Archive for March, 2014

Back to School

Friday, March 21st, 2014



My life since December 20th has been relatively quiet….and boring.   Not every day,  just many of them.  Today, I embark on another NEW chapter.


A new school, full of strangers….with so many differences and yet so many similarities.  On my drive in this morning, I noticed the sights on my roads look very different at 7:45am than they do in the afternoon hours.  I haven't had to get up and hustle in months.

It was sort of fun!!!

I didn't really think much about my encounter with new students until I was already on my way to school.  It hit me…..Will they like me?  I had nothing to prove at my old school.  I knew everyone, they loved me like I am mostly because I had grown on them.

I miss them.  But God has a plan and I have to move on.  I can't sit around hoping people like me.  It's GO time!  I have 45 days left to leave a little piece of my heart with the staff & students of Zionsville Community High School.

I'm so glad to be back to work!  And it's on my favorite day……Friday jeans day!!!!

You love on me in the sweetest of ways.  Shine bright through me here in this new place.

Ch Ch Ch Changes

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

You might have started your day with the ringing in of S P R I N G….but I started mine with the first early morning ringing of my cellphone to substitute teach.  At an elementary school.  Uhm, pass!

I like little kids.  Really.  I just couldn't jump in COLD TURKEY at the last minute and work with them.  Maybe soon.  Like, if I'm desperate for days to fill in…soon.  Naah, who am I fooling?  I don't want go there.

I belong with teenagers.  They get me.  I get them.  Done deal!

i want

I was a little surprised to get the call because today is the day I go in for the district's REQUIRED sub training.  Who calls you in to work before you've even been trained?  What if I skipped a ritual?  Or didn't sign in at the right place?  Who knows what kind of havoc could ensue with me being THE NEW LADY?

Too risky!

It's all cool.  I'm working tomorrow at the high school and I couldn't be happier!

I have to tell you what was going on when I got the call this morning.  I was completely caught up in a dream that involved my old school kids.  I was standing at an intersection not far from the school and the bell had obviously just rang because all the students were filing past me…PUSHING SHOPPING CARTS!

No, I'm not kidding!

They were lined up…..pushing by me and I called out to one of my students that I know and told her she could stay with me instead of her grandma.  Her mom was nervous about going out of town and unsure if the grandma could handle watching her kids.  So, I told her they could stay with me.  Dang, I'm nice….even when I'm dead asleep!

Who am I?  Maybe I don't really want to know.

That's when my phone rang and ended my babysitting gig!

I'm all good now and not volunteering for anything that involves kids pushing shopping carts on city streets.  But I am totally excited to start working tomorrow!  Real people, real connections…..and money for it to boot!  Winning!!


Wish List

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

It's quiet here!  The dust has finally settled and the party is officially over.  Today, I'll take down what is left of the birthday celebration and put it all away.  One blaring conclusion that I've gleaned from a long weekend of partying is…

We are living like old people.

I confess, both hubby and I were so tired last night that we fell into bed like we'd been on a long safari.  Even Miss Lizzy is living in recovery mode.  Who knew having an empty nest would make us so rested?

Don't worry, I'm all about filling my house with people and love any time I can get them to come.  But there's some good vibes in having nothing to do or anyone to entertain….and I will cherish both noisey days and lonely ones too!  God is good and I feel blessed to have access to both!

I've been doing a little wish therapy today.  Some call it online shopping but I'm not actually buying anything, just getting my wish list together for when I DO WANT TO PURCHASE some goodies.  I've found some great stuff.

My next book to read –>  The Traitors Wife

My plan for a safe tan –>  Tan Towels

My MUST HAVE to pair with white jeans –>  J. Crew Chambray Shirt  It's on sale!!!

Once again, a bench I'm convinced I need –>  porch bench

And lastly, I stumbled upon this blog and seriously had a laugh out loud experience.  Mainly, because I am so good at making little inconveniences a MONUMENTAL issue in my life and seeing a glimpse of how silly whiney complaints must seem to the NON-complainers…..I had to link it up!  You are welcome! 

So, I'm off.  No more wishy listy time!  I have a big day tomorrow full of substitute teacher training and well, you know how busy my life is when my family's all gone. 


Kickin’ the Tires

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

You only turn 21 once. For most of us, once is enough. Yesterday’s celebration was one to remember for our sweet girl Ally.

We “tortured” her by making her walk downtown Indy to the canal. Every Irish girl needs a photo by a green river full of huge fish. Right?


We “forced” her to represent her big day with a sweet Irish sashe. She looked so cute!


At the end of the day… We test drove and purchased her new (to her) car!


She was a little excited!


Who can blame her? We were thrilled too.


She is a little bit in love with her SUV. No more being stuck (we hope) during the harsh winter. This year was a rough one for her living far from home where her Dad or brother could push her out of the deep snow.


Out the door she goes!!

And of course her first stop would be here – – – – >

Keepin’ it real, y’all!!

Congratulations Ally!! We thank God for you and we praise Him for our many blessings!

St. Paddy’s Day Baby

Monday, March 17th, 2014

IMG_0310DSC_1694IMGP1037MVC-001SMVC-028SIMGP0639I've been pouring myself into her life for the last 21 years.  It matters to me WHO SHE IS in this world.  I was 26 years old when God placed her in my arms and said, "Get busy!".  Even though I was already a mother, things got REALLY real when the doctor said…"It's a girl!".  All my strategies of loving and caring would need tweaking.  Little girls are nothing at all like baby boys. 

My world, as I knew it…..would never be the same.

God is so very clever.  He knows what a task is going to involve and He kindly grows us as we navigate the map of motherhood.  I was smitten, madly in love and all out crazy for the baby girl God gave to me. Which is a good thing, because the hard days have a way of robbing you & me of the energy to do the tough stuff when it's most important.  Raising kids isn't for the wimpy ones!

This mothering thing, has been my most treasured gift.

Today's a big day.  Turning 21 is monumental to most American children.  For my girl, that number doesn't mean the same as it does to her peers.  She's not excited to buy an alcoholic drink or go to a bar and post the picture on social media.  For her, this day just puts her one day closer to being old enough to be like her mom.  She loves being a young woman and she celebrates all that goes with that every single day.  While most girls are just trying to fit in…..Ally is setting her feet on solid ground and preparing for all that's ahead of her.  She wants a life that matters!

I wonder where she got that…

If I had an audience of young mother's to address right now….I would tell them, give your very all to the job of mothering.  Do it with all your heart.  Don't fall for the lie that purposeful investing doesn't pay off.  You only have one chance at this job.  There is no backing up and trying again.  Be wise and take good care of yourself, make time for fun breaks and really love your husband with genuine care IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS!  All of that is part of the training that helps round out healthy kids and gives you & them a solid ground to stand upon once they are all grown and gone.  Because, they will grow up and go.

I wish I had words to describe how grateful I am that God picked me to mother the River Dance loving girl, the same one who won't get caught dead wearing a t-shirt as clothes.  He knew her and He knew me and in HIS INFINITE wisdom put us together, forever.  Thank you God!  My life, my heart is full because of this sweet Irish girl born on St. Patrick's Day so long ago.


I love you so much!


Do Not Google It

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

For the last few days, I've been feeling a little "under the weather".  Since I'm a professional over-the-counter medical expert…..I've been trying to SELF TREAT all my symptoms.  I know, I know….GO TO THE DOCTOR!  But it's such a dang hassle!

Today, the pain has started to get the best of me so I thought I'd Google it and see if I could confirm or deny some of the possibilities of my making it out alive.  Maybe you've done this to yourself too.  I'm now feeling even worse!  It's probably bad medicine to go symptom searching online.  Every conclusion there is doom and more doom!

For me, I'm either dealing with some sort of cancer or more serious issues that if, go untreated can affect the rest of my body in a harmful way.  WHAT?  Talk about scare tactics!!!

It has come to this, y'all.

I'm at the age now where every little ache and pain equal SERIOUS CONCERN!  Chalk it up to paranoia or the nothing better to do than worry… but I don't like feeling ill.  Even more so, when the pain won't go away I can't help but feel that's the body's way of saying, "ALERT! Something isn't right!".

Which brings me to the next issue.  I'm a woman.  Women tend to put things off or ignore them.  Some of us even justify "checking it out" because of all the hassle involved with going to the doctor.  But then again, with every stabbing pain…..I keep imagining going in and the doctor sending me straight on over to the hospital.  Because "it" has gone too far.

See my crazy rationalizing?

So, here I sit wondering if I should trust the Google or just go on to the doctor.  Whichever happens…..I don't recommend you Google your symptoms, ever!  Unless you are ready to be veeeeeeeeery sick!


Help me to feel well soon.  Don't let me make a foolish error with my health but also don't let me be falsely alarmed by something simple.  My body is a temple and I don't want to mistreat it in any way.
