Archive for June, 2012

What I’m Reading

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

I've had some fantastic free time lately.  That's what happens when you're off of work and have no car for going anywhere.  Some may call it "stuck" at home but I prefer to call it part of my house arrest.

Oh, I'm not being held hostage.  It just sounds like it.

The tough part about your kid having your car for school is when you think of stuff you need to complete a project.  You can't just jump in your car and go get what you need.  So, you just make do.  Or make don't.  However you want to look at it.

I've chosen to read.  I have a pile of books just waiting on me to get to them and I will…at the rate I'm going.  Books have a way of taking you places.  Many times it's places you'd never have a chance to go.  Or they tell you stories that change your heart and touch your soul.  I can't imagine not having books.   I love them.

I thought I'd share a few that I've read this last week or so.  Each one so different from the other but all good enough to finish (if you know what I mean).

Bossypants by Tina Fey

If you're a fan of Tina Fey (SNL, 30 Rock & Sarah Palin impersonation) and don't mind sketchy language this book is a good choice.  She is just as funny in her book as she is in her shows.  She tells the story of growing up with a staunchly conservative dad and how she got into the business.  It's quite funny just like her.  I finished it quick because she tells the story fast.  It was worth the wait.

A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard

Yes, I read this.  I had to.  This story had captured my heart and I needed to see for myself that this really happened.  It was hard to read some of the horror she went through but the fact that she is alive now and living victoriously is amazing!  Her sweetness shines through on every page and as a mom, I can only imagine how this affected her mother.  I'm glad I read it.

The Amateur by Edward Klein

I'll be completely honest….THIS BOOK IS A MUST READ!  If you're an American and you're registered to vote, this book is very eye-opening.  The sources who reveal the real Barack Obama will blow your mind.  It's no secret he runs his presidency on minimal amounts of experience but this book will infuriate you as to just how poorly equipped this man is to lead the United States of America.  Get it and see for yourself.  It's not a boring political read either.  It is very interesting.

That's it.  I'm in the middle of a few other books right now but I'll share about them another time.  I have just gotten my hands on a set of car keys and I'm taking my opportunity to run to Home Depot to look at and HOPEFULLY BUY a washing machine!  That laundry….it's a piling!


Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

When you least need things to go wrong, they usually will.  I'm whining long and hard this morning as I mourn the loss (the FINAL LOSS) of my washing machine.  It's been hanging by a squeaking thread for the last couple of weeks and I knew it wasn't long for this world….but DID IT HAVE TO HAPPEN NOW?

Everyone is scrambling to get out of here this weekend for weddings (yes, I said weddings..2 in different states) so you know what that means right?  Lots of laundry to do in order to take your favorite ______!


Oh whatever!


It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't awoken to the sounds of, "Oh NO!  Gracie threw up on my bed!!".  I can't quite express what words like that do to me.  I am quite literally a WASH-A-HOLIC!!  (Ask around)  I will wash anything that sits still.  I believe it has something to do with my childhood.  Possibly, I'm trying to control everything around me by cleaning it to my liking.

All this happening on a day when my boy is driving off (without me) to Mississippi to stand as best man in one of his closest friends wedding.  Oh and I have NO CAR to drive to washer shop!

"The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him."  Nahum 1:7

How do you cope when you're facing a stack of challenges?  

I've come up with a few techniques or thoughts on how to chill out when you really want to lose it.

Take a deep breath–It's no secret, we hold in much of our stress just by the way we breathe.  Taking a few minutes to cleanse the brain with some deep breathing techniques can open up your thinking and calm you down at the same time.  So, breathe!

Pray–God is not chaotic.  Our problems can overwhelm us but they never catch Him off guard.  He is ready and willing to listen to our plea's for help.  Tell him what your needs are and let it go.  His plan is best anyway, right?

Lean on someone you love–There really is power in teaming up.  When we have someone to talk things through with us it empowers us to face tough issues.  It may not solve the problem at hand but it will make you feel confident that "this too shall pass".

Get proactive–No matter what the problem is there will always be an answer.  Sometimes we struggle because the answer is a hard one and no one wants to do the hard stuff.  Follow through with whatever it is that will bring closure to your issue.  Don't go down without a fight!

Escape–Walk away from the problem.  I bet you thought I was going to tell you to run from it.  Sometimes all we need is a break from the chaos to give our heart & mind a clear thinking space.  Go out and powerwalk or listen to the birds singing from a favorite garden bench.  It will give you a better perspective on all that you're facing.

Trust–Know that "all things work for the good of those who love Christ" (Rom. 8:28).  God really does have a plan and sometimes crazy things happen in the mix of that plan unfolding.  Ex: My daughter totalled my husband's car last year.  We were already car stretched.  Insurance paid much more than we expected and we were able to buy a better car (in cash) which led to the purchase of another even better car for my hubby.  In the end, both of them were able to purchase good cars after sharing one okay car.  We wouldn't ever ask God to cause a car wreck to make such great things happen….but that wreck turned out to be a catalyst to a car problem we couldn't figure out how to solve.

I know none of these take away having to replace a washing machine or a family splitting up travel plans….but maybe they can help ease the stress of it all and put you (and me) on a path of surrender.  God has this….He can handle it!


Trusting Him Even With My Dirty Laundry


JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW—-> June 20th, 2012

cheekySonic has 1/2 price shakes ALL DAY TODAY!

coolToday is the first day of summer.

heartIt's PDA day.  Show someone you love them with a touch!


Tuesday, June 19th, 2012


I feel like I don't fit in, most of the time.  I'm weird.  I'm finicky and strange.  One of my closest friends loves to point out all my craziness (we call it snobbery).  No matter what the subject, she'll say, "Oh, you're a _______snob?!" to which I think for a second and reply, "Uhh, yea…I guess so!".  What can I say, I'm strange like that.

For my entire life, I've felt like this.

Imagine walking into an event.  Do people stare at you?  They do me, every single time.  My kids notice it too.  Trust me, I'm not glamorous or amazingly gorgeous either.  Some might call this feeling (the one of everyone staring at you) as an insecurity.  Maybe somewhere inside my "social butterfly" personality is a weird insecurity but I'm not sure.  I just want to be like everybody else.

Or do I?

I was taught that staring at someone for prolonged amounts of time…is rude.  I never do it to other's.  I understand how awkward it makes you feel.  So, I do what every well-mannered oddball does…I steal glances!  You know, scope out the entire area and then glance over for a peek…then look away?!  I'm sneaky like that.  Plus, I don't want the person I'm looking at or admiring to think I'm a weirdo stalker.  Even though…  Oh, nevermind!

Another peculiarity of mine is that in group settings I feel a little awkward if everyone is grouped up as "buddies".  We've all had this happen to us, right?  You walk into a room/the pool/church/a party/a friends house and people are huddled up in fun groups.  They talk and laugh, maybe even tell "had to've been there" stories that you don't get all while you linger there alone.  Feels weird, huh?

I always try to include everyone.  At least, I hope I do.  Cause, exclusivity stinks! Except when it comes to things like riding in the car with the carsick kid.  Then, I want out of that group.  Other than that…count me in, ok?

The best way to put this oddball phenom is this…march to the beat of your own drum.  Jesus wants each of us to be just who HE created us to be.  For me, that's empowering.  I like being a little different.  I do it well.  My kids do too.  They don't base their self-worth on what other's are thinking of them (more adults could find peace if they felt the same way).

So, next time you walk in someplace and everyone stops to stare..think about what God wants them to see in you.  Is it a smile (don't smirk, ever) or is it a friendly wave?  It could be that you look familiar to them but they just can't place where they know you from (or maybe they're just rude and didn't get the memo about STARING).  Either way, just be yourself.

Or just be like me…an oddball!

For Arguments Sake

Monday, June 18th, 2012

I bet you don't want to know my family argues.  I certainly don't want to admit it, but how can I be honest here without speaking the truth.  Yep!  We disagree!  We fuss!  We "blow our stack".  It's not something I'm proud of and I bet if you live in a normal family, you argue too.

It's human nature!

I've been thinking about what causes such riff's between people who love each other.  One of the biggest issues seems to always stem from some sort of disappointment or frustration.  Have you ever felt really angry with someone over a small incident that didn't really matter — only to realize that you were actually mad about something way bigger?  The little thing just made the big thing come to surface?

Yea, that happens.  To everyone, right?

Oh how ill-tempered we can be.  Some might even call it "self absorbed"!  Whatever.  When you're mad…YOU'RE MAD!  Right?

I wish I could say I'm extra good at keeping my cool!  Truth is, I stink at it.  I can blow a gasket faster than a souped up Chevy!  Oh and don't think for one second I'm not armed with some vicious word arsenal!  I can slice  & dice with my tongue!

Lord, help me.

My heart usually regrets it though because mean words wound and destroy.  Who wants to be a destroyer?  Unless you're talking about BAD GUYS or evil forces.  Am I right?

What I'm getting at here is….before you blurt out that careless word or blow up in an angry way, don't!  Stop and think it through.  Is your reason for lashing out really about what you're going postal over?  Remember, the person catching your flack just may not know you're upset about THE BIG THING especially when you attack over a small thing!


My advice is to handle what's bothering you in a way that brings glory to God.  The other person may not even know they've hurt or wronged you.  Dealing with it before it eats you up is always easier and kinder.

Love your family.  Treat them with care and be kind every chance you get.  No one knows how many opportunities we have left.


Happy 3rd week of June, friends (yes…already)!


PS-No loved ones were hurt or injured as a result of this posting.  My family is at peace and is carefully filtering all frustrations through a God-sized sieve known as forgiveness!

Best Dad Award

Sunday, June 17th, 2012


What makes a great dad?  For some, it might be one who works hard and makes a great salary to provide for his family.  Another could be a dad who goes outside and throws balls around with his kids.  Or maybe a great dad is someone who never yells at his kids or scolds them when they make a mistake.  Who decides?  Isn't every family different?  Every dad?  Every child?

Genesis 18:19 – "For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."

Dad's carry a heavy weight of responsibility.  No one can shoulder the jobs of a father (much like, the mother) in the same way he can.  No one can love a child like a father and no one can replace one that is lost.  The relationship a father has with his children is special and unique.  One specifically ordained by God.

Psalm 103:13 – "As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him."

Our world is full of fatherless children and adults.  I can't tell you exactly who my father is.  Part of the confusion growing up was WHO was my real dad.  I had a dad that I thought was my dad (George) and when my parents divorced my mom pretty much removed him from my life.  Years later, she remarried and I gained a step-dad (Bill).  For most of my growing up it was Bill who carried the responsibility of being my dad.  He never once acted like he didn't want the job or didn't care for me.  So, in my eyes…God provided a father to love me even if my real father didn't.

Still….I knew being a dad was more important than just stepping in and picking up where someone else left off.

As a young adult, I was confused about my future.  Probably no more than any other young person.  I had choices but knowing which one was best for me was difficult to decide.  I prayed for God to guide me (in spite of my own foolishness) and I believe that's exactly what he did.  I met and married my husband within 6 months.  Risky, really risky.  I wouldn't suggest it.  Today, I know that it was a destiny totally orchestrated by God.

 I can't take the credit for being that wise.  heart

Up until marrying, I couldn't settle my heart and mind on any one thing.  Especially picking a life mate.  But I knew that my future was very important and I also knew that it involved having my own family.  I didn't want some fragmented broken up willy-nilly family.  I wanted one that was healthy and whole with no secrets or shame.  I was clearly focused on accomplishing that and I prayed that my future husband was as well.

Maybe that's how I knew…it felt right.

For the last 23 years I've shared my life with just the man God had for me.  The one I prayed for and the one I knew would be a Godly father to our kids.  Don't get me wrong, he has flaws and so do I for that matter.  There's no way around either of us being a little imperfect.  But the foundation is solid and the goals set high.  Both of us want the same things for our family.  We see the prize at the end of the journey and we feel blessed to be partners along the way.

I know our kids are better people because we kept our family together and trudged through hard times.

Proverbs 14:26 – "Whoever fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge."

Lately, I've felt like my kids liked their dad more than me.  I know that's crazy thinking but I'm just being honest.  I watch them slurp up every moment with him (sometimes, I even feel jealous) as if they've missed years of time with him (which they haven't).  I listen to their conversations (if they allow it) and I understand what it must be like to have a father like him.  He's everything.  He's smart, hardworking, fun, trustworthy, reliable and he genuinely cares about every aspect of their lives.  There isn't anything our kids can't say or do that changes his feelings about them (Don't you just love UNCONDITIONAL love?).  I am so grateful for a husband like that.


Proverbs 23:24 – "The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him."

For the man God so lavishly placed in my life so long ago….I pay honor to him today.  Thank you Don, for being a wonderful father and example to not only our kids but to me…a wayward child.  I know now that families can be healthy, happy and live victoriously even if everything isn't perfect.  You are the world's best dad!  I LOVE YOU!


Joshua 24:15 – "But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."



Chipmunk Cheeks

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

I'm playing nurse to this guy.  Pay no attention to the wild look in his eyes.  It's just what happens to a dude who opts to do oral surgery with Nitrous gas as his companion.  Did you know that having your wisdom teeth removed costs a whopping $3200 these days?

This facial expression makes perfect sense now, huh?


It didn't take long for the laughing gas to wear off.  As in, just a few minutes actually.  The pain began kicking in within the next hour and a half.  Luckily for me, I don't have a big whiner for a son.  He handled it like a champ!  I, on the other hand….felt miserable!  I couldn't help but feel that mother compassion thing.  I hate to see my kids suffer.


He hit the bed (sitting upright, of course) after eating a bit of creamy mashed potato's and a chocolate milkshake with a side of pain pills.  I've checked on him about 20 times and he's sleeping sound as a rock.  I'm really hoping for a good day for  Anyone who's had this little surgery knows the days following are the wingdingers!  The pain, the dry sockets and all that swelling….


The funniest part of this whole surgery?  He's in a wedding next weekend in Mississippi.  He told the doctor he couldn't be messed up for the big event.  He and his staff laughed….then added that he'd be back to normal in no time.  Like 3 days!


No way.  It took me all week to recover!  Curses to chipmunk cheeks!  

Happy Hump Day, friends!  Hug your kids….they grow up so fast!