Archive for February, 2010

The Great Winter White-Out of 2010

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

I’m happily blogging from inside where it’s warm and cozy. We’ve obviously had a snow day today and just got the call that we’ll be out again tomorrow. Our community is under level 3 warning….what’s that mean? Not totally sure, just stay off the roads unless you’re in an emergency situation! You don’t have to tell me twice! I was out for a bit today with Gates….because the poor kid had an orthodontist appointment in this weather! It was not a pleasant run! The roads are pretty much awful! We did a bit of slip-sliding but made it home safely!

Wherever you are….I hope you’re nice and warm too! Enjoy this winter weather… seems to be getting just about everyone on the radar screen! My plan is to stay inside and watch a movie or two. Oh, and eat! Don’t judge me….it’s for hibernation reasons, really!

Don’t look now, it’s a flying snowbunny!

Two sweet girls….Maggie and Gates!

Me…enjoying a “little” snow…

One word….

Sunday, February 7th, 2010


It’s what we’ve been dreaming of all season! The Colts… the Superbowl! I’ve had a nervous stomach all weekend. Yea, I’m a bonafide fan! I bleed BLUE & WHITE! Peyton Manning and the boys….well, they ROCK!

My whole family loves this team! They have entertained us every weekend during football season for many years. Tonight, a victory would only make us love them more (if that’s possible!). A loss….would bum us out, but we’ll still love them!

Here’s some Colts pregame fun in pictures! Now, I gotta go…..there’s 5:34 left in the 4th and the score is N.O. 24—IND 17!
They need me screaming! 🙂

Oh so sad! Colts lose! What a game! New Orleans…..congratulations to you and your city!

Burn baby burn

Friday, February 5th, 2010

Have you ever felt passionate about a household tool? I actually have a deep love for many househould things…..the dishwasher? Oh baby, I love that dude! The whole washer/dryer combo thing? Fantastic! The iron? Yea, I see your disdain! But….I LOVE MY IRON! I have a thing for nicely pressed clothes. They look amazing! I think it’s part of my southern upbringing. Ranks up there with wearing belts. People don’t seem too concerned with wearing them here….but down south it’s almost poor manners to be caught without a belt (with a tucked-in shirt especially)!

My iron has such a high rank in my life that I never put it away! Don’t judge me! I have it proudly displayed for all to see in my bedroom any time, any day. Really, we all use it so often…it’s just easier to leave the ironing board up and ready to go. So, I have come to rely on it being there. Sad, huh? I’m a hopeless romantic! 🙂

Last Friday, I raced in and plugged in the iron to press my pants for work and found that something wasn’t quite right with the old gal. No lights, no steam, no nuttin! I did what any iron loving fool would do….I screamed….THE IRON’S BROKEN!!! Aaaahh! Hubby jumped up to take over rescue duty and confirmed, IT’S DEAD! Huh? What? How did this happen? I love that iron! Noooooooo! 🙁

So, I knew I had to take action and take action quick! This family needs me an iron. I didn’t iron all weekend or even on Monday. While thumbing through the weekends sale papers I noticed Elder Beerman was having a sale on Rowenta’s (THE ONLY IRON I WILL EVER PAY MONEY FOR)! The deal was HOT! Buy a $70 Rowenta on sale now for 49.99 and bring in your old iron and get an additional $10 off! Woohoo! Yay, me! It couldn’t have worked out better!

On Tuesday…on our way back from Indy, I ran by and picked up the new baby. As soon as I got it home and hubby saw it….he said, “Dang, now I wanna iron something!”. See, our love is real!?

So, I tell you all this to let you know… far both he and I have burned our shirts before work. Mine….a soft cotton work shirt. His, a prized Ralph Lauren button up! It’s H O T !!! I guess our old one had been broken in and just wasn’t getting nearly as hot as the new one. So disturbing! Nobody wants to scorch work clothes especially good ones.

Lesson learned. Take it slow…and turn it down or sizzle city!

And now I introduce you to HOT STUFF!

Book Nerd’s Rule

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

I’m so excited! I’ve been waiting patiently……for quite a while now to get my hands on two very special books! Both of them written by beautiful godly women who have handed their lives over to God for service to Him. Today, hubby is ordering both of them just for me! Yeehaw! I heart him! I told him…..don’t buy me Valentine’s anything! I want these two awesome books, ok?

He smiled. So, I think that means……YOU GOT IT! Or, I got it! Whichever!

Lisa McKay’s new book, You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes for minister’s wives! (Can’t wait to read it!!)

And Beth Moore’s newest So Long Insecurity…. (I am so pumped!)

Yay….me! I’m going to kiss them when they arrive! Lisa is one of my favorite bloggers and Beth….well, what can you say about her? She’s a gift to the world! I love them both! I pray that women everywhere are changed by what these two servants share in these books! God bless them!

Miss G goes to Indy

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Olivia & Ally after lunch at the mall

If there ever was a kid that loved the world of politics more….I haven’t met them!  Miss Ally is probably the only high school girl I know that leaves Foxnews on… her choice of tv viewing.  I can’t judge her, I’m addicted to it myself.  But she’s a teenager for goodness sake!  One of her dreams is to go to law school someday and then enter the world of politics.  Why?  I don’t know.  But she loves it!

Yesterday, she and a classmate (Olivia) were honored by serving as pages at the Indiana State House under Representative Dave Cheatham.  She was so excited!  It wouldn’t be her first trip to the Statehouse.  She’s been there before with the JCYL leadership group.  This is her kind of thing.  This girl, could run that place if she were hired to work there.  She’s got what it takes to jump in and do whatever is needed.  I like that about her!     🙂

After a great day of “serving” they were pooped! We did a little shopping after walking through the underground tunnel to the mall. So, who can complain about working downtown? By the mall? Umm, certainly no one from my family! While in Circle Center mall, she was determined to go to the Colts store (ok, so was I) and look for a jersey to wear on Friday to Colts day at school. JACKPOT! She found a Dallas Clark 44 in her size! Except….it had something on it! Bummer! We couldn’t quite tell what it was….so the manager said, “20% off?” and we said “YES, thankyouverymuch!”.

It was a great day! She hopes to make many more trips like this in her future. She’s a go-getter kind of gal….so I bet there will be more to come. Thank you to Rep. Cheatham (who once was a beloved co-worker of mine at JCHS) for hosting my girl and giving her a superior experience of the business of our Indiana government! Wow! It was really cool!

Busy Indy city street beneath them

R & R

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

I’m off work today.  It’s been way overdue.  I hate taking sick days.  I feel like I’m backing up when I do. But, my fibromyalgia has really been a pain lately and I needed to take a break! I’ve had a funky eye infection for 4 days that would not leave me alone. I treated it with medication and then my other eye took over. Grr!

So, when Ally got word that she was to be a page in Indy at the State House on February 2nd….I thought, that is a good day for me to take off and regroup. So….here I am! Sitting quietly in the Downtown Mariott across from the Government Building. I’m surrounded by really nice “working” people. One of them kindly shared the free code for internet with me. 🙂 Thanks Abdul Mahar Ahkmed!

I’m thinking of walking down and perusing the Circle Center Mall. It is Super Bowl week you know….and I could use a little Colts gear to get me ready for the BIG game Sunday! What better place to find goodies than THE COLTS STORE!!!?! It’s just about time for everything to start opening up.

I’ve been thinking of how quickly life can change. Am I ready for it? I want to be….but then again, what if the change is something I don’t want it to be? Then, I’m not ready! As I think on it….I pray for God to help me. I need His direction and I need the faith to face whatever comes, head-on! So, that’s what I’m asking for. The faith to push through.

What about you? Do you need a boost? I pray God gives you just what you need to face whatever comes your way!

“The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.” (Proverbs 29:25)