Archive for December, 2010

Let the snow days begin…

Thursday, December 16th, 2010

Today is snow day #3! πŸ™ While I’m a huge fan of all things having to do with free time and pj’s….I’m not one to love an extra long school year. I think I’ve said it before, I LOVE SUMMER BREAK!! As of now, we’ve eaten up our 2 built in make-up days and are now on the count for extra days added onto the end of the school year. BIG FAT BOO!!!

I don’t want to sound like a big baby complainer. I actually enjoy staying up too late and sleeping in the next day. It’s just the later thing that gets me. Oh I’ll be all indignant come JUNE! Trust me, I’m capable of getting a real whiny attitude when we’re plugging along on the dead days of “gotta make em up” time. Can you say, baby?

I will admit. It’s so beautiful outside my windows that I can’t stop peering out. Every single flake of snow gets me excited. It has to be my Florida girl roots. I never get tired of seeing it (I say that now). Snow is just gorgeous!

Now we begin to try to balance out catching cabin fever. Since we’re on the strict budget (umm, the DO NOT SPEND A PENNY BUDGET!)…shopping is but a dream. I’m trying to figure out ways to keep my family from going bonkers. Cooking, cleaning and playing on Facebook are starting to make even me feel kooky!

If you can imagine that… πŸ™‚

I’ll post some pictures soon. Woke up to a dead battery!

One more thing. I just put the LAST garbage bag in the can. EEEK! Either we will have to make a Walmart run or else we’re going on throw away lockdown. Haha!

How Many Ways

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

Can the Lord send me encouragement? In the midst of stress and worry…..He continually surrounds me with His love and grace. We knew this month would be tense…..but seriously, this is wildly over the top.

I don’t know what will be next. At this point, nothing surprises me. I just appreciate how God sends me little reminders of His love for me and for my future. Maybe you’re living with stress that seems neverending…..I hope you get His message of love for you too.

A few things that have encouraged me this week:

–“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” (Proverbs 31:25 NLT)

I know we’ve heard the verse in Jeremiah 29 over and over again about how God knows the plans He has for us.
Something I’m continuing to learn is that He doesn’t say we will always know, but He says, “I know.” In my life there continues to be so much uncertainty and inconsistency, but in the midst of that, God continues to be near…
(Words written just for me) Elizabeth Williams

–A visit from a couple firewood delivering angels! A Christmas present from hubby’s brother & sister-in-law who live in Washington State. Very cool gift. Or warm gift, really.

–A surprise visit from my sweetboy. He’s almost finished with finals but still had a few to go. He came by after attending a funeral for his roommate’s grandmother in the next town over. Score for me, he stayed the night. πŸ™‚

–Two days off of school. Thanks to the big snow/ice storm. We’ll be making these dudes up….so I’ll be whining later. πŸ˜‰

–“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12

Thank you for your love. Even when I feel like there’s no hope…you remind me that I’m yours and that you’ve got this.

What’s a little Salvia?

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

I would bet that by now you’ve seen the latest awesome video put out starring Miley Cyrus. If you haven’t, you will if you turn on any entertainment or news channel. They all seem to be airing it and scratching their heads (WOW) at the ridiculousness of it. The first time I caught wind of it was on Anderson Cooper’s 360 show on CNN. He was doing a great job of portraying it as “crazy” on his famous RidicuList segment. Again, WOW!

Now, I’ve been doing a little reading and I have to say…..Salvia may be labeled as an herb and “legal”. But who in their RIGHT MIND is smoking that junk? IDIOTS, that’s who! Duh! Are you kidding me? I’m thinking someone might want to jump in here and possibly do a little parenting. Girlfriend is not capable of making good decisions.

Can you say, H E L P ??

It just makes me sick to see another pop star conforming to her surroundings. Isn’t anyone watching out for these kids? As a mom, it makes me feel stressed to the max and it’s not even my kid. Somebody needs to help Miley before it’s another…..Britney, Lindsay, Paris AKA The Party Girls. Seriously, ya’ll.

This video isn’t even shocking to most people. Behavior such as this has become the norm. I’ve heard some defending her actions based on the fact that she’s 18! Huh? Are you for real? Come on! Miley Cyrus may be 18….but she’s still just a kid. And Silvia is junk! Not something healthy to put into your body.

Crazy town!

Interested in Salvia? Go here and read up on this legal herb! Err, yea!

A Word to the Flu

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

Dear Flu Invasion of 2010,

Take the hint! We don’t want you around anymore! You were not welcomed here in the first place. But, since you insisted on “hanging” around….could you move along now? It’s been a few days since I’ve seen real clothes, eaten normal food and spoken to actual PEOPLE! Well, people that weren’t hugging toilets or laying on the bathroom floor moaning anyway. πŸ™ {Poor Miss Gates!}

I’m on my 3rd sick day away from work. I feel completely messed up. I’m not one to “call in” sick. It makes me feel stressed to be home when I know someone else is there trying to figure out my job. Crazy, I know. That’s just how I am [ANAL]! I’ve not had the actual flu that Gates has been suffering with…I’ve been sick with the head cold stuff. A whole different kind of misery. She barfs, I try to aid her and together we have to yell for help from THE DAD (when he was available). Oh the lovely!

The weather here is incredibly cold too. So, staying warm and dry is high on my priority list. Hard to do when you have a REALLY sick kid that can’t control WHAT’S HAPPENING!! πŸ™

I’m hoping she’s on the end of her suffering today. I can work with my sinus’ acting crazy and my head pounding. I just can’t force puny to walk the halls of that great big school when she can’t get from her bed to the bathroom right now. I’m praying for some energy boosters to pick her back up quick.

In the meantime…..I’ve got to get back on duty!


Ok, Flu Invasion Monster?


Saturday, December 4th, 2010

We’ve been a little busy. What’s new, right? No, really busy! For the last few months, we’ve been hitting the streets 3-4 nights a week for musical practice. This weekend is showtime! We’ve managed to get halfway through it (still have tonight and tomorrow’s performances). It’s been interesting…..that’s all I can say.

Well, and lots of fun too! πŸ˜‰

I’ve had so much fun making new friends, hanging out with old ones and doing a show with my sweet girls. It’s been a ton of work and a stealer of our freetime….but the three of us all agree, WE’VE LOVED IT!

The lead actor is a friend of mine and we were discussing the leap of faith it took for him to take on a “musical” (he’s not a big singer). He said, “I like singing in the shower!”. I told him….”Now, you can cross this off your BUCKET LIST!”. hehe πŸ™‚

Who: Jennings County Players
Where: The Park Theatre (downtown North Vernon)
What: The musical WHITE CHRISTMAS
When: Saturday 12/4 @ 7:30pm & Sunday 12/5 @ 2:00pm
Tickets: $8 at the door, $3 for students

Come see us!