Archive for March, 2014

Shame On You

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

shame on you

You know what our world is missing?  Shame.

Just look around.  The world is a free-for-all for any kind of lifestyle, habit or behavior.  We're living in a time where nothing is off limits.  No choice or decision is allowed to be judged or looked down upon.

We're living in a society that says, "If it feels good, do it" and our world is struggling with some simple truths.  In every human being, lives a conscience and the job of that feeling/voice is to steer us away from what is clearly wrong.  Except it's becoming shameful to shame someone into right behavior.

Maybe you've noticed this too…

No longer is it acceptable to tell someone else what they are doing or saying is inappropriate.  If you dare make that mistake be prepared for lashback from a multitude of directions.  It is now looked down upon to look down upon poor decisions or behavior.  Which is sad because God is pretty clear when it comes to sin.

I remember feeling shame for my mistakes.  Do you?  That shame propelled me to make better decisions and to turn from what was out of alignment with God.  I'm grateful for that little tool in my life.  I can't help but think if more people felt shame….and repented to a Holy God, that our world would be a better place to live.

Not just a better world, but a better life — one lived in peace and freedom that can only come from Christ.

Perhaps we've gone a little overboard with protecting ourselves from feeling shame.  While it's not a place to live and dwell (God offers forgiveness), I know feeling embarrassed or ashamed can be useful in refining you & me into our best selves.

Ever felt ashamed?  Did it spur you to do better or change in some way?

I hope so.  Shame on you, if it didn't!



How Do I Know?

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

being a parentI can't remember a time that I didn't want to be a mom.  All my fantasy play revolved around some sort of "family" dynamic while I was growing up.  My Barbies were in family groups, my dollhouse people and even my pets.  If I played with it, I created a family scene and gave everyone names and lives.  I was obsessed!

I wanted to be a mom, someday.

Now that my own kids have reached adulthood, they talk about their future as a spouse and parent.  Some of their questions and ponderings make me laugh…

Will I find a spouse to love forever?

Will I be a good parent?

Why don't I want kids right now?

Will my kids be cute?

I only want boys!

Are all kids crazy?

Kids are cute but I don't think I like them.

How can I know if I'll like parenthood?

What if I don't like them (kids)?

I understand the pressure and the curiosity about GROWN UP LIFE when you're a young punk.  I did all that dreaming too.  I wondered about my life and the people who would be in it while I was growing up.  I imagined all the "perfect" possibilities that could be my future.  I thought long and hard about what my kids would look like and how many I would have.  Honestly, none of what I imagined…happened.


Because, God.  God gives way more than a person can wish or imagine.  While I was daydreaming through Pre-Algebra and writing fake kid names on my notebook….God had already decided who I would marry and the children we would parent together.  Looking back, it's probably a good thing I didn't really know what was ahead for me (I would've surely messed it up with my TAKE CHARGE personality).  All I know is that I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A MOM!

So, how do you know if you're supposed to have kids?

This is just my theory.  It isn't a proven fact or a set-in-stone gospel….just what seems logical to me.  The world is full of unwanted children; abused & broken, molested and mistreated…..thrown away and left to others to care for and some are even killed by the people chosen by God to give them life.

The choice to be a parent is heavy.  I get it.  That's why I think actually doing it isn't for the faint of heart.  It's a forever decision.  I believe if you want to know if it's right for you, ask yourself these questions:

1.  Can I imagine NEVER holding a baby/child in my arms and calling them mine?

2.  Do I feel an "ache" in my heart for a child?

3.  Can I love someone else more than myself?

4.  Is God calling me to parent a child or many?

5.  Can I give up my freedom to raise a child?

6.  Is being a parent all or much of what I think about?

If you can answer NO to 3 or more of those questions, parenting a child may not be the direction for you.  I don't say that to criticize or hurt anyone.  I say it because being a parent involves all of that and more.

The emotion of holding a child in your arms for the first time cannot even be described…..then knowing, God picked you makes that connection even more overwhelming.  Your heart will never be the same.

Speaking of the heart.  For me… heart ached (hence all the daydreaming) for a baby of my own.  I couldn't shake it.  I wished, I imagined little sweet faces, I picked out names, I numbered my brood and I prepared my life for a future with kids.  But, not without a husband.  I knew that future included the right man to raise all the kids my heart was aching for.

I knew that having a baby would be a sacrifice and having more than one would be a total giving of all that I "thought" was important.  I would have to think of someone else before myself….forever.  Having a child means loving someone more than yourself.  Ask any mother, any good mother.  It's not about you anymore.

Just because your body can make a baby doesn't mean you are supposed to.  It's very important to seek God in all that you do and parenting is probably one of the most incredible callings ever.  Make sure He's calling you to that life.  It is forever.

When you become a parent…..your freedom is no longer yours.  Time as you know it, never exists again.  Life revolves around that little person….even after they move out.  A mother never stops thinking of her kids.  It's all part of the nurturing phenom.

Dreaming about the future is normal for everyone.  But if your dreams don't include children…..that is a big clue.  It may be that you're just not ready yet or it may be that it isn't your cup of tea.  Don't be afraid to choose to never be a parent.  God doesn't call everyone to do it.  Parenting is a life choice that just doesn't go away and if you're doubtful…..probably not a good move to go all willy-nilly and get pregnant.  A baby will not necessarily make you want to be a parent.  I think we all can agree, the world is full of sad stories of harm done to children by parents who felt trapped or sorry for having them in the first place.  So, don't make a forever decision on a "chance" experiment.  What you think about most….is probably a safe bet as to what is important to you.

My dreams of being a mom have exceeded my imagination.  Nothing in my life has ever been more rewarding, painful, stressful, exhausting and amazing all at the same time.  I was meant to be a mother and someday……I will (hopefully) be a grandmother.

I hear….that being a grandmother is so incredible, women wonder why they didn't do that first.



Stop Cheating Yourself

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

sex chart

I hate this conversation!  I hate talking about something that so many people are going to point fingers (or roll their eyes) at me and call me mean or wrong or judgemental….or just out of touch with reality!  But I have to speak up, God expects me to share the truth and if there ever were a topic of importance….it is this one.

Sexually active young people.

If I only had one chance to say something valuable.  If God gave me a platform and said, "Go tell…."  I would say this one burns in my heart so heavy that it needs to be heard.  Too many are playing with it like it is NO BIG DEAL.  The sad reality to that thinking is, that it is a big deal.

Being sexually active without a commitment of marriage is cheating.

I know some who will read this will immediately argue that marriage doesn't always mean committed.  I'd have to argue back that if that's the case then the one's married are not doing that right either.  When you step into a marriage commitment, you make a vow and part of that vow is to be true and faithful to that ONE PERSON forever.  I realize not everyone is taking that vow as seriously as some are but a true committed relationship will consist of two people sold out to one another.

One of the most baffling parts of this topic (for me) is the parents who pretty much celebrate their kids being sexually active.  What is the deal?  How is it in any way comfortable for a parent to know their child/unmarried young adult is gettin' it on with a boy/girlfriend/hook up?  No way can that situation make sense.  I've heard so many parents/acquaintances tell me over the years….that you can't control your kids and I believe that TO A POINT.  But did you know…..

Your kids want you to care enough about them to say — DON'T DO THAT!!?

It's true.  Your kids, my kids….all kids want someone to put boundaries on them.  Matter of fact, they thrive so much more and it has been proven that kids who follow the rules make better life decisions when put in situations outside of their parents view.  I cannot stress enough about rules and expectations.  Kids need them.  Look on Facebook.  See who is doing what.  Notice the young people there and some of their choices posted for the world to see.  Who is leading them?  Who are they trying to please or honor?  Certainly not a parent and clearly not God.

Just this week, I've read about 8 different unwed girls and their babies on Facebook and these are not strangers to me.  They are real people that I know and care about in some way or another.  The sadness I feel for their situation is tremendous because as awesome as it is to be a mom it is never-ending in every way as a responsibility.  Children born out of casual sex relationships suffer.  Again, you may argue with me on this….but you will never convince me that a child whose parents are not married or even in a committed relationship has a perfect life.  It's impossible.  Now, this is constantly disputed among the young and brilliant but children DO NEED TWO PARENTS.  They need a dad, they need a mom and they need those two people to love one another and live responsibly as parents.

So, just what else does being sexually active do?  Well, unwed pregnancy isn't the only repercussion of that lifestyle.  The details of intimacy within relationships rob its participants of the freedom between a spouse once they are married.  I read stories everyday of women who are struggling within their marriage due to intimacy issues.  Whether they be their own insecurities or their husbands.  Who knew such a consequence could wreak so much havoc on a relationship?  God knew and His word clearly warns us to protect ourselves sexually.  Sex is meant for marriage and this is one of the reasons why.  It's a celebration of the love of two people joined as one and when one or both involved have given that part of their body to someone else or a lot of someone elses it has a forever negative effect.

It never goes away.  Even for people who have given their heart to Christ, they struggle with the remnants of their broken heart for past decisions. (Dang it, devil!)

So, I'm back to parents.  Why would you look the other way knowing what you know about sex?  Don't tell me….you can't control your kids!  That's nonsense!  You don't have to control them to help them make good choices.  You only have to influence them and love them enough to fight for them.  Every. Single. Day.

Stop burying your head in the sand.  Talk to them, gain their trust and be honest with them.  They want your approval and they want to please you and they want to know when something is dangerous ahead.  Don't believe me?  Ask them!

I'll end this painful post with this…..

Who do you know that is truly happy and at peace with the choices they've made to be sexually active?  I mean, the single mom?  The one who isn't with that boyfriend anymore who fathered her child?  Or the one who is married now….whose husband finds it difficult to imagine her with some other guy but has to anyway?  The guy who thought it wasn't a big deal to sleep around who now has 2 different children with 2 different ex-girlfriends and now wants to marry Mrs. Right?  Or the little girl who never sees her daddy because he's dating some other lady? 

Are these people living their best life now?

Stop cheating yourself!



Springing Forward

Friday, March 7th, 2014

It is gorgeous in Zionsville, Indiana right now.  I HAVE MY WINDOWS OPEN!!!  Well, some of them.  It's not quite warm enough to get crazy and open them all.  But the few strategic ones I do have open….are blowing spring is coming wishes all through my house!

I went outside and swept my porch.  That's a first because its had snow and ice on it since I moved in that cold blustery December night.  I even walked around surveying all the wet nasty grass and imagining my hubby mowing it….very soon.  I also pictured all the pretty flowers I want to plant.  I will miss many things about my old house….but not the shady flower killing yard.  I may get obnoxious with all the stuff I want to plant here.  Neighbors, be warned!  πŸ˜‰

On my springy high steppin' happy, I've been cleaning all over my house too.  Sheets in the washer, vacuumed all the carpeted areas, swept hardwoods and even scrubbed toilets & shiny-ed up mirrors!  So, come on over and visit.  Except, call me first.  I might need to shower and brush my teeth.

I'm not wasting a beautiful day like today (even with a terrible headache).  I'm claiming it for good.  I love knowing that there is hope.  A harsh winter can take its toll on you in many ways.  Days like today….remind us all, to hang on….something better is coming.  I've never thought of spring as so important as I have this year.  In the past, its just been the season that comes before the ALL IMPORTANT summer!  I can't answer the why as to my epiphany this year….but it's safe to say, CHANGE and a lot of it will cause you to grasp at some brittle straws.

I'm going to make it.

Don't forget….to set your clocks this weekend.  Spring forward, in every way you can!

I'd love to share a video/song with you, however, my blog is NOT cooperating.  So, go to Youtube and enter Zion – Oceans and get your heart squeezed with some love from the Lord.  As I drove in for the job interview yesterday….God divinely had this playing for me.  I had prayed for courage to make a good choice with choosing to work again.  He didn't fall short, He gave me all the words and the strength to admit what I wasn't comfortable doing.  It worked out perfectly. 

I am Yours….and YOU are mine, Lord!

Desperate Decisions

Thursday, March 6th, 2014

Desperation can set us up for fuzzy thinking.  I know this to be true because I've rationalized some crazy things in my head that certainly DID NOT make good sense after the fact.  Perhaps you know what I mean.

When I moved to my new house in December, I had big plans of staying home and being happy forever & ever.  Only, I haven't been exactly happy.  I've been lonely, I've been stuck (thank you winter from H E double hockey sticks), I've felt isolated, I've lost my confidence, I've never gone so long without make-up and I've placed an unnecessary amount of PLEASE ME with social interaction pressure on my hubby.

He pretends it doesn't bother him.

I thought I'd play it smart back in December and apply online to substitute teach at the schools nearby.  I applied on December 31st to be exact.  The process was extensive and took a good hour out of my day to complete.  I've been waiting to hear back all this time.  No news.  After talking to my hubby about the strange process, I decided to call and track down the person responsible for hiring subs and see what the hold up was.  I found her.  She goes into this huge deal about getting SO MANY APPLICATIONS that she just has to weed through them to FIND QUALIFIED applicants.  To which I replied — "I know I'm qualified for the job.  Now, tell me….how do I get approved to sub at your schools?".  She told me that my references had not filled out my reference forms and that she would re-send them and then look over my application and call me for an interview.

REALLY?  Wow.  I couldn't help but feel this process was a drag on series of hoops and that obviously……they DO NOT NEED SUBS bad enough.  So I asked her just that.  I know how hard it is to find subs.  Most schools have difficulty finding qualified and good subs that they can rely on.  I know this because I've been used to death in the past simply because I could do what they needed me to do and everyone requested me.  I asked her about any open positions and she told me of several.  I thanked her and hung up.

Five minutes……maybe, the high school principal called me with a JOB OFFER!!!

I'm not going to go into details but I do want to ask for your prayers.  I don't want to take the WRONG JOB for the WRONG REASONS.  I feel working would help me get out of my funk but I don't want to do a job that I hate all because of my loneliness.  I love making my own money and I can't even describe the happy I feel just thinking of making some friends.  But, I don't want to struggle at a job that is out of my comfort zone.

So, pray for me.  Pray that I would be smart and think through the pros and cons of the particular job I am interviewing for AT 12:40 TODAY!!!  I don't need to work but I think I'd like to get my foot in the door.

Oh…and guess who sent me an interview email a few hours later?

Yes, the sub list lady!!!   πŸ˜‰

Thank God

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Have you heard?  Matthew McConaughey THANKED GOD during his speech at the Oscars last night.  The nerve. 

What about the weird slow clap celebration after he said it?  I don't think I've ever heard so much chatter about who someone thanked before.  Usually the big focus is on WHAT EVERONE WAS WEARING!  The fashion seems to have taken backstage to the BIG God talk story.

Since I can't keep quiet about how I feel on pretty much most topics….I thought I'd share what I found interesting about it all.

First, Matthew McC is clearly one of the COOL KIDS in Hollywood.  Everyone knows the power being in that club holds.  People don't just knock down the "cool kids", ever.  They are elite!  They run with the big dogs!  They don't have to do anything to prove they are worthy of the love & admiration they recieve.  They are golden!  And Matthew McC?

He's cool, all the time….under most circumstances and people love him for it.  He has a platform with which people are willing to listen.  His smooth personality (and I really do think he's likable) wins the hearts of most people.  His charm is inviting and his looks make him a pleasure to watch.  He even has that ability to make you think…he's just like you & me (only he's not, he's uber famous).  So, we feel "comfortable" with him and the things he says.

Unless, you're in Hollywood circles and happened to be sitting in the celeb-filled Oscar audience last night.  Then, it's awkward!

People are shocked that he thanked God.  Why?  I don't get it.  Superstars say that kind of stuff all the time.  Some of them even mix it in with some profanity and stagger off tipping up the Patrone bottle.  Thanking God doesn't make you a Christian.  People say, "Thank God" all the time and have no idea WHO THAT REALLY IS.

Now, I'm not saying Matthew McC doesn't know him….I'm just saying it isn't worth all the hoopla the media is giving it today.  He said it, the audience acted odd and the media ran with the strange phenom as fodder for controversy.  Who cares?

I'll tell you…who.  Non-believers.  People who want to make a big deal out of it.  They want to prove to people who do love God that He is weird and awkward and publicly thanking him makes you look stupid.  So, by the strange reaction of intelligent people like the Oscar audience….hopefully, the Bible bangers will get the hint and knock it off.  Stop putting so much credence into a God that doesn't deserve it.

Second, knowing what we know about Matthew McC being one of the cool kids….we know that people tend to look for someone to follow.  It's just the way most of us are hardwired.  We seek out a path and people of influence have power over us.  Listening to MM thank God suddenly opened the door for other celebs to thank him too.  At least, that's how I see it anyway.  His willingness to speak openly paves the way for others to show a little bit of God to an industry that openly mocks Him.  People will be saying thank you to God…..just you wait and see.

Now, I'd like to think that somehow…..this opens the hearts of many who otherwise wouldn't give God the time of day.  Maybe, just maybe someone will soften up and seek out the one true God because of the influence of a celeb like Matthew McC.  It can happen.  And it's okay for you & me to pray for people like him to be genuine salt & light in a world full of darkness.

Who knows, maybe he will continue to share his faith on every level.  If he's anything like he leads us to believe….we haven't heard the last of this big star!

Thank God!