Archive for February, 2010

What’s making me happy?

Friday, February 19th, 2010

It’s Friday! Not only is it Friday, it’s a 2-hour delay…after being off school all week due to snow!

Hmm, how will I ever make it today? πŸ™‚

My Sweetboy is home! Yay, I’ve missed him so much. He’s here to work on a big project with his dad and make some great money! I’m super psyched for him and me!

I got a new haircut! Ok, it’s about the same just a little more sassy! I like it. But, I haven’t had to style it yet. Wish me luck!?

I’ve gotten a ton of the laundry completed (including…..mostly including my college son’s complete wardrobe). Yay, and it smells so yummy.

I cooked muffins in my new extra large muffin pan! That’s cool because we always have to wait on the next flavor. This morning? I made chocolate chip….and blueberry cheesecake at the same stinkin time! Woohoo! Oh yea, it’s the little things people!

I’m finally feeling a bit of relief from the knife stabbing pain in my right side of my back and ribs. I do however, now have a crankin sore throat and tons of chest congestion. So, I’m guessing that I do have some raging viral infection going on. Which was what brought on the lovely Pleurisy! My new friend!

And……it’s Friday! Oh yea, I said that, huh?


Enjoy your weekend too!

I have heard a nasty rumor. We are going to be dumped on again by the snow monster this weekend. I can’t take making up all these days! πŸ™

Don’t go towards the light

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Yea…I’m poking fun at my close encounter with what I can only describe as THE END!! I’m going to share my drama with you….and if you wish to laugh, then go ahead….I’ll never know anyway! Unless you leave a cracked-pot comment that is. So, for my tiny bit of dignity….DON’T!! πŸ™‚

I’ve been having this nagging back-ache since Sunday. Just a dull pain as if I’d pulled or twisted something. No biggie, right? Right. On Monday, the back pain was getting pretty annoying and I was hitting the ibuprofen on a timed basis. That’s evidence that I was hurtin! I’ll wander around complaining forever before I’ll break down and take something. That’s just how annoying I am I roll! So, I was getting pretty uncomfortable.

In the middle of the night….everytime I tried to move around or switch sides to sleep on, SHARP PAINS would shoot through my body and wake me up. Misery, ya’ll! Seriously! Finally, at about 5am I couldn’t take it any longer. The pains were so severe I couldn’t breathe in or out for that matter. Breathing is an important process in this little thing we call LIFE!!!

Don goes through the many medical questions that he can think of. I guess he’s sizing me up for say…..A HEART ATTACK!! Which I was finally getting to the point of something is really wrong with me. I’m going to bite the dust and the whole world is going to say…..”Oh if she had only gone to the hospital, she could have just been fine!!”. All she had was ________! Yea, I did it….I played all the scenarios out as I lay there trying my best to breathe without my body coming apart! πŸ™

Finally, Don gets another shot of ibuprofen in me and cranks up a heating pad to wrap around my back and side. I spent the next little while trying to relax and saying some serious prayers to God about not wanting to be foolish and race to the hospital for nothing. But also not wanting to D I E because of being a real fool and ignoring THE BIG ONE!!! After about 25 minutes the pain eased off and I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up the pain was gone. I still had some sensation of it coming back…so I decided to stay on an ibuprofen diet for the day and close to the heating pad.

All went well….until about 5:30pm. Back comes the pain….and this time nothing was touching it. My diagnosis according to my family physician, Dr. DL Galloway is that I have Pleurisy. Yea, google that badboy! It’s a wingdinger! And if that IS what IT is…..YOU DON’T WANT IT!!

I’m stuck in a chair in my room….taking little tiny breaths, cooking on a heating pad. My sweet Ally keeps checking on me and reminding me…..MOM, don’t go towards the light! Smarty pants! They really love me, huh?

I need help! As usual! Physically, I’m coming apart! I need your healing hand right now. I believe you are the Master Physician. I love you!
PS. I really like that whole breathing process. That was quite genius, thank you!


Monday, February 15th, 2010

See down there….that’s a long way to fall!

And that’s what will happen if my husband climbs onto our roof to repair the stopped up frozen gutters. Moments ago, we heard a terrible sound to homeowners….water pouring out onto hardwood from the top of the bay window. It appears the water is leaking back under the overhang and coming inside. This is not good, not good at all! We could have serious damage if this doesn’t stop.

See why I don’t want hubby on our slippery, frozen and very high roof? It’s not a good day for this type of situation! Oh wait, it’s not even daylight anymore either. It’s 11pm!

We need your help! Please stop that water from destroying our walls, window and roof. Help me to be still and know….you are in control here.
Thank you Lord

Happy Hearts Day

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Just wishing all the ones I love a Happy Valentine’s Day!
May your heart be full of the sweet feeling of knowing true love! The love of a Savior, Jesus Christ. His love is the most wonderful and satisfying love available. And it’s free!

Thank you Jesus!

Reason to celebrate

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Let me tell you about the guy my kids call Poppy! To the world….he may look like just another grandfather. But to us….he’s our Poppy! There isn’t much our Poppy can’t do (at least that’s what we all believe!). He’s pretty handy to have around. If it’s broken, he’s going to tinker with it until it’s fixed. If there’s a problem, he’s going to try his best to work it out. There isn’t much we can’t go to Poppy for. He’s always there for any of us and we know it. He’s good! Inside and out!

He’s always been good! Even growing up. My husband likes to tell about how Poppy was selected to be a deacon at a very young age by his church. He wasn’t even married. That just wasn’t normal. Poppy had a big heart for God even then. He’s been a wonderful husband and father (my husband and his brother are living proof of his care for them).

I’m thankful for you Poppy! You’ve been a great encouragement to me and to our family for the last 20+years. We couldn’t have made it many times without you and your wisdom. Thank you! I love you and so does my family!

So here’s to you……on your birthday! I hope God blesses you right where you are…in sunny Florida (we’re snowed in, ya know?) Enjoy your special day!
And know WE LOVE YOU very much!

Uncle Dean, hubby, Gavin & Poppy

I didn’t want to mention it….but you have to keep an eye on Poppy when it comes to food! He has terrible allergies and tends to pick up things that he’s not supposed to have! So, Poppy! Stay away from the kitchen! Unless properly supervised! πŸ™‚

Me so happy….

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

These little babies have all arrived….along with 3 snow days in a row people! I am soooo going to get lost in the land of reading! Yeehaw!

Here I come….Beth, Pioneer Woman & The Preacher’s Wife!