Archive for July, 2012


Friday, July 13th, 2012

It's no secret, I like being a mom. There are so many reasons why….it's challenging, rewarding and just downright fun! Plus, you get to spend all your young energetic years raising these punks who turn into these really crazy amazing people someday. It's awesome!

Even if you make some mistakes along the way.

I knew having a son was extra special (not saying my girls are a bore) from the moment I found out I was pregnant with my sweetboy. Everyday since then, he's managed to keep me on my toes in some way or another.

It's not uncommon to hear me saying, ", don't do that!" And yes, he is a 22 year old adult. Testosterone. It's a powerful thing! If you're a mama of any boys…you know what I mean. They have a certain way of doing things and we girls, well…we don't usually do it like them.

Guys tend to be impulsive, experimental & curious! Oh and tons of fun! If you haven't noticed, husbands are just grown up sons. They are a sneak peak into what you're life would look like with boys (for those of you with girls only). 

So, I thought I'd share some of my NO NO NOOOOOO moments from this last week with my guys. Surely, you'll find them funny challenging endearing OK, you'll crank up your prayers for me! 

Scene 1– Gavin comes in and asks his dad (who shaves his own head) if he'll buzz his hair off with the clippers. Ever the helpful one, my hubby grabs his clippers. Outside they go and I hear the buzzing & giggling (yes, they joke around and laugh about everything). 

So, I snapped a couple pictures to capture the moment. (I realize..this is not necessary!) They decide that I deserve to be "messed with". Which I should've mentioned is common guy behavior when it comes to girls. Especially moms. They love picking on moms!


I went back to cleaning my kitchen, when the door opened up and I hear my hubsand ask him to have MOM CHECK IT to make sure he didn't miss any spots. I think he looks fine and then he turns his head…..Uhhh, wait a minute. "You missed a big streak!"


Then he turns his head the other way…and my mouth drops open. "Huh, what? How did you not see this huge spot?". They laugh and I do what I always do–say, Nooooooooo! Fix that!


Guys. They are pranksters! In almost every opportunity they are given.

Scene 2– The old hot tub lid. Remember, we replaced it with our own white trash version of a lid. It's still working! Something had to be done to get rid of the old one. It was so heavy and full of water that Governor Ahhhnold couldn't have moved it and it was in our back yard. Key word: NOT IN THE GARBAGE! But my guys have a plan.

I call it the CHOP & HALL!


He chopped it, to death!  He literally went all "ain't never met a thing I can't chop in half" on it.  Which worked, since they could then do this—>


Buhbye, old smelly wet heavy ugly hot tub lid!

Scene 3– I've been up early every single morning since school let out (thank you summer school 2012) and this morning I baked some muffins and kissed the girls goodbye and laid back down on my bed to watch the Today Show.  Hubby came in and said his goodbyes and I heard him open the garage door to leave.  He cranked up, started backing up and then, silence (the garage is under my bedroom).  I turned the tv down, listened for….something.  Nothing.

Soon he comes in and says….Gavin parked behind me!

Anybody else done this?  Yea, it's not a good thing to hop in a car (IN A GARAGE) and just back on out.  ALWAYS LOOK BEHIND YOU, PEOPLE!  ALWAYS!  You will hit something, I promise!  In this case, everything is okay.  Thankfully he wasn't going fast enough to wreck both cars, he just bumped it!  Yikes!

My reaction?  Well, I did what most wives/moms would've done…I jumped out of bed like a nightgown ninja and freaked out!  I think it was punishment for laying back down.  You know, they train mice to NOT DO certain things with painful or stressful stimulations.  I think I'll stay up from now on.  Haha!

Risk and danger just oozes from the pores of (my) dudes and I like it.  It keeps me on edge and reminds me, I need adventure in my life.  Try new things….step out in strange territory….be brave.  Only do it with the mom compass engaged, somebody's gotta yell…."No no noooooooooo!" when things get out of hand!

Psalm 127:3 "Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children are a reward from Him."


Cleaning My Facebook House

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012


I've noticed some things lately that just don't belong in my life.  Or on my Facebook page.  It's almost like they've snuck in past my personal security system (my good girl conscience) and blanketed me with their presence.  Stuff like; certain friends on Facebook that say whatever comes to mind without a filter, movies/shows/ads with crude humor, or even Pinterest pins.


I can't remember LIKING this one particular Celebrity page on Facebook, but I know that I did it because it regularly shows up in my feeds.  Every single post is something juicy or smutty about a celebrity!  Each time I read the junky headlines and look at the posted picture, I feel a heavy weight on my heart.

Sound crazy?

I guess the best way to describe it is conviction.  I feel convicted!

The stuff they post is first and foremost, gossip!  Not only is it blabber fodder for insider tid-bits on stars but it's always smutty and inappropriate.  Often the writers wrap it up all pretty with a concern or a question.  You know, to make it look like they're genuinely concerned for said person and JUST WANT YOUR OPINION!

It's a set up!

I can't find a good reason to remain friends on Facebook with anyone who spreads gossip (I wouldn't want to do it in real life, would you?).  So, I'm cleaning house.  Maybe you need to do the same.

When you log onto your computer, do you have to push past stuff that makes you feel uncomfortable?  If so, remove it!

Matthew 12:34  "Jesus says, For whatever is in your HEART determines what you say".

Are you posting words that someone might find offensive?  I'm not talking about your political views.  I mean, do you find crude photo's or funny sayings harmless?  I'm not here to beat up on you…but have you really thought it through?  

Each of us (as Christians) have a responsibility to shine bright for Christ.  If we're talking out of line and posting shady pins off of Pinterest….we aren't doing any shining for God.  We're leaving a dirty stamp of sin for everyone to see.  It's almost like the person who says they go to bars so they can be like Jesus and hang out with sinners.

It just doesn't work!  So, join me….clean house!

Doodlin’ the Journey

Monday, July 9th, 2012



It’s Too Hot, Spidey

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

Well, here I am at 2:09pm in the afternoon and I'm just sitting down to blog.  The opportunity to have my car this morning opened me up to a change in my normal schedule (the one where I lounge around..reading, cleaning & talking to animals).  I was at the grocery store by 9am.  I thought doing it this way would be beneficial in many ways–A)  I had on NO MAKEUP (who would see me?).  B)  I could beat the crowds (do you know how many old people shop early?).  C)  It wouldn't be so hot! (Uhh, yea right!).  And D)  I could get it over with and then enjoy the rest of my day.  

I can't complain, it was a busy morning and I accomplished more than I normally do without a car.  Plus, I made a good lunch for Gates today.  Who doesn't love Sliders & a veggie tray?  Nobody, that's who!

I can't think of ANYTHING I would want to hang out in this heat for right now.  Not even floating in a pool.  The weather is dangerously hot and the only sane activity to do is stay inside and keep cool.  God bless anyone without A/C these days.  There is not much chance of being comfortable without it.  My hubby would say, "It's days like these that remind you–AREN'T YOU GLAD YOU'RE GOING TO HEAVEN?".

My family spent the 4th of July doing indoor activities–sleeping in, eating a leisurely breakfast/lunch…then heading out to a movie & dinner.  All of it, in the cool of A/C!  It was a great day and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say…the new Spiderman movie is officially my favorite one so far.  Not kidding!  I loved the new characters and the storyline was actually interesting!

To drive my LOVED THE MOVIE point on home….I have to admit, the movie choices were pretty lame.  The big push for movies like —> Ted?  Or Magic Mike?  Had my family cracking up.  Facebook was dripping with comments from every direction about the excitement for both of those movies.  Really? I will never understand it.

Who are these people?   surprise

I can only speak for myself…but, I loved Spiderman and I wasn't even embarrassed by any sudden funky pelvic thrusts from the superhero Spidey.  Thanks, Columbia Pictures!  Families can still go to the movies and not have to scrub out their eyeballs & ears!

This is my only photo of the day.  The heat was too much for the guys.  One mentioned not 'getting sweaty' and the other was cranking the car.  Happy Independence Day, y'all!

Dog LIFE Lessons

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012


My dog is a thief!  Don't let that innocent face fool you, she steals.  She drags crazy stuff home all the time.  I didn't teach her to do it and I certainly don't encourage it.  She's good at it, too.  Right this minute, she's outside chewing up a meaty bone that she swiped from a neighbor dog.  Why they play with her is beyond me.  She's got the whole neighborhood wrapped around her mixed breed paw!

She's a dog!  Dog's are always hungry, always happy and always ready to follow you anywhere!  I can't help but compare that way of living to my own as a friend, wife & mother.  Am I willing to put all the frustrations of the world to the side and be happy & loving?  Not usually.  I'm quick to turn grumpy and easily put out if something doesn't go my way.  I've never met a jerky dog, have you?

In honor of Gracie and her funloving personality….I've thought up some lessons for you and me.  Take em' or leave em'…they have good attitude written all over them!

Dog LIFE lessons

If you want something wonderful….go get it!   (Uhh, not encouraging stealing..y'all)

If you love someone….show them, every time you see them!  (wagging tail optional)

Be happy….even when life gets stressful!  (throw the frisbee when life bogs you down)

Remain loyal….not just when things are going your way!  (nobody messes with___)


I've got to tell you about something amazing that happened in my prayer time this morning.  I had a really crummy attitude yesterday about a certain person I was praying for.  This morning, God put new words in my heart.  I couldn't think of one unkind thing to confess about them.  Every word that came to my mind was filled with building that person up.  I was shocked at my own prayers.  I praised God for giving me a sweet spirit and went ahead beating down heaven's doors in that person's honor.  IT FELT INCREDIBLE!!!

Isn't it amazing how God can change our hearts?  If we just let him…


Prayer Slacker

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

If I were to ask…"How are you doing with your QUIET TIME?"  Would you give me an honest answer?  Or would you ask… "What's a quiet time?".  You know, that special time where you get alone and read your Bible and pray?


Well, uhhh….I'm, working on it!  Or, I'm really busy!  Or, I try but I get distracted!

If you answered (in your head) with any of these answers or even made up a few of your own "excuses"…then you are just who I'm talking to today.

I feel qualified to wrangle with you on the reality of the situation.  I, am a self proclaimed PRAYER SLACKER.  I beebop through many days without even so much as a thought on praying.  Yep, there.  I said it!  I don't do it to be rebellious and I bet you don't either.  I put my own habits first (maybe you do too)–turn on tv, Facebook, check email, read blogs.. and whatever else can steal my attention.  I focus on that instead of making God my first priority.  Sound familiar?

I know what you're thinking…

I can't.  I don't even know where to start.  I would say that you're not alone in feeling awkward when it comes to quiet time.  I didn't grow up doing it and I didn't see anyone in my family praying unless it was out of desperation.  By the way, "God please help me find a good parking space" doesn't count!  I'm talking about relationship building and character shaping time.  If you've ever had a close friendship with someone and loved spending quality time with them….then this is similar to what I'm talking about.

God likes to be with you.

Prayer offers us the chance to speak honestly with God about what we think of Him and what's happening in our life.  It also allows us time to listen and hear directly from Him.  Some of the hardest times in my life were the most blessed because I stuck close to Him by regularly meeting up in prayer.  I've learned some of my most miserable times have been when I've wandered and neglected spending time in prayer.

Prayer changes everything.

I've discovered a special gem of a book on this very subject.  Diane Moody (whom I believe God has directly sent my way) has bravely written down truths from her own heart in CONFESSIONS OF A PRAYER SLACKER.  Listen, Diane doesn't tip-toe around the subject and she doesn't beat you up either.  She simply tells you what God has done in her life and how that change has put her back on the path of obedience!

God created you with fellowship in mind.  He planned it from the get-go.  He also gave you your own free will, you have the right to choose.  For me, I realize that in order for me to live at my prime (and who doesn't want to live at the top?) I have to nurture the relationship I have with my Lord.  I need Him, I need His guidance and I hunger for His mercy.  My life is a wreck when I try to manage it on my own.  Maybe you know what I'm talking about…

Bad attitudes creep in.

Snarky comments slip out.

Gossip seems harmless.

Angry outbursts become regular.

Frustration erupts.

Questionable activities (movies, tv shows, music, places) seem ok.

Whatever slips in and manages your habits and lifestyle.  These are all symptoms of drifting farther away from Christ.  The more you neglect studying God's word and listening to His voice the easier it becomes to fall into these traps.

My challenge for you is to make God a priority EVERY SINGLE MORNING.  I know how difficult this can be but I promise you–if you start your day with prayer and scripture you will soon see a change in your life.  I would also recommend you read Diane's book.  It is available right now on Amazon in Kindle for a whopping 0.00.  Trust me when I say….IT IS WORTH IT! 

One more thing…if you see me out and about I want you to ask me if I've had my quiet time.  It's my own personal challenge and I know that accountability is the best way to success!