Archive for April, 2014

Goose Fight

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Every once in a while I take Miss Lizzy out back of our house beyond the privacy fence.  It’s a nice wooded area full of awesome doggy snif spots and a thawed out pond.

She runs free as if she were kept prisoner normally.  All lies of course.



Yesterday she wandered on over the hill towards the pond.  Next, I heard the most ferocious barking.  She would bark and run back.  Then, get up her courage… turn and run back towards her enemy.  I knew she was asking for trouble as soon as I heard THE HISSING.  I tried everything to call her back to me.  It was as if my voice only spurred her on.  She got even crazier.

So, I ran to save her because by this time…old mother goose was chasing her back up the hill.  Do you know how mean geese can be?  Well, I’ll tell you.  They are wicked mean.  They will run you down, honking and hissing and I’m almost positive…they can keel keel keel!


I thought I had Miss Lizzy convinced to retreat but she gave it one more shot and ran at the giant killer goose who let her have it!!!!  The screaming cries from little miss brave heart told me she understood the danger now.  Until she turned around for one more try at putting the goose on its way….which is where I tell you how fast I had to turn and run for my own life. 

With a big fast goose hot on my heels!!!

Good news.  Lizzy survived, I made it back to my yard and the mean old goose is floating happily in the pond.

Goose wins!!

Good Tuesday

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

You know how Monday’s have a nasty reputation?  Well…

Yesterday will go down in history (my history anyway) as one of the most challenging days ever.  Don’t worry, I have no intentions of reliving it here.  Once was more than enough, really… and you don’t deserve to suffer through ALL of my life struggles.  A few here & there, maybe. 




Today has already shown me JOY does come in the morning.  Yesterday is long gone and today is treating me awesome! 

I just finished reading Elizabeth Smart’s book.  If you ever fall into the pit of feeling sorry for yourself…knowing what she survived might inspire you to do otherwise.  I was riveted by her sheer will to live and someday be found.  Her very sad story comes with an amazing end or shall I say,  beginning!?

She reminds me that while horrible things can happen…God can turn evil and hurt into forgiveness and victory.   My troubles yesterday do not compare to the horrors of kidnapping, rape and abuse.  So, enjoying today seems like the right thing to do.

I hope you’re having a good Tuesday!

Who’s My Neighbor?

Monday, April 7th, 2014

I've been in my new neighborhood for 3 1/2 months now.  I'm still waiting to meet most of the families all around me.  It's hard to do when most of them work odd hours and come & go so quickly that I miss them pulling in and out.  I've become a little bit like Gladys Kravitz y'all…

gladys kravitz

However, I am determined to be friends.  Before the cows come home!

On my way out the door for church yesterday, I read the meanest post on Facebook.  It was by someone who is my Facebook "friend".  Seriously, I try to be careful what I say on there because I know how easy it is to feel offended.  At the same time, as a Christian….I can't help but stand up for truth when I see it being beaten down.  It seems like this person is constantly sticking garbage on to get a reaction out of the readers.  Most of it, false and inappropriate.  I, being of solid flesh wanted to respond.  However, I was….you know, heading to CHURCH!

Lord, You love me so….

Here is where I tell you that while I know about 6000 other people attend my new church, the message was fairly customized for one. 


The topic was compassion and the scripture taken from the Good Samaritan parable in Luke 10.  The focus of the sermon was how each of us should reflect Jesus Christ and His love/compasion.  No matter who we are, what color our skin might be or if we even like one another.  We are to LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR as ourself.

loving neighbor

I had long forgotten the Facebook post as I scribbled down notes and listened with perked up ears.  I mean, hello….I am a studious follower!  I want to learn!  I want to grow!  And then he said, "YOUR neighbor is most likely going to be that person you don't like!  The one who rubs you the wrong way or insults & offends you.  That one, that's the one God wants you to show compassion to!".  What?  Nooooo, come on Lord.  I want to avoid that person.  I want to spout sassy comments back on their Facebook feed when I feel the need to set them straight.  All in the name of righteousness, ya know?!

Oh the sting!  Oh the conviction!  Oh the gentle reminder that I don't have to "like" everything someone else might say or even agree.  But I do have to be LIKE CHRIST when dealing with them.  Why?  Because that's who God wants me to be.  I can't impact anyone for HIS GLORY if I'm acting like a jerk and neither can you.

People are going to annoy us.  People are going to offend us.  People are people!  They can be flawed, mean, say foolish things….even behave horribly.  But God wants us to love them anyway.  They are our neighbors.  They are placed strategically in our lives and it is our privilege to love them, right where they are.

It didn't take me long to figure out who MY NEIGHBOR was thanks to the sermon. 

Who's YOUR neighbor?  Are you loving them….like you love God & yourself?

love your neighbor

What To Wear?

Friday, April 4th, 2014

This is serious….

I'm in the midst of a challenge.  A good kind of challenge but a challenge nonetheless!  I'm going to be sitting HERE on April 30th and I need to look amazing without TRYING to look amazing.  Understand?  Forgive me if I seem shallow because I'm not.  I just feel a certain pressure to be perfectly presentable and to honor both the First Lady of Indiana and my kind host/invitee Mrs. Sandy Hageman.

This is a special day for both ladies and their team.  The First Lady has organized a wonderful charitable foundation geared towards helping hospitalized children in Indiana through art therapy.  This year's luncheon will benefit Riley's Art Therapy Initiative.  The theme "Helping Indiana's Children Bloom" is a reflection of just what the first lady has set out to do, give financially to a program that encourages children to blossom through art right here in Indiana.

The beautiful luncheon will be modeled after the annual Congressional Spouse Club's First Lady's Luncheon held each year in Washington D.C. that my friend, Mrs. Sandy Hageman works so hard to make a success.  So, to say….I am excited to be invited to sit at one of her two tables IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT!

I am THRILLED!!  Me?  With them?  Wow, Lord.  I am honored!

See why I have to look amazing?  I don't want to embarrass my host or myself with the wrong dress.  I also don't want to be so glammed up that I miss the boat on what this day is about.  It's a fundraiser, not a chance to shine like a diamond.  It also begins at 10:30am and dressing accordingly is key.  It can't be too flashy or too casual but it also can't be too young.  I'm not in my 20's as I've found to be common while scrolling through my online shopping spots.  And, I'm not a granny either!  It has to be just right!

Here are a few of my considerations… far!  Trust me, I won't stop until I find the PERFECT DRESS!

Dress #1

ladys lunch 3

I'm a sucker for creamy whites (as you will soon see).  I love the businessy sweet look of this and the collar screams feminine!!  It's a little fancy with a bit of casual.  Yes?

Dress #2

Adrianna 1

This dress has it all, black & white (love)….lace, casual shape, not revealing and to the knee.  Plus, it is by one of my fave designer's — Adrianna Papel!

Dress #3

ladys lunch 5

Ok, feminine yet trendy.  Colorful (it is the end of April) and nicely shaped.  Not sexy but not boring.

Dress #4

ladys lunch 6

I like the easy look of this one and the colors make me giddy. 

Dress #5

ladys lunch 4

Simple and elegant.  A bit Eastery too.  I could use it twice!!  Score!

Dress #6

oh my

This dress is absolutely stunning!  I don't think I could blend in wearing something like this but I love it so much I could kiss it.  The only problem is that I'm not skeeny like this model and it might not look good….frumpyish!

Dress #7

adrianna 2 favorite

Can I just say that this dress has stolen my heart?  I love it!  Love the green, the lace, the length, the neckline, the shape and the designer!!  Yes, another Adrianna Papel!  That lady knows me….  If I had to buy something RIGHT NOW (which I don't) this would be the one I picked first.

Since I still have a good 2 weeks to beat the streets and scour the internet, I am not panicking!  However, I am focused!  I will not rest until I find the perfect choice for me!  And did I mention, for my budget?  laugh

Ever find yourself….wondering, WHAT TO WEAR??



Weather Wonderland

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

Indiana is seriously a bummer this year in the weather department.  How much cruddy weather can we take?  Snow, ice…..piles of it, freezing temps and now storms!  All night, all day and the rain has all intentions of continuing for days.  Here's a peek at our local forecast map right this minute –>

rainy map

Ugly, huh?  Now that we are smack dab in the middle of Noah like weather….we have severe flood warnings for a pretty big chunk of Indiana.  Let's give it some familiarity…

From my house in Zionsville down to my girls apartment in Columbus and further on down to my sweetboy's house in North Vernon.  FLOODS ARE A RAGIN'!!!

To see the flooding areas –>  Where's the flood?

flood range

Nice, huh?  All I can say is that I hope it brings with it some Spring like yards.  May it turn every brown blade of grass green and the beds of flowers to pop with pinks, yellows & purples! 

Spring is here!  April showers abound!

We’re Different

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

Thank goodness, we're all different.  I'm me, you're you and that's a good thing.  I thought I was hearing "things" this morning when the topic of gender neutral parenting was brought up on a talk show.

It's a real thing!?!  What?!


Recently, I subbed in an all boys choir class.  Freshman boys.  There's something fun about boys in general.  But an all boys choir….really fun.  The first thing I noticed as they arrived in class was all the noise.  Boys are unique in their abilities to make noises.  Each of them, in their own special way…buzzing, growling, singing and just making the room alive with their boy antics.  I immediately thought back to my own boy and the many sounds he made all throughout the day.  Boys are inclined to put a noise to every toy they play with.  A Tonka truck, growls and vrooms.  Space ships, zipping and zinging.  Cowboys & indians, shooting and falling over.  Fast cars, screeching tires and roaring engine sounds. Every single thing a boy picks up…he has a noise to go with it.  I believe, it is in his DNA.  I didn't train my boy to make noises.  He did them automatically, on his own.  Using HIS imagination.

Gavin pilot

They see the world much differently than we (girls) do.  And I like it!

This gender neutral parenting idea is preposterous!  Seriously, it is astounding!  Why would any parent find this necessary?  God didn't make us to be just neutral.  He specifically made Adam to be a man and then Eve (from Adam's rib) to be a woman!  He did that for a reason.  Part of that reason was because he had different jobs for each of them to do.  I'm a woman and I celebrate the difference between my husband and me.  He is uniquely different than me.  His strengths and abilities compliment mine and mine the same for him.  While we both can do almost everything the other can do, some things are better suited for the other of us.  I like it that way.  He likes it that way.

Last night, I questioned him (my hubby) about a weird knife that kept popping up on the kitchen counter.  He was obviously using it for something, but everytime I went in the kitchen….there it was, again.  I couldn't figure out what he was using it for and why he was leaving it on the counter afterwards.  He thought I was crazy for asking and told me that he was using it to peel oranges.  Which led me to ask why he didn't wash it and put it away or at least stick it in the sink.  His logic?  "I don't know, I just forget I guess."

We are different.  He sees life from a man view and I see it from a woman view.  It's good that way!  I don't need him trekking on my turf.  I don't want him to be feminine.  I like him rough, a bit harsh and stubborn.  I appreciate his softness towards me and our girls because I know I can count on him to be strong and lead us with manly courage.  He isn't neutral about anything and that's because he is living life as a man that was allowed to grow from a boy into a man. 


There is joy in being different.  I love watching the interaction between my husband and son.  They have a playfulness and a hunger for adventure.  The stuff that gets their engine roaring never fazes my girls or me.  We get giddy over a cute outfit, our guys… less.  Guys have a way of chasing danger where we girls face danger when we run out of shopping money or room to put the stuff we found on sale.  That's risky living, huh?

2013-11-15 16.48.14

I don't want to be a guy.  I'm not above doing stuff they do, but I'm thankful they don't make me.

2014-01-05 17.11.46

Who wants to do that?

2014-03-21 20.09.49

Or that?  Not me.  And probably not you if you are a woman.  Men have muscles (we do too) and God designed his body to handle man-sized situations.  Whew, aren't you glad?


Guys typically….enjoy being guys.  At least, mine do.

gavin baby 002

Most girls…..won't get caught DEAD dressed like that.  Am I right?

shoot boy

Every day is an adventure to a guy. 


who's taller

A competition.

bonfire 010

Challenge is in their blood.


I don't want to take that urge away.  Do you?

That's why I can't grasp such a purposeful kind of parenting such as gender neutral.  It's a farce!  It's a crazy idea and I hope and pray… aren't even considering it.  Why?  Because..

Each of us have been assigned a sex and we have so much to celebrate by being who we were born to be.  As a mother of a boy and two girls, I have the opportunity to teach them to embrace who they are IN CHRIST JESUS as well as in their genetic makeup.  My son, while rowdy, silly and adventurous is still loving, tender and compassionate.  I didn't have to strip him to a neutral being to make him a fair human in the world of male & female.  Nor did I with my girls have to train them to play with trucks and guns to give them a manly edge.  It's a joy to be who we are and I'm willing to shout it from the mountain tops!

We are different.  Let's keep it that way!