Posts Tagged ‘Super Bowl’

Dog Sitting Super Bowl

Monday, February 6th, 2012

I’ve had a great weekend, what about you? I did a bunch of nothing mixed in with a lot of puppy duty! It’s only fair that the grandparents get a little time with their grand-dog right? Gavin has a life (who knew) outside of caring for his new pet, Gracie! That’s the way it is with college kids. When opportunities arise to party–they take em!

It wasn’t that big of a deal except for the fact that my very kind neighbor cleaned out her fridge and threw all the rotten food outside into her front yard. Nice, huh? Of course the new puppy ran right over to feast upon its goodness and then barfed it all over my kitchen floor. Even nicer! This was the start of our very guarded dog-sitting duty! We spent the rest of the weekend screaming our heads off if Gracie even looked in that direction. Also, watching as every single dog in our neighborhood came over for some yum-tum stomach destroyer!

Ahh, neighbors! I love em! πŸ˜‰

I can’t complain about much more (believe it or not) because the NEW YORK GIANTS came to town and beat the Patriots! It was a close game and at the end….my stomach started to hurt as if I’d sampled the neighbors yard buffet myself! It was nerve wracking! Oh, but they pulled it off. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….if #18 couldn’t play at least his baby brother could!

That was my weekend. I didn’t even put on a swipe of makeup the entire time. I wore sweats, cooked good food, chased that dang dog and cleaned the kitchen 67 times. It was perfect!

I’m ready to do it again….only it’s Monday!

Seriously, this post will be lamesauce. Go away.

Monday, November 14th, 2011

If you had told me last year or even the year before that MY TEAM would be 0-10 THE YEAR WE HOST THE SUPER BOWL…..I would have laughed in your face!

Everybody knows the Colts are a top-of-the-line team! They’re matchless. Awesome. They have the NFL’s best quarterback! Peyton Manning is superhuman on the football field. He’s respected by everyone! Players, fans, coaches & opposing teams!

But, for the first time in blah blah seasons (Peyton has had a record 227 starts). Which means, he doesn’t stand on the sideline and watch any games…he plays!

Until this year.

This year, the one that the Colts haven’t one a single game all season.

He’s standing. On the sideline. Looking bewildered and frustrated. Much like his fans and the fans who cheer the big blue franchise on everyweek. I’ve even noticed the sports announcer’s shaking their heads at what they see each week. It’s unbelievable!

Not this team!

It’s been painful to watch. By no means, do I blame Peyton Manning for the entire season of losses. I am intelligent football savvy enough to see there are other men on the field getting paid to play. It just seems coincidental that since he’s been out with a serious surgery recoop that the team has fallen to pieces. He’s known for being a great leader. But he’s not the only one playing. It’s a team, right?

I love the Colts. Most of my friends….love the Colts. I was so excited about this year’s SUPER BOWL!! Not anymore. I feel bummed! Embarrassed even. Indianapolis is a crazy fun town. What a smear of reality in the face of so many fans it will be to watch the entire city fill up with fans from other teams. Indy is a town of blue, Colts blue!

I’m not a fairweather fan. I promise. It’s been torture to watch them lose every week. It’s just not how the Colts do things. To call it humbling is almost insulting too. The Colts are known as a classy franchise. They don’t play dirty, they aren’t showy…..

They are just THE COLTS!

I haven’t worn any Colts gear….all season! Come on, don’t judge! It’s just too painful! Now, do you see why I titled this post lame?

Goin to the Super Bowl!

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

Ally, Me, Gates & Tyler partying before the game!!

It’s what we’ve been working towards all season! No, I don’t have a mouse in my pocket! I just think like I’m on the team…..afterall, I do watch every game (Colts that is)! Today was the most anticipated game yet. We planned and prepped until we were almost too late to bother watching.

Oh….the handy dvr! It is our friend! We managed just fine zipping through all those commercials. Our beloved Colts struggled a bit there at the first half….but pulled it off when it counts most. Whew! I can’t describe the happy dance going on in my heart! My people, are so excited! It is going to be a great Super Bowl XLIV!

Now…..who will be there with us? Hmmm, I call New Orleans! Plus, I bet hubby and Gavin that it would be Colts vs. Saints. If I win….I get a new purse. TJ Maxx discount purse that is. Maybe someday…..a Coach or a Dooney! But not this time. πŸ™‚