Archive for April, 2014

Good For Me and You

Friday, April 18th, 2014


Nothing in this world can match what Jesus did on the cross for me (and you).  No pay it forward,  no extreme home make-over, no jackpot lottery win…nothing compares to this act of love.

Jesus Christ died…for me and for you.

My hope is found in Him.

Today as I thank God for my salvation and my future in heaven…I can’t do it without remembering what it cost.   His life for mine.  So, knowing me like I do…I feel overwhelmed with gratitude.

Jesus’ death was horrible and wicked but did it for me anyway. 

Thank you Jesus.   Your love for me is never ending.   Your sacrifice is too much for my heart to take in.  Thank you for dying for me.

I’ll Pray For You

Thursday, April 17th, 2014

How often do we say that to someone and then never do it?  If you're like me, you don't NOT pray for them because you don't care or are a big liar.  It's just easy to overlook or forget.  Maybe we've even gotten a little weak in our prayer life.

prayers of jesus

No one modeled prayer quite like Jesus did.

On the night before His crucifixion Jesus went to the garden with the apostles to pray.  He knew the task at hand was going to need serious prayer.  It was to be His biggest act of love so far and while He was certainly God in flesh…..He prayed that His Father God would let this cup pass if there were ANY OTHER WAY.

Scripture records that Jesus prayed so hard and with such agony that an angel came to comfort Him.  Only hours away from His arrest, Jesus continued to pray there in Gethsemane while His followers fell into a restful sleep nearby.  He needed strength, the kind that comes from God and He needed His followers to join in with that petitioning.

I can't imagine a need greater than sacrificing your life for all mankind.  It just doesn't match up to anything I've ever had to struggle with or pray about.  Yet, every prayer I've ever uttered matters to God.  Every tiny little stress that I've cried over and each request I've offered up….He hears and cares about.  No matter how small.

As I think of my Lord on this Maundy Thursday, I praise Him for His love for me and I'm inspired by His willingness to pray for "any other way" and YET accept the answer with a love like no other.

It's only a matter of time now…..the soldiers will be here soon.

Won't you pray?


Is It Me?

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014



Judas would bargain with the life of Jesus for 30 silver pieces and then have the nerve to question him (the Lord Jesus), "Is it me, Rabbi?".  Reading the scripture (Matthew 26:14-25) of that Passover meal moment today….most of us find it rather gutsy or even downright disgusting.

Who betrays Jesus?  Who betrays Jesus in the worst of ways and then behaves as if he knows nothing about it?

I do and you do too.

In my new church, communion is offered each service… which is new for me (a good ole Baptist girl).  Every week, I find myself clearing out piles of garbage from my heart as I sit reflecting on what Christ Jesus has done for me.  As I think on this "new to me" church practice, I recognize how much I actually look forward to it.  I think it has something to do with my need for heart accountability along with my personal opportunity to thank HIM for what HE has done for me.  His death… me life.

I may not recieve 30 silver pieces for betraying Christ…but I teeter on the edge of making my own self look good when I try to fit in with people around me and by conforming to those who are not in alignment with God.  It may be in some simple way that I blow off the Lord for something I want selfishly but betrayal it all is just the same.  Like Judas, my reward is regret and sorrow.

I think about how Judas must have felt once he realized just what he had done to Jesus.  Then, I think about how many times I've been just as neglectful with my relationship with Christ.  While I haven't handed my Lord over to murderers….I have pretended to be cooler than I am and skipped out on opportunities to share Jesus with people in my midst (maybe too afraid to speak up).  Either way, I have NO room to judge Judas.  I'm just as pathetic as every other sinner.

But, good news.  Jesus knew all along how awful I would be and that I would need Him & His forgiveness.  So, on to Calvary He went…


I'm guilty.  I betray you.  I neglect you.  Yet you still love me.  Forgive me for my pathetic faith and renew in me a fire that no one or thing can squelch!


Walk on Water

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014


Every step Jesus walked…..He knew what lay ahead of Him.  He understood the mockery,  He was completely aware of every stone that would be thrown and He kept moving forward towards Calvary.

For me….for you!

Because He couldn’t leave us as we were…


He understood how much we needed a Savior.  He was willing to suffer.  It’s funny how we throw around such words as suffering or inconvenienced in our everyday lives.

Friends, we do not know suffering.


Oh Lord,
You, the God of all….love me!  I will shout to the world,  YOU ARE MIGHTY and I am YOURS!

Straight to the Temple

Monday, April 14th, 2014

jesus week

And Jesus…drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons….Matthew 21:12

I will never figure out a love like Christ's.  Even on my best days, I cannot imagine loving anyone like He does or giving so sacrificially.  His life was pure and blameless and He knew mine would never be and still He died for me.

As I ponder this very Holy Week in my heart, I think about the first thing Jesus did when he entered Jerusalem.  He went straight to the Temple, the place of worship.  He couldn't leave it like it was in its current (at that time) condition.  I think it's indicative of what He does upon entering a person's life.  He goes straight to the heart (the place of worship) because He can't leave us like we are in our lostness.  He wants to cleanse us of everything that doesn't belong there or doesn't align with God.

So, that scene we've all read and heard stories about where Jesus goes into the temple flipping tables and blowing His cool …. that's the perfect MIND PICTURE for each of us to hold onto when we think about what our sin and foolishness means to God.  He despises it!  He wants it out of our lives.

Today, as we count down the days to Jesus' death and Resurrection….I pray that each of us would see clearly what needs to go in our lives.  What is it that we must clean out?  What is blocking me (and you) from living a life that is completely connected to Christ? 


Sanctify us, cleanse our hearts and lives of whatever it is that blocks us from you.  


It Just Gets Better & Better

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Just when I thought life had hit the pinnacle of awesome… chance moment of picking out a new yogurt catapulted my lame life into a joy that surpasses even having THE Publisher's Clearing House van parked outside my house.

Who knew yogurt could be so danged good?

To be completely honest, I hadn't eaten a bite of ANY yogurt in over a year.  I'm one of "those" people who can live forever without ever touching a cup of yogurt.  It's not that I hate it, I simply never hanker for yogurt. 

Until now.  I will never look at yogurt the same again.

CHOBANI FLIPS has literally stolen my heart and my stomach for life!

2014-04-09 09.18.31

See it, memorize it….buy it!  Love it!  You are welcome! 

The only reason I bought it was because the package had my favorite food items pictured on it; chocolate, almonds and some coconut.  I naively put two cartons in my cart never thinking that my life was about to change so drastically.

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Too bad you can't SEE delicious, because that is a vision of YUM YUM YUM!

So, you heard it here people…CHOBANI YOGURT is my favorite yogurt and I'm betting it will be yours too!

Worth every 240 calories per serving!

PS- They have several other flavors too.  Not just the one I mentioned.