Archive for August, 2013

Bitterness Stings

Monday, August 19th, 2013

I've nibbled on bitterness recently…


I'm ashamed of what it did inside my heart…


I know all the truths about loving others.  I understand God's command to me and yet I still found myself wrapped up in a war of emotions.  I may have even used my eyes as laser darts to punish my offender.  Possibly.

life truth

Why is it so hard to let GOD HANDLE things?


I'm reminded of my Lord when I think of true forgiveness.  He had the weight of the world on his shoulders and he still….willingly, lovingly gave the forgiveness He gave.

What is my deal?

get rid

Today, I'm choosing to move forward and let it go.  My soul is battered because I couldn't see how troubling bitterness is to who you are in Christ Jesus.

I forgive…

Operation Sell It

Sunday, August 18th, 2013

I told you, I'm moving!  If it kills me dead…. I am moving!  While I get it together (Ahem, make my house sell-able) over here and clean out just about every single thing we ever purchased, I may have to go on steroids.   My body hurts all over.  Nothing is left to hurt.


This is during the painting on Saturday night.  Hubby and I worked all day cleaning out the room and closet in order to claim this room as ours.  It is the master bedroom afterall.  For the last 11 years our oldest child has made it his dude cave.  All I can say to that is… was disgusting!


In his defense, he is a guy and guys usually don't give a flip what their room looks like.  Mama's, they give a flip.

I'm just about to spend my first night in THE MASTER BEDROOM of my house.  It's gorgeous in there!


I'm really excited that I was able to use many of my mother's beautiful things to finish my room off in style.  Her stainglass lamps, some of her lace pillow shams and I hope to find a home for a few more pretty pieces.

She would be so happy.  I can just see her smiling at her gift.


I know it's difficult to tell the color.  My mad camera skills aren't really that amazing.  The walls are a velvety taupe color that make the room come alive with A H H H H !!


Which is just what I was going for.  REST.  I'm not going to miss sleeping next door to the kitchen where the people who aren't paying the bills stay up cooking snacks all hours of the night.  Ya know, because they live on 3rd shift and all.

I can't wait to finish all the other rooms.  My feet, legs & back are saying otherwise.  They can wait.  But selling a house is strategic.  I don't want to miss out on an opportunity to pass my keys off to some other family….so I rest up and get back on the fix-er-upper wagon!

More work to do next weekend…

Back to Loving Fridays

Friday, August 16th, 2013

it is fri

I'm telling ya….I'm mad about Fridays!!!

Even when the weekend is full of work!  This is the start of operation SELL MY HOUSE remodel work.  I'm totally psyched about doing some rearranging and painting.  I have loved my house for the last 11 years but sprucing up some things may open the door for someone else to love it just as much!

Fingers crossed, y'all!


What’s the Cost?

Thursday, August 15th, 2013

I will never expect applause for doing the right thing.  I pray that I've raised my kids to think the same way.  I know that I married a man who chooses to bless without ever expecting something in return.  His ways of giving have always inspired me to be better.  My question to you today is DO YOU BELIEVE it's better to give than to receive?

I do.

I run into opportunities here and there to love on someone in a way that literally costs me nothing.  Just me giving of me.  I know that I've probably missed some along the way and for that I feel more encouraged to be aware of needs around me.  People need each other.

I've been on the need end myself.  Maybe that's why I feel so sensitive to helping others.  I know what it's like to fret or worry over an issue or a bill and I get what the stress of that can do to a person.  It can eat you alive and rob you of all your peace & patience.

My hubby and I have struggled.  Pretty much our whole marriage has been robbing Peter to pay Paul.  We had babies right away, we went back to college (talk about broke), we moved several times, we worked low paying jobs and we did it all with GOD'S NEVERENDING HELP!

Sometimes God used other people in our lives to bless us and other times He orchestrated events that helped us pull through.  Either way, WE KNOW IT WAS GOD!  We learned very early in our life that WE COULD ALWAYS TRUST HIM!

That's just what pushes me when I feel it's my turn to give or bless.  I know that if the spark to "do something" for someone is there IT IS GOD NUDGING ME TO DO WHATEVER IT COST.  He'll take care of the rest.  He's looking for my willingness to obey.

Today, God put a small need in my path.  I consider it a gift.  The last year has been so hard emotionally, financially and mentally on me.  But even in the midst of all of that….God was working and blessing me.  How could I ignore a very real need right in my face?  It was literally my turn to pass His love along.

I'll be honest….it feels way much better to give than to receive!  To hand someone something they need with no strings attached is liberating.  To know that they won't have to worry about anything because of my willingness to obey feels amazing!  And I owe all of that blessing to Christ.


I am overwhelmed at the way you bless me.  Even when struggle is my friend….you are hard at work providing me a way through.  Thank you for the blessings; hubby's new job, my job, my health, my kids health, a home and a loving family & friends.  You are the greatest example of giving.



Snuggle Up ButterCup

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

20130814-084141.jpgMy family likes to snuggle.  Can you see?

20130814-083808.jpgIt's just the way we do things.  That's why we bought a giant sofa, so we can pile up and relax.  Together.

20130814-083853.jpgSometimes, we even take pictures of our craziness.  And heck, if you can't get the camera just right…you hold it out and click it with your toes.

I'm thankful for a fun family.  I'm beyond blessed and I know that home really is where the heart is (in my world).  If you have a loving family, don't forget to play around and goof off.  Make sure to enjoy one another as often as possible.  Time can whip right by…



These are the people I love the most. They make my world go round!

Too Much To Do

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

Remember my jazzy attitude yesterday?  Well, it went to pot by the time I went to bed last night.  Lame, I know.  I'm blaming it on all the wicked emotions that I've traveled through in the last 6-8 months.  I've had ups and I've had downs.  I think it's only fair that I get a little blue here & there.

I have what feels like the weight of the world on my shoulders.

See how life can be a bag of mixed emotions?  All of what I'm feeling comes from a lack of organization.  My life and all that goes along with it feel jumbled up.  Who knew selling a house while working full-time and trying to commute long distance (hubby) could be so stressful?  Especially after the summer we've had and all the additional boxes of stuff we had to bring home with us.

More clutter equals more anxiety.

I've been working on a TO DO list.  It's exhausting just looking at it.  I even tried to seperate the work out on two pages, big things & little things.  Overwhelming!  Maybe it's getting to me because of what we just had to do at my mom's house.

Stuff stacked everywhere makes me want to cry.

I told someone yesterday that I'd just like to pack a suitcase and leave.  That may sound a little crazy but it represents how one step forward two steps back I feel.

Enough whining, I know.  I can't get my summer back.  I can't make it all happen in a weekend.  I can't change the fact that we've collected junk and let it build up.  I can't do anything but take it all ONE STEP AT A TIME!

So, pray for me.  I need strength, patience, focus and TIME to work on my exhaustive TO DO LIST.



Thank you for blessing me with such a beautiful house.  Forgive me for not keeping it under control.  Help me be of sound mind when making important decisions.  And protect my family/spouse from disagreements and strife through the process.

