  He is more than just a franchise player.  He is someone who put in every ounce of his energy to make Indianapolis what it is today.  He thought things through, made good choices and worked every single moment of his football career to be the best.  You won't find a man of entitlement…that's not Peyton Manning.  He managed his business with integrity and I'd challenge anyone to prove otherwise.  My love for football comes from watching him play and hungering for big wins.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, "It just won't be the same!".

I've searched my brain for words and I've pushed the reality of it out of my mind over and over.  I knew it was coming, but the facts of it still sting!  I know it's just football…but I love it!  I'll miss him and come what may, it will be sickening to see him wear anything but BLUE!!  πŸ™

I have to share the greatest tribute I've read so far.  The writer sums up so kindly what Peyton Manning is really like.  He's a man of character and he's done nothing but prove that while playing for the Indianapolis Colts.  I hope you click over and read it.  You won't be sorry.


A Peyton Manning Fan Forever



I’m Not Your Slave

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

I've been engrossed with a book for a few weeks.  I snagged it from Amazon for free thinking I'd read it when I had nothing else to occupy my life.  In other words, I thought it was just some mediocre fluff book that I would start and then ditch because of its lameness.

Oh no, I was once again reminded….never judge a book by its cover.

Jessica McCann has captured my heart with this story.  It is so well written.  I can't tell you how many dud books I've found lately.  Who is writing all that junk?  The biggest culprit of yuck writing has come from the chick lit genre.  Seriously, ladies?  I guess I'm holding you gals up to a standard that's too high.  I can't read garbage and I'll never understand why anyone else does either.  It feels so cheesey and pathetic.

In All Different Kinds of Free, the writer uses her brain and tells a sad story about slavery and the darkness it places on the human life.  I'm touched by her truthfulness and angered by it as well.  No one should ever be treated so horribly.  Every person is valuable….to other's and to God!  

I'm not finished reading the book yet…I have a little bit left to go.  I catch myself thinking about the characters (that's another sign of good writing) when I'm going about my daily life.  This pulls me back to the story….

Do you have a good book that has touched your heart forever?


Thank you Jessica McCann for writing with such class and honor.  Your book has opened my eyes & stopped my heart for the slaves who suffered at the hands of ignorance.

GoodReads Review

Do Something!

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

I had big plans to whine my head off about the Colts & Peyton Manning parting ways but in the grand scheme of things….real world problems are happening!  My heart is torn up about losing the greatest quarterback of all time but if I put things in the proper perspective (like Peyton Manning would do) what's happening in Uganda is truly heartbreaking!

Have you read anything on it?  Here's a little info if you haven't.  I've longed to do mission work in this sad place and when I hear stuff like this it just puts me in a tizzy.  How can this go on?  Who treats other humans in such a way?

You can also watch this—>Tell me, how does this make sense!? We must not stand by and allow such horror.   Act, friends!

We Are Kings

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

I'm almost ready to give the four-legged creatures living in my house a one-way ticket out of town. Yesterday, the puppy actually scooted me over from where I was cooking dinner to pee on my floor. I do not kid about such craziness. This really happened! Over the weekend we (the whole family) spent an entire day cleaning our house. I washed rugs AGAIN and vowed in my best Scarlett O Hara voice that I would not be putting down anymore rugs AS GOD AS MY WITNESS!

Yea, I got weak and put my favorite one down in my bathroom (it's a matter of safety) and it couldn't have been there 15 minutes when I discovered the wet mess! I possibly screamed loud enough to be heard down the street.

I am battle weary…

Dogs & teenagers may be my ultimate demise. Somebody tell me its going to end soon (the potty training) not my days on earth. I'm walking on bare floors here. I love my rugs. I really love them clean & fluffy! I just want a pee free house!

On a happier note my hubby found a delicious recipe for dinner and with minimal assistance he cooked it up. I blame it on laying in bed on Saturday morning watching cooking shows. They'll inspire you to do great things. So he made fancy cabbage wrapped meat thingies
and I baked lemon poppyseed bread (2 loaves).

We are kings! Haha.

Which brings me to another funny moment from the weekend. I finally made it to the grocery store (make that two stores) and spent $300 on crap stuff we needed.  Gates was so excited, I heard her yell from the bathroom as she was helping me put stuff away…"WERE RICH!! WE HAVE Q-TIPS & HANDSOAP!!". Ahh yes, my child…we are!

See, I'm training them to believe the little things are really the big things!

Path of Terror

Monday, March 5th, 2012

The weather in Indiana is somewhat ever-changing.  I know I've gone on and on about how winter skipped us this year….but I'll take no winter anyday over F4 tornadoes!!


This was the town of Henryville, Indiana.  Late Friday afternoon it was ravaged by one of the worst acts of mother nature, a killer tornado.  This sweet town is not far from my house.  As a matter of fact, I took a picture back at Christmas as we drove through there.  The folks of Henryville are my neighbors and my heart aches for the loss and devastation they are experiencing.

I've been glued to the news watching every little detail of rescues, survival stories and the outpouring of Hoosier help.  People have gone to great lengths to assist the families who've lost everything.  I still cannot believe how powerful these storms can be.  I'm a believer, when the weather guy says "Go!" you can bet your sweet biffy…I'll be underground!

This is Henryville High School.  It's just a skip away from the corner that I took that nativity scene picture.  There will be no school days happening here for a while.  I'll remember that when I begrudgingly drag out of bed on school mornings this week.  I have much to be thankful for and there are so many that I need to continue to pray for as well.  These families would give anything to be going about a normal day again.

Henryville wasn't the only town leveled by these tornadoes.  The town we called home for 2 years… Pekin, Indiana was destroyed too.  I was able to reach friends immediately after I learned they'd been hit.  So many weren't as lucky as our precious friends.  It seemed to dance all around them.  God's protective hand over them.

I'm not sure how one copes with such a tragic loss.  These are people, like you and me.  They work, haul kids around and live busy active lives.  Today, they're homeless!  Many of them are missing family members to this nightmare.  Death and destruction are all around them.  I've been following a story about a baby girl that was found alone in a field.  Her entire family was killed (mother, father & 2 siblings).  She passed away on Sunday.  Such sad loss.

This was taken near Pekin.  As you can see, it's nothing to balk at.  This dude means business!  My friends, who live further out from town could see the horror from their house.  Back in 1974, they lost several family member's to the tornadoes that tore through this same area.  They've experienced this heartache before.



If you've ever experienced anything like this, I'm curious to know…how you ever bounced back?  I remember when my house burned down (I was 12 years old) and it took everything I owned within a matter of minutes.  My family and I had loved ones to take us in but it wasn't home.  I can still feel that strange feeling I had as I was put to bed in my cousin's room.  I knew right then that my life would never be the same.  That's the new reality for these hurting families.  As of now, 13 have died in Indiana even more including the other states that were hit.

Want to know how to help?

WTHR channel 13 has set up Hoosier Tornado Relief phone lines.   CALL & DONATE (if you can) 1-877-987-1313

Kroger is also taking donations.  While doing your own family's shopping you can add a couple dollars to your bill that will go directly to the victim's and their needs.

And of course, Red Cross.

Pray with me for the many who are piecing their lives back together today.  


Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the LORD,  and he will sustain you;he will never permit the righteous to be moved.