Archive for September, 2012

Not Too Busy

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Remember my post back in the summer about reading the book Confessions of a Prayer Slacker?  Yea, well….I've been slacking and I'll be completely honest, it shows!

 Oh, I've called on God to fix some things…

— Ally's STILL VERY BROKEN DOWN CAR!!   Hello, $2500-3000 repair job!!

— The backed-up sewer lines that held us up from everything for days.

— Job stresses.

But those cries out to Him when I'm just exasperated aren't exactly the kind of praying I need to be doing.

Wouldn't you agree?

I feel out of touch, overwhelmed and too tired to even go there.  Does that ever happen to you?  I'm positive that satan utilizes this as often as he can in the life of Christians.

Isn't it time to jump off the ferris wheel of life and make time to really talk to God?  (I'm talking to me most of all, here)  I know he cares about the issues that I'm drowning in and I'm convinced that with His help….they can be worked out.  It's up to me to stop & listen.


Dear Lord

It's me again.  I'm fully aware that I wander aimlessly when I don't spend time in prayer with you.  Please forgive me for my hard-headedness and steely determination to walk on the edge of life everyday.  Fill me with the strength and the courage to face the inconveniences that happen when I least expect it.



Don't forget to celebrate.  It's Friday eve, friends!  cheeky

Free Kindle Books, Y’all

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

It's been a while since I played along with the gal's over at Works for Me Wednesday…so I thought I'd link up with something that really makes me happy.  




I'm just a hard working mama whose budget is stretched pretty tight.  I know a good thing when I find it and cheap or free books are the cat's meow (if you like cats, anyway).  I like clicking that little button when it says, FREE on Kindle.

If you have a Kindle or an e-reader that you love reading from…I've found the coolest Christian book source.  INSPIRED READS.  This fancy little site is updated everyday and is one of the best spots I've found to get great books for cheap or free.

I'm also a Facebook fan which helps with reminders (you might be like me and get busy during the day and forget to go check out the daily deals).  When I see something I'm interested in reading, I just click on over and "buy" my free book.

Oh and since I can't keep a blessing to myself….I always link up or shout out my good find to my friends on Facebook.  Holler!  Books are an easy way to blow your budget.  I think if you can save some money by snagging some freebies, then GO FOR IT!  Right?

To LIKE Inspired Reads on Facebook go HERE!

You're welcome, WFMW friends.  I hope you find some great deals and pass the blessing along.  Oh and maybe say hello to the fine folks over at IR too!  Aren't they the coolest?


Grace For Me

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

I was in a hurry.  It had been a long day already and I still had to get home and let the dogs out.  She just sat there with her car door opened blocking the parking spot I was trying to pull into.  I gave a little toot (really, it was a tiny honk) and she quickly grabbed her door.  When I pulled beside her….I smiled and said, "Sorry!".  Hoping for an acknowledgement of her mistake.

She didn't see it the same way as me.  Her perception (I'm guessing) was that I was being the jerk.


How do we give it?  How do we acquire it?

Later, after I finally made it home and started supper…I realized that I had left my hottest curling iron on all day long.  Not only was it left on, it was sitting close to some rather flammable items.  I instantly thought back to the parking spot moment. The one where I snarled my lip (after I didn't get the grace I thought I deserved) and thought angry thoughts towards the car door gal.

If anybody needed grace today, it was me.  And more than that, I needed a lesson to remind me that giving grace is even more important than recieving it sometimes.

I don't have to tell you how thankful I am that my house didn't burn down today.  God's grace covers me like a warm blanket.  My goal, is to pass that grace along.  My question for you…. Are you giving and recieving grace throughout your day?  I'm learning, the best way to give grace….is to recognize [just how much of it] you need yourself.

20 Ways To Be Happy On Monday

Monday, September 10th, 2012

A few weeks ago, I was riding along with my youngest girl to pick up her babysitting kids from school.  Not only was it was hot & sticky… was a Monday! The kids jumped in, buckled up and off we went.  I was asking everyone how the day had gone when the youngest, Charlie said, "Ahh, it was Monday!  I hate Monday's!".  I couldn't help but sympathize with the little guy as it had really been a long miserable day for me too.  But instead of letting it whip us both, I decided to change things up a bit.

I told Charlie….."I'm changing the name of Monday!  It's now only allowed to be called FUNDAY!".  He smiled so big and I couldn't help but laugh along with him!  From that moment on, we giggled and joked about all the ways Funday's are good!  Attitudes, adjusted!

It's all in how you look at it, friends.

20 Ways To Be Happy On Monday (FUNDAY)


2)  Eat your favorite food

3)  Wear your cutest outfit

4)  Hold your kiss 5 extra seconds, then wink as you part ways

5)  Write a sweet note to some unsuspecting someone

6)  Go outside & marvel at God's world

7)  Watch the sunrise or sunset

8)  Go for a swim or sit in a hottub (all alone)

9)  Call an old friend

10)  Read a good book

11)  Ride your bike or take a walk

12)  Listen to music

13)  Clean out a drawer or cabinet that's been bugging you

14)  Change your routine

15)  Make a smoothie

16)  Journal your thoughts

17)  Play a game

18)  Try a new recipe

19)  Pray

20)  Be grateful

See, don't you feel happy already?

It's not always easy to feel chipper on Monday.  The way I see it, Monday has a way of ruining a perfectly good weekend!  It's almost like you just get started enjoying the weekend and boom, it's over.  Maybe you have your own coping methods for the work-week.  Whatever it is, try something new to make it a FUNDAY!  You just may make someone else's day fun too!

Fix It, Fix It Real Good

Friday, September 7th, 2012


I'm not married to a mechanic.  But you wouldn't know that, would you?


What?  You don't rig up the engine of your broken car by hanging straps in your garage beams?  Pshahh!  Whatev!


Why yes, it is dangerous!   Ain't skeered!  Ok, I lie!  I hid in my room while this was going on.



That's me yelling for mercy. I don't handle broken stuff as well as the normal gal. I fret and stress. But when I hear drilling and strange noises from my garage … I can't help but get a little nervous.  After seeing these photo's, do you blame me?

Somehow the problem with Ally's car is buried under all that engine stuff. The rigging up of a homemade engine holder upper was his only choice.

I had to leave.

Please somebody tell me other husbands have great ideas too??

After many nights of shade tree mechanic work, the car is still not right but the assistants are top notch, of course.


Yes, that's my beautiful prissy girl under her own car!!  She'll help her dad with anything.  Even in her pj's.

I think I've finally talked hubby into calling a mechanic friend for help. Maybe soon we'll be back to driving our own cars.

The last few weeks have been like a test.  Plumbing issues, 3 different car problems and some whacky virus or something (me). Thank goodness it's Friday, right?

May your weekend be filled with flushing toilets, running cars and a healthy immune system!

Who Do You Follow?

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

It's no secret that I love PInterest.  I haven't spent much time there lately and if you're a Pinner, then you know it can suck you into a time warp.  When I do get on there, I try to behave and only play for a little while.  It has power…..that PInterest monster. 

Like every good thing in life….it has to be used with discipline.

I don't usually "follow" anyone on purpose….but I love what I found this morning.  A whole group of awesome women who love the Lord and pin good stuff to inspire and encourage others.  Just my kind of gals, y'all!

Must Follow Christian Women on Pinterest –>

How could I not share something so good?  Maybe you'll find a friend or just the encouragement that you're needing.

Here's a pin that I'm loving today.  I'd certainly like this to be true for myself and the ones I love.  Wouldn't you?

Happy Wednesday, friends.