Archive for April, 2013

You’re A Pain

Friday, April 19th, 2013

Not you.  I love you.  I can't think of one rotten reason not to love you.  You come here and linger around reading my words.  Sometimes you leave me comments and tell me what they mean to you and it makes my heart go all a flutter.  You, make me enjoy doing what I do here.  

I'm talking to the beast that lives within me.  The one who rears its ugly head when I get just the slightest bit weak.  The one that for the most part I CAN MANAGE with my ninja girl superpowers — rest!  I'm not fooling anybody with that tactic.  Fibromyalgia isn't one to be "managed" unless you count having NO STRESS, NO EXHAUSTION & NO WORRY for a regular lifestyle.

Tell me, who do you know that doesn't have any of those issues going on in their life.  Uhh, yea…no one.

This whole week has been one big Fibro attack.  By Thursday, I was pretty much moving from one sitting position at work to another.  Which isn't quite do-able in my job.  I spend an enormous amount of time on my feet and walking long hallways all day.  Hello, 2 lunch duties?  Standing and walking are sort of important.

Guiltily, I decided to take Friday off and rest up.  Why does feeling well have to cost so much?  This illness is an embarrassment.  It makes you look like a sissy or a fake.   I'm neither of those.  I often wonder if having this beast is God's way of making me slow down (not that He's punishing me).  Is there something He wants to show me that I'm not willing to see otherwise?  I'm not going to argue with God about how crummy I feel — He knows.  He sees.  What I am going to do is  L I S T E N for His voice and His nudging in my life and let this attack run its course.  It's all I can do.

What threatens to invade your life and make it miserable?  Don't let it win, friend.  You are too strong for that!


I can't question you as to WHY ME when it comes to this Fibromyalgia pain.  I trust you too much to do that.  Help me do what is right for me to feel relief and for my family in coping with my bad days.  I consider it all joy, Lord that you trust me enough to handle such a thing.  I never take my good days for granted.  I know I am blessed with the body you've given me.


Remembering Boston

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

By now the whole country knows about the horrible bombings at the Boston Marathon.  I still shake my head just thinking of it.  What is our world coming to?  How much crazier can it get?  I can't imagine the confusion felt by the innocent people who were there to either run or celebrate a loved one as they ran in one of the biggest races of all time.


I didn't have a friend or relative there but I know people who did and I can't wrap my brain around the fear that must've gripped their hearts.  No one wants to believe something so awful could happen.  It's simply not a normal part of our thinking.  Who hurts people…..on purpose?

I'll tell you.  Satan.  He lurks all around us.  He influences those who are willing to be used to do his evil deeds.  Sadly, there are many standing in line for the job.  But satan doesn't have final rule.  His wicked reach only goes so far.

Our God lives!

If you've ever doubted….let this tragic day be a reminder that Jesus is King and HE needs us to spread love not hate.  He is counting on us to share truth and to be salt in a world gone mad.  Our prayers matter.  Every tear counts and he keeps them in a bottle.  Pray.  Love.  Reach out to hurting people around you.  What man intends for evil……God plans for good (Gen. 50:20).


This world is not our home.  Forgive me for the times that I get comfortable here and forget.  I'm an alien in a fallen & broken world.  Wrap the hurting people from Boston in your mighty hands and help them.  Bring healing to them all.



Things I Can’t Change

Monday, April 15th, 2013

The longer I walk this path of life the wiser I become (or so I think, anyway).  No, really.  I learn new things every single day.  Maybe you do too.  No matter how I try to make sense of some things they never completely satisfy my ability to reason them out.  So, I thought it fitting to admit a few things I CAN'T CHANGE and don't worry….you probably can't either.

CRAZY DRIVERS — I have what should be a 4-5 minute commute to work.  Literally, I live right around the corner from my school yet it takes me 15 minutes at least to get to school every morning.  Why?  Because the people I share the road with are crazy!

I can't change it…

PMS — When I least expect it this little devil shows up.  Usually I realize it after I've deeply wounded someone I love or after I've spoken something rather inappropriate to a complete stranger.  I bring a whole new level of WATCH OUT to stranger danger!  Why my body resorts to such punishment to me personally and to those in my path….I'll never know.

I can't change it…

OTHER PEOPLE'S BEHAVIOR — I like to think "treating other's like you'd like to be treated" works but sometimes it just doesn't cut it.  People are human (me included) and sometimes they mistreat others (see PMS above).   Believe it or not, everyone comes across a person here & there that just doesn't like them.  No matter how I try I can't make someone else behave in a nice way.  It's up to them.

I can't change it…

MY PAST — I look back and see mistakes.  I also look back and see victory because JESUS stepped in and took ahold of my heart.  While living with regret could stagnate my future, JESUS makes sure (through HIS HOLY redemption) that I have an amazing future ahead.  He can clean up a multitude of sins and I'm forever grateful because…

I can't change it…

HIS LOVE FOR ME —  I can't ever love me like He can.  I'm amazed every single day that He thinks so highly of me especially when I can wallow in the pit of self pity at the drop of a hat.  God's love is truly everlasting!  I don't ever want to change that.  Do you?

Life is full of things that we can't change.  The way I see it is GET OVER IT!

I have no power to change it so why let it debilitate me. God has a perfect plan whether it be a hold up in traffic or a kicking case of PMS. He sees me and He loves me ( you too ).

I’m so glad I can’t change some things. I know that I can trust you… With everything. Help me take heed when I step out of your will and to make the change needed to be right with you.



Frozen & Forgotten

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

I've just gone where no man has gone before, ok….maybe just not gone in a long time!  The freezer section of my refridgerator.  Inside the beautiful stainless steel beauty was a mixture of chaos and money loosely spent forgotten frozen foods.  Each time I pulled out another rack I grimaced with anger at myself.  I blame myself for the disarray of my family's refridgerator even though everyone uses it.  It's me who shoves stuff in, slams the door and makes a run for it.  It's me who buys more icecream, snack foods and other "necessities" and leaves the almost used up ones in the freezer (HOPING SOMEONE IS GOING TO FINISH THEM!).

Me, it's me!  I confess.

So when I opened up the door this afternoon I just couldn't take it anymore.  I could not in good conscience walk away (because, honestly….I had been doing that over & over) hence, the condition of the freezer.  I knew what had to be done.  I grabbed food, half-empty boxes and icy-crusted storage containers and before long my kitchen table & counters were covered.  Most everything I pulled out was still usable but many of the items were just things that we ignored or didn't see thanks to my lack of organization.  Or is it because of my lack of attention?

After wiping down all the cooties & gunk that had accumulated and restocking what was good then tossing the bad….I started thinking about how closely related my messy freezer is to my Bible reading time.  I love it when I come across something that inspires me, maybe a great quote or a nice saying.  Sometimes I even repost it on Facebook or clip it out to stick in my Bible.  When it's really good, I'll reprint it and stick it up somewhere so I can see it often.  All good things… much like buying great foods for my freezer.  The problem is that I just let it all get messy.  I ignore what's right there in front of my face and before you know it…. I need a big clean up! 

My intentions are good but my follow through stinks.

I let stuff pile up.  Collections of thoughts, inspiring words…all things that I tell myself God wants me to hear or see and end up missing out on what HE REALLY WANTS FROM ME the most!  Time in His Word.

I'm sure you have a completely spotless fridge & Bible reading time but if you don't (like me) I'm here to challenge you to CLEAN IT UP!  Next time you're tempted to clip out a quote…do it, but put it somewhere close to your Bible and make a date (AND STICK WITH IT) to read it after you've read God's word.


I'm a mess.  I know what I'm supposed to be doing and still I fall short.  Thank you for lessons that come in round-a-bout ways.  I need to pay better attention to what's going on around me and what's not.


For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.  Hebrews 4:12


Things I’ve Said

Friday, April 12th, 2013

It's Friday. I love Friday. Even when I have to deal with the real world and work.

I have to watch what I say when I'm tempted to "be real" with other people's children.  See why I surround myself with scripture?  I'm janked up and I know it!

Just today I have heard myself say–

"Get AWAY from that door!"
This to some rascals who went past the line at lunch and were "hanging" onto the doors to the parking lot!

"Where's your book?"
This to a kid I sent to the hall to work in his book. He was happy to just sit out there and rest. Geez!

"Go to the end of the line!"
This to a group of butt-ers who literally stood there looking at me as if I were speaking Greek.

"Do you speak English?"
Same group. They finally went to the end if the line!

"Don't touch my face!"
This to a silly kid who likes to sneak up behind me and cover my eyes. With his grubby dude hands. Blech!

"Zip it with language dudes!"
This to some real cool dudes who find it totally appropriate to curse as loud as they can. Grrr!

"Bring back my stool!"
This to some rotten jokesters who think it's funny to hide my stool.

"Let me see inside your lip!"
This to a kid who was caught spitting on the floor behind a vent.

See how outlandish some of the stuff we (I) say sounds?

Good thing it's finally the weekend, right?

Thank you for the ability to laugh at the silly parts of life. Sometimes life is stressful and frustrating. Finding the funny can make everything better.

Picture Proof

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

Comparing your life to someone else's can be rather depressing. Each one if us possess the tools to find flaws in ourselves and our circumstances. Just last night, the topic of "perfect" houses came up during Bible study. It's not too difficult to feel inferior when your BS host home is so lovely. (Amy, we love you & your gorgeous house).

Each week we visit together it feels a little like an escape. At least it does for me. At home, I see DIY projects galore and piles of "stuff" stacked here & there that need to be put away or gotten rid of completely. This disorganization can be a real drag. After talking about this subject last night I found that I'm not the only one. My friends felt the same way.


The confessions were flying. The disappointment of what each of us WISHED our houses looked like reminded me of how dangerous comparison is to our joy & happiness. It can totally debilitate us and rob us of our peace.

I told the ladies I would post some true pics of areas in my house that overwhelm me and paralyze my contentment.


Meet the kitchen bar. It's a drop off lay it down and forget it kind of area. It causes my head to spin.

This is a snap of my pretend closet and it puts my brain in a tizzy. I can't find anything and it frustrates me to no end. Hate it!


And the cherry on top? My hubby's side of the bed. Just what do all those cords and plugs go to? Who knows. All I see is a jumbled mess that feels like a cord around my neck. Squeezing tight.

As I listened to stories of how embarrassed my friends felt about the state of their homes…I remembered a kind word from a seminary professors wife from years gone by. She told the group of young moms that were sitting under her tutelage that day that people who visit your house are NOT going to remember how messy or how crummy your furniture is but they will remember HOW you made them feel while they were there.


Let's face it, everyone can't live in a brand new perfectly clean house. But that doesn't make it right for us to live in misery & shame. God has blessed us with a home and while it may not be perfect it's ours and He expects us to use it to bless others.


Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2