Archive for April, 2012

All Work & No Play

Friday, April 20th, 2012

I'm on my own this weekend!  My kids have been invited to lead worship for a local church's Disciple Now weekend and my hubby just left on a big job project up north in Indiana.  Everyone's busy.

Weekends get like that.  It's the end of the school year (Halleluja!!) and all the fun activities are just getting cranked up.  Prom and senior trip are at the top of the list. I'll be going to both (working).

No rest for the weary.  πŸ˜‰

I've been a bit hard on my hubby lately.  Everybody knows a nagging wife is like a dripping faucet and in my case….it might be fair to say that I've been more of a dropped garden hose that landed on the spray nozzle handle.  I've sprayed him smack in the face with my complaining.  Bad, bad!

He's been a good sport about it….for the most part.

I'm embarrassed to admit that my fussing at him about working constantly hasn't brought us any closer.  If anything, it's made him want to get away from me and work even more.  Major fail (on my part)!  That's really not the kind of wife I want to be and I know it isn't the one God expects of me.

I bet I'm not the only one to gripe at my husband about stuff that's out of his control.  I've listened to friends.  They have troubles, disagreements and arguments about life too.  It's what we do with all of it at the end of the day that really matters.

Questions to ask (Me) or (Yourself):

–Am I being unreasonable to the point of NO COMMUNICATION?

–Do I argue just to be mean?

–What is my motive?  Am I just trying to get my way?

–Is what I'm arguing with him about important in the grand scheme of things?

–Can the issue be solved or is it a temporary inconvenience?


Husbands carry a heavy load in our families.  I know mine does.  He's constantly trying to please everyone and we all know that it's impossible to do that.  It's not his fault that his job requires some crazy hours (it is his fault if he's not using his work hours appropriately).  In this season, I'm choosing to be more patient and certainly more kind.

Who knows….maybe someday all that hard work WILL PAY OFF!!!  πŸ˜‰

Sew Sorry

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

Pardon me while I totally melt down and flip out!  I've just gotten a phone call from the seamstress that "agreed" to alter my youngest daughter's prom dress.  In our original meeting, she told me that the cost would be around $60 to hem the bottom and take in the top.  She also mentioned that this was a very expensive dress and that the work would not be easy.  Also, that she guaranteed everything she worked on and that she's never ever had to replace anything in her 28+ years of doing this job.

It is her business!  

She has a cute little shop downtown and pays rent to run her sewing business there.  Her cost was normal.  To me, it was a little high.  I was willing to pay it because this is a very expensive dress and I don't want it to look like I did the work! hehe!  So, I was totally on board with whatever her demands were.  Understand?

Until today when I checked my phone and saw she was trying to reach me.  I called her back and she very politely backed out of the whole deal.  After thinking about it, she felt the dress was just too much.  It would take her several more hours to work on (thanks to that very nice fabric) and that the price she had initially quoted me was going to be way off.  Meaning, it would cost more like double to alter it!



Not good news on a morning when the hormones are amped up to the max!  I woke up feeling like a truck ran over me and my head is pounding!  This just makes the whole ordeal a DOUBLE WHAMMY!!!


So, back to square one.  Searching for a new seamstress.  On a good note?  The quitter seamstress did say that this was a very special dress and that NO ONE WOULD HAVE ANYTHING LIKE IT!!


Who wants to look like everybody else?   πŸ™‚


[That’s why we search the world over and order online!]

—I can't wait to post a picture!—  It's an Adrianna Papell and IT IS GORGEOUS!!

Are You Listening?

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Yesterday I asked you what you could buy with a penny.  Today, I'm wondering what sounds fill your day?  I've always been noise sensitive.  I don't know why.  Loud tv's (no biggie when it comes to music), screaming children in stores, roaring leaf blowers outside my window…all bother me.  I blame it on my mother.  She was always shushing me and I suppose I just picked that up as my duty.  

So, I spread it onto my own family.  Sorry, loved ones.  Especially those who struggle to hear like my hubby.  I know he has to have conversations repeated at times (thanks to some early life gunfire noise damage).  I've been known to get aggravated and snappy repeating what I've just said, again.  Sorry, babe!

Ears are sensitive!  Take good care of yours.  Got it?

It may sound weird, but I was thinking of all the different noises I hear in a day.  I'm in a loud environment during the work-day.  School noise is a mixture of voices, snorts, squeals, slams, coughs, yelling, chairs screeching, books falling, bells ringing and even toilet flushes (if you're so lucky to be in a classroom next to one of our bathrooms).  Ha!  

One of my favorite things to do when I get back home at the end of the day…is sit quietly and listen to the sweet sounds of shhhh, nothing!  Often, I find my ears are ringing.  A bad sign of how loud the day has been, huh?

I love thinking of all the wonderful things my ears hear each day.  My husband's words of love and admiration.  My children's sweet words and fun laughs.  The kindness of a friend.  A favorite song.  Prayers.  The final bell of the school day!  πŸ˜‰  My life is probably much like yours, in that, all around me are wonderful moments.  Isn't God so clever to bless us with hearing?

Think of all that you hear in a day.  Some of it wonderful….some a little noisy.  All of it — a gift!


What Can You Get For A Penny?

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

I've got shopping in my blood.  It's a raw talent that I pride myself on.  There isn't a full-price item out there that I can't find cheaper somewhere…all it takes is a bit of dedication and some snooping around.  Oh and a tiny amount of patience.

Which I'm blessed with WHEN IT COMES TO SPENDING MY MONEY!  πŸ˜‰

Recently, hubby and I were on a fun shopping trip away from kids and jobs with nothing but time on our hands.  So we spent the day visiting a few well-known stores just browsing.  If you're familiar with browsing, then you know really good deals can come from being in the right place at the right time.

That was just my luck when I walked into Nordstrom Rack in Keystone.  I wandered around not expecting to find anything special…when I noticed a rack of evening gowns.  My youngest has Prom coming up in a few weeks, so I thought I'd give it a peek just to see if there was anything fantastic in her size.

As soon as I walked up to the tall rack, I could see a gorgeous green dress.  I held it up and oggled at it's silky elegant beauty.  The shape, the color, the long classy sleeves, the feminine neckline and then I flipped over the tag.  ($11.01)  I checked the name brand–BCBGMAX AZRIA.  The same designer that Ally wore last year.  

Fancy, y'all!

I looked for a sales-clerk because everyone knows that what you see on the price tag (these days) isn't always correct.  Sometimes the item gets marked accidentally the wrong price and boohoo, the jokes on you shopper!  The lady was firm.  Yes ma'am, that dress is $11.01.  Looks like you've found a great deal!

My thoughts exactly, girlfriend!

Up to the register we mosied.  Hubby and I agreed that even if no one ever used it for a prom….our girls would wear it for something and $11 bucks was worth every penny of fun we'd have bragging about getting a BCBG gown so cheap.  Score!

The clerk rang it up and announced, "That will be 1 penny, please!".  All three of us stopped and stared at the register trying to take in what she just said.  Then we all laughed outloud.  She said, "You've stumbled upon a close-out that just happened to be left on the floor".  It was our "lucky" day!


Paying a penny for a gorgeous BCBG gown has to be one of the greatest shopping showdowns of my career.  To call it satisfying would be an understatement.  It was almost as good as a back massage or a fancy vacation away from my troubles (not that I have any)!  Hehe!  It just serves to reinforce my  shopping attitude–you can find it cheaper!

Tell me, what's the best bargain you've found lately?



100 Years Ago

Monday, April 16th, 2012


On April 10th 1912, the legendary passenger ship Titanic embarked on its maiden voyage from Southhampton, England to New York City.  I can only imagine the excitement amongst the passengers and crew.  All 2,228 of them. Of the 337 passengers in first class, 285 in second class and 721 in third class plus 885 crew members only around 700 of them would survive.

I don't know about you…but that's not very many.  The horror of that night and what happened so quickly after striking the iceberg seems terrifying!  What was called the "Unsinkable Ship" did just that in a matter of hours.  From the moment of impact (around 11:40pm) until 2:18 am, the passengers of Titanic barely had time to do anything.  The confusion had to be enormous and the mayhem of life or death decisions unreal.  Panic doesn't even seem like a big enough word.

Most of the survivors would be women and children from first class, 74% of the women and 52% of the children total.  If you were unlucky enough to be in third class your fate was inevitable.  Only around 20% total of the men would make it…all of them lucky enough to board one of the twenty lifeboats.  Being poor was a tragedy like none other on this sad night.  You literally had NO CHANCE!



I've read stories of how chaotic it was choosing who would actually get into the boats.  Wives/mothers refused to leave their husbands and sons.  Other's were so terrified they couldn't fathom being lowered into the icy water and missed their chance completely.  Each boat was designed to hold 65 passengers, which to me..sounds like a big amount but the craziness of the situation made it impossible to fill them with any kind of order.  The first few boats had only a few people in them.  All of it, disastrous and horrible!

Who would want to leave any loved one in that situation?  I ask myself, "What would I do?".  I shudder to even imagine it.  Heartbreaking.  What bravery, what compassion.

Titanic is a part of history etched onto the heart of people everywhere.  Even 100 years later.  We grapple with the hopelessness of that night.  Maybe that's why so many of us watch the movies/documentaries and read the books/stories.  We're fascinated! 

The Titanic is a grim reminder for each of us.  Anything can happen.  Unsinkable ships sink.  Fancy trips can end tragically.  Going to work can change your life forever.  Time is promised to no one.  Be reconciled with those you love (everyday) and with Christ.  Live everyday as if it were your last.

April 15th 1912 @ 2:18am the Titanic sank leaving its mark on history forever.




When You Need TO WOW

Friday, April 13th, 2012

I've bragged about these cookies before and it just so happens that I had to whip up a batch for my HS daughter today. She's participating in a "food day" in one of her classes and really wanted to WOW her classmates. If there's a cookie that can do that….IT IS THIS ONE!


Mama don't lie, y'all!

I haven't made them in a few months so I got busy… wrecking the kitchen. For real, I was trying to be quiet because my hubby was on a serious business call and flipped a whole cup of flour everywhere.  This isn't doing the mess justice.  It is even inside the door of the oven and down that little crack between the oven & counter.  Nice!



But let's not linger on the negative.  I'm going to post this recipe and hope that you will make them soon for your own family.  Oh and I might as well confess….this is NOT A SECRET special cookie recipe.  It's popular everywhere and people have been baking them for years.  I'm just blabbing about them because they are delicious and people love them when I bake them.  Enjoy your Friday & weekend, friends!  And the cookies too!  



Chocolate Crinkle Cookies


1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar

In a medium bowl, mix together cocoa, white sugar, and vegetable oil. Beat in eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt; stir into the cocoa mixture. Cover dough, and chill for at least 4 hours.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper. Roll  COLD dough into one inch balls with lightly oiled palms.  1 large tablespoon or rounded teaspoon depending on what size you like. Coat each ball in confectioners’ sugar before placing onto prepared cookie sheets.

Bake in preheated oven for 10 to 12 minutes. Let stand on the cookie sheet for a minute before transferring to wire racks to cool.