Posts Tagged ‘Peyton Manning’

Goodbye Peyton

Friday, March 9th, 2012


I wanted to flip my lid the other day regarding the news of #18 leaving.  He is more than just a franchise player.  He is someone who put in every ounce of his energy to make Indianapolis what it is today.  He thought things through, made good choices and worked every single moment of his football career to be the best.  You won't find a man of entitlement…that's not Peyton Manning.  He managed his business with integrity and I'd challenge anyone to prove otherwise.  My love for football comes from watching him play and hungering for big wins.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, "It just won't be the same!".

I've searched my brain for words and I've pushed the reality of it out of my mind over and over.  I knew it was coming, but the facts of it still sting!  I know it's just football…but I love it!  I'll miss him and come what may, it will be sickening to see him wear anything but BLUE!!  🙁

I have to share the greatest tribute I've read so far.  The writer sums up so kindly what Peyton Manning is really like.  He's a man of character and he's done nothing but prove that while playing for the Indianapolis Colts.  I hope you click over and read it.  You won't be sorry.


A Peyton Manning Fan Forever



Seriously, this post will be lamesauce. Go away.

Monday, November 14th, 2011

If you had told me last year or even the year before that MY TEAM would be 0-10 THE YEAR WE HOST THE SUPER BOWL…..I would have laughed in your face!

Everybody knows the Colts are a top-of-the-line team! They’re matchless. Awesome. They have the NFL’s best quarterback! Peyton Manning is superhuman on the football field. He’s respected by everyone! Players, fans, coaches & opposing teams!

But, for the first time in blah blah seasons (Peyton has had a record 227 starts). Which means, he doesn’t stand on the sideline and watch any games…he plays!

Until this year.

This year, the one that the Colts haven’t one a single game all season.

He’s standing. On the sideline. Looking bewildered and frustrated. Much like his fans and the fans who cheer the big blue franchise on everyweek. I’ve even noticed the sports announcer’s shaking their heads at what they see each week. It’s unbelievable!

Not this team!

It’s been painful to watch. By no means, do I blame Peyton Manning for the entire season of losses. I am intelligent football savvy enough to see there are other men on the field getting paid to play. It just seems coincidental that since he’s been out with a serious surgery recoop that the team has fallen to pieces. He’s known for being a great leader. But he’s not the only one playing. It’s a team, right?

I love the Colts. Most of my friends….love the Colts. I was so excited about this year’s SUPER BOWL!! Not anymore. I feel bummed! Embarrassed even. Indianapolis is a crazy fun town. What a smear of reality in the face of so many fans it will be to watch the entire city fill up with fans from other teams. Indy is a town of blue, Colts blue!

I’m not a fairweather fan. I promise. It’s been torture to watch them lose every week. It’s just not how the Colts do things. To call it humbling is almost insulting too. The Colts are known as a classy franchise. They don’t play dirty, they aren’t showy…..

They are just THE COLTS!

I haven’t worn any Colts gear….all season! Come on, don’t judge! It’s just too painful! Now, do you see why I titled this post lame?


Friday, September 9th, 2011

In honor of Blue Friday, I think it’s only appropriate for Colts fans (like me) to take a moment blogpost of silence. Last night’s awful news of our beloved QB Peyton Manning and his third neck surgery have forced me into a big boohoo of sadness! As was reported, it is very likely that #18 will not return to the playing field at all this season. I’m speechless and uber sad!

I know it’s just football, ya’ll! But seriously! I LOVE THE COLTS!!! This will now be a totally different team with a new Quarterback. Let’s just hope Kerry Collins can step into such a role! {Wishing him the best!}

Sunday/Monday football just won’t be the same at my house.

So, don’t mind me…I’ll just be wearing my blue and cheering my team on anyway!

God bless #18! GET WELL SOON, Peytie Pie!