Archive for September, 2012

iPhone Love

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

Last night, hubby and I had a date.  Where, you ask.  Our backyard hottub!  The week had been a rough one (yes, it was only Wednesday night) for both of us.  I sent him a message earlier in the day, making the date a priority!

Just as I had suspected, we both needed it!  We spent a good amount of time decompressing and then unloaded some much needed frustrations about little issues bugging us both.

Date well needed.

Sometimes, life can feel like a prison.  Right Gracie?


I took this picture last week.  We were just about to have dinner and she caught whiff of what was set on the table.  She came over and stuck her face between the chair slats…..and just sniffed.   By the look on her sweet face….it smelled good!   I love her.  She reminds me, stop and smell the good stuff.

This dude.  He's not Amish, but he looks a little like he might be.  On Sunday, he woke up feeling horrible.  He thought he had gotten exposed to poison ivy.  We gave him over the counter meds and hoped he'd pull out of it.  Nope!  He woke up even worse on Monday.  So, after school….off we went to the doctor.  She put him on a double dose of Prednisone and sent us home.

I snapped this picture of him last night after he fluffed up that burly beard of his. He looks like a pretty happy dude…but he's still feeling cruddy.  Prednisone makes you grumpy, did you know that?


I couldn't help but take Lizzy's picture this past weekend.  She came outside with me early on Saturday morning to read a good book.  I thought she looked so cute all perched up like a princess.  I can't tell if my dogs are spoiled or not.  Can you?


After I came inside from the hottub last night…I noticed a few missed messages from my Alabama friend, Marilyn.  The first message said, "I got an iPhone".  The next, "Want to Facetime?".  Whaaaaat?  I got so excited!  No one has been able to Facetime with me the whole time I've had my iPhone.

Wicked Droid users!!!

So, I crawled into my covers and called my friend back & facetimed a few minutes before going to sleep!   See, it's the little things that make me happy!  


Just Ban It

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

So, tell me….have you heard?  It's now offensive to hold a FATHER/DAUGHTER Dance.  Don't believe me?  Go HERE and read about it.  Yea, if you're a single mom and you have no father for your child to attend the dance with…then it must be banned.

Really, ACLU?  Ban it?  Who does this?  There are many sad injustices in the world….and not being able to take your father to a dance just doesn't make the list for me.  Goodluck with true unfair life moments.

I have an idea.  If you're someone that's offended, don't participate.  If your child doesn't have a father, enlist another loved one to share the fun.  Over the many years of raising my own kids, I've watched this scenario play out in school & church events.  Sometimes a grandparent or aunt/uncle get the privilege of joining their special child in these occasions.

Banning it, is yet another attack on the family!

I, for one am sick of this silly garbage.  I fear what is close approaching for each American.  Families are going to be so taboo…unless you fit the mold that society considers acceptable.  Nevermind what God's Word says or the values many families are working hard to instill in their children.  What's important now is if it offends someone.

What is next?


Got Joy? Then Spread It

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

If you're happy and you know it….then your face will surely show it.  Right?  What about the rest of you?  Does it show too?

I'm not sure if it's a blessing or a curse, but I'm one of those people that wears her emotions on the outside.  My youngest child is just the same.  She and I take a little ribbing (from the rest of our family) for being so "open" with how we're feeling.  If we're mad or upset…..there's no hiding it.

On the other hand, it's pretty difficult for us to stifle our happiness too.

Which is a good problem to have, don't you think?  I mean, the world needs more JOY spreaders!  So, today…that's my goal.  I want to make the ones I come in contact with feel better than they did before they bumped into me.

My tactics?    S E E K

SMILE – No matter who it is, I'm going to smile right at them.

ENGAGE – I will speak to those that I run into and ask them more than "how is your day going?".  I'll be creative and customize my words to fit them.  Who doesn't like someone to notice them?

ENCOURAGE – Face it, everyone isn't going to be having a JOYFILLED day.  I will use my positive attitude to pull a hurting friend up (think, balcony person) not bring them down.

KINDNESS – Of course I won't be able to do any of this without showing genuine kindness.  I hope to spread a little niceness to those who need it.  Oh who am I kidding?  We ALL need kindness, right?

Who can you bless today with your JOY?  Alright then, get busy spreading it!

5 Surefire Ways To Teach Your Kids To Pray

Monday, September 17th, 2012

My kids aren't little punks any longer.  They're grown up big kids with big people lives and personalities.  The days of my influence upon them are dwindling.  They are pretty much WHO THEY ARE GOING TO BE right now.

And, I really like them!

Raising good kids takes work.  Like, full-time work.  But, it's worth it.  The investment is forever and that's why I think it's so important for them to have a good foundation in Christ.  That doesn't come from a preschool or school day teaching…it comes from home.  Mama's & Daddy's have huge responsibilites on their shoulders when it comes to teaching their kids about faith.

It's a lifestyle.  Everyday.  Not just on Sunday.

I think one of the most important faith builders God has entrusted to us as parents is teaching our kids to pray.  For me, prayer is a lifelink.  When I miss out on it….I get messy and overwhelmed.  I feel out of sorts.  I know exactly what's wrong as soon as it happens.  I'm grateful for the Holy Spirt — always there, prodding me to do what is right when it comes to spending time with HIM!

"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near."  Isaiah 55:6

So, I've been thinking…how do we teach our kids to pray?  Since I'm not an expert, all I can do is share what I feel has worked in my family.  My kids have had to live with the real me and the real me is far from perfect (Oh, don't act shocked!).  They've witnessed firsthand a need for prayer.  Bless their hearts, right?

5 Surefire Ways To Teach Your Kids To Pray

5 — Thankfulness.  Be open about what you are thankful for and where your blessings come from.  God is working every single day in your life and mine.  If we don't acknowledge that and speak about it with our family….they'll never learn to feel that gratitude for themselves.

4 — Forgiveness.  This is so important.  Don't miss this!  Teach your kids to say "I'm sorry" and say it yourself when you goof up.  Even more importantly, ask God for forgiveness in front of your kids when you make a mistake.  Make this a priority for them too.  Being forgiven and granting forgiveness are qualities that every human will need all throughout life.

3 — Praise.  Let your kids see you praising God.  If it's music that gets your heart all happy, then crank it up!  I remember driving my kids to and fro…jamming as loud as we could to Christian music.  Together, we've had some on fire praise moments over the years.  I can't tell you how it feels to hear your kids sing of their love for God.  It's amazing!

2 — Scripture prayers.  It's a good idea to use scripture in prayer every chance you get.  I love claiming verses with my family in mind.  I especially love inserting one of their names into a verse.  You can even write prayer verses out on little cards and stick them around to remind you to pray during the day.  Oh and guess who else sees them?  Yes, your kids.  Wonder if they'll notice?  Try it.  They'll love knowing you pray scripture for them.

1 — Model prayer.  The best way your kids (and mine) will learn to pray is to see and hear us doing it.  I'm not talking about "Grace" before meals or memorized poem prayers.  I'm talking about REAL WORDS with REAL MEANING.  God desired communication.  The kind where you talk to Him and share your heart.  The prayers that you model to your children will not fall on deaf ears.  Teach them to pray outloud, boldly.  Remember, you're teaching your child faith in Christ.

Prayer is serious business.  Treat it that way when going about your normal day.  I remember morning school rides when we'd get near drop-off.  If I forgot to pray, my kids would yell, "Mom….you forgot to pray for us!".  This was comforting to them and made them feel completely covered to face the busy day.  Something that I may never get over is how each of them never turned down an opportunity to pray.  Even as little dudes, if there was a request for someone to lead prayer….they bravely did it.

Do your kids know how to pray?

"Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people."  Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

Long Time Baby

Sunday, September 16th, 2012

Everytime I say I've been married 23 years….I feel really old.  Mainly because I turned 23 less than a month after we got married.  So double that dude and you get the big 4 6 !!!  Wow!  That seems old!

This girl, was young.

To say I had no idea what 23 years would be like with Mr. Kissing in the prayer garden guy…is an understatement.

I mean, really.  I married a policeman who left the armpit of crime fighting jobs to attend seminary.  I moved place to place dragging along our 3 babies for ministry life.  And now, here I sit in some town in Indiana (that is far far from home) married to an IT dude.  Huh?

How did all of that happen in 23 years?

The coolest thing happened today.  The sermon was a kick-off into to a series based on the family.  The pastor's first stop?  Marriage.  As soon as he started preaching, I felt something really special in my heart for my own marriage.  It hasn't been easy to live as one for the last 23 years.  There have been rough times and crummy moments that I know both of us wish we could change.  Maybe those experiences are what glues us together.  Both of us are pretty stubborn.  But more than that…..we see our marriage much like the pastor spoke today.

We have a HIGH VIEW of marriage.  

Proverbs 18:22 "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord."

Our marriage is HERE TO STAY.

Our marriage is PERMANENT.

And WE PROMISE to deny ourselves (this can be hard sometimes) and love one another because that's what we vowed to do until death do us part.

Gracious Lord,

My marriage wouldn't mean a thing without you.  Thank you for the covenant love that I have with my husband.  I'm forever grateful that YOUR guiding hand led me to the man who loves me just like I am, so long ago.


Married….To Jonas

Friday, September 14th, 2012

I'm not ashamed to admit how much I love the show Married to Jonas.  It is so much fun watching this sweet couple and their families.  Way back when, I was one of those "older" ladies that loved the Jonas Brothers music and message.  Not only were they cute young dudes that sang catchy tunes….they were loud and clear about WHO THEY BELONGED TO!


They were often ridiculed and made fun of (isn't that how society is?) for sticking close to their faith and not waivering on following all the yuck that the world has to offer.  They spoke out about being pure and waiting to have sex until they were married (haven't many others done that too?).  I admired them then and I still do today.  They are the best example of hanging in there and trusting Christ with all the cutdowns and jokes regarding being Christians.  In a rock-n-roll kind of world.


Last night, after my youngest punk had experienced one of those "rough" days.  We curled up on my bed and watched several episodes right after the other.  Which worked like the best therapy for all that wasn't right with the day.  By the time we headed to bed, we had laughed, cried and giggled about all the topics covered in their shows.



I love Dani & her family.  They remind me so much of my own…  Crazy and passionate about life.  Opinionated & annoying too.  I love Kevin's too.  They are all so open and genuine.

The show airs on Sunday nights and if you're familiar with the Jonas' family, you just might like it too.  It's hard to find clean viewing these days and you can be assured that nothing gross or crude is going down on Married to Jonas!  Oh and check out her wedding bling, I mean ring….it is a WOW!!!


This weekend, my hubby and I are celebrating 23 years of marriage.  I can't tell you how fast that time has flown by and how I love & appreciate him.  This morning as I left for work, he yelled, "Happy Anniversary EVE!".  This is his favorite trick to play on me—-that he doesn't know our actual anniversary date.

September 16, 1989

Good one, babe!