Archive for December, 2012

I Confess

Monday, December 17th, 2012


I haven't done any REAL Christmas shopping!

What exactly is REAL Christmas shopping, you ask? Well, I consider it to be taking a day or two and shopping in stores that your family loves and picking out items they might enjoy…then wrapping them up and sticking them under the tree. My kids have no Christmas, y'all!

Seriously, time is ticking and I can see no future free time to do any of that kind of shopping. I've also asked each of my punks what is on their wish concrete answers which makes this situation even more frustrating! Help, Santa!


I'm having the best time decorating this year. I've created pretty things around my house just to my liking when I've had the time and avoided any rushing or stress. I like it this way. I'm actually enjoying the process! Who says you have to do a full day of marathon decorating to be happy?

Every detail has been no-fuss.  Let's just hope the take it down process is the same.


Even though I work in education and I'm responsible for working hands on with high school students….I'm not the best candidate for studying with MY OWN KIDS! I will do it, but it's best if my hubby does it. I am fried by the time I get home and studying with another kid (even thought it's my own) overwhelms me.

I should be ashamed, but I'm not! My hubby rocks! Especially during finals!

So, I confess, I'm not perfect. I hope to kick it into gear, soon. Otherwise…my family might be recieving that box of pens from the shipping commercial where the guy is sending out last minute gifts, literally!  Yea, that's going to be me.

My new lamp post.  This is the replacement from many years ago when my son and his buds blew the old one up with fireworks.  It only took more than 6 years to put up a new one…but I love it!


Who can just toss out all the tree trimmings?  Not me, go make something dudes!


I have a fascination with trees & lights.  This is a tree in my bedroom and I love just basking in it's warm glow at night.  It makes me sad to leave my house in the morning for work.  I just want to stay home and enjoy all my decorations.  4 more days until Christmas break!


I love Christmas!  Don't you?

Drive Out Hate

Saturday, December 15th, 2012

Like many, I've been going through the motions watching the horror unfold on tv regarding the Connecticut school shooting.  There is no way to make sense out of something so terrible.  It's just heartbreaking!  Once again, our world seems so crazy and out of control.  No one can fathom the nightmare that any of these families are experiencing.

I spent some time in prayer with my own girl last night.  She was deeply moved and emotional about the whole situation.  While she was happily celebrating making it to her last week of high school….somewhere a few states away complete madness was taking place.  In 15 minutes, 26 innocent victims were vioated in the most horrible of ways.  By being murdered.  How does any of that make sense?  Where do we begin to understand?

I remembered, as we talked before prayer…  There wasn't a moment in yesterday's events that God didn't know about.  He was not caught off guard.  While He did not orchestrate a madman to commit this disgusting crime, He knew. His arms were open wide as these innocent darlings ran to Him for all eternity.  In my own heart, I can't help but feel He wept at the evil intentions of their killer.  As so many of us have done in the last 26 hours.

There will be no answers to this mystery.  All the why's? — will never bring back these precious people.  The devastation will never lessen.  But the comfort and forgiveness that Christ offers for each of us is like a life preserver as we bob up and down in the middle of the sea.  We can cling to it and know…..He is our Redeemer!

Gracious God,

We can't understand.  Our instincts are to hate.  Help us.  We need your grace & mercy to reign inside our hearts.  Forgive us when we find ourselves judging in your place.  May your comfort blanket these hurting families….and all of our broken hearts.


Open Up

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

I'm a lucky mom!  When I came in from work Tuesday, Gavin was wrapping a large gift.  He told me that I HAD TO OPEN IT NOW!!!  No matter that it's not Christmas morning or that he was still putting the tape on the box….I had to have it now!

I think he gets this from his dad.  Some surprises are just too hard to sit on!  So, after dinner I opened up my Christmas gift.  Is this kid not the sweetest?  Look at him spoiling his mama with a Keurig coffee machine and a box of yummy coffees!

Thank you, son!  What a great present.  Everyone will be able to enjoy this dude.  Great thinking and yeehaw to your cool discount at Staples!  I appreciate your hard work there and your generous spirit at Christmas.


I can't wait to enjoy it every morning!  I love it!!  And YOU!!

Puttin Out Some Pretty

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

20121211-071008.jpg It's coming together slowly over here at my house.  Little by little, Christmas decorations are popping up.  I suppose I'm going by the practice of "here & there" decorating!

Late last night, I jumped up and grabbed some more items from different hiding spots and set my table.  If this is how it's going to be….I'm just going to go with it.  Maybe I should stop reading all those crafty blogs, eh?  Inspiration looms around every corner!

I still haven't created my tree skirt!  I planned on making the layered ruffle one from Pinterest…..yea, that would require a shopping trip to the fabric store and the plugging in of the hotglue gun.  Guess I'll need to get on that later on tonight, right?  Hehe!  Enjoy your Tuesday, friends.  It's finally cooooooold here in Indiana!

So, what's pretty over at your house?


8 Sassy Girl Gifts for Christmas

Monday, December 10th, 2012

I love shopping.  It's not a secret, right?  My girls do too.  Instead of hitting the streets this weekend, I opted to stay parked at home (which is great too) instead of fighting the crowds shopping.  I managed to do a little online shopping which is always good….because, hello…free shipping & great prices = Woohoo, SCORE!  Right?  Oh yea!

I haven't really "bought" Christmas gifts yet.  Just a few things here & there.  My kids are big, the items they're interested in…cost big.  So, my gift-giving as usual will have to be very creative.  I thought it'd be fun to share some present ideas that would make even the biggest diva girl happy.  Ready?

New Bedford Plaid Coat

Isn't that sweet?  I know my girls would love it.  There's only one problem.  THEY ARE OUT OF STOCK!  Geez!  Why leave it on the site, people?

Annie Forray Coach Antique Boots

Aren't these darlin?  I know a girl that's going to looooove these babies!  No worry, they still might have your size!  Yes, they're on sale!

I have no picture to show you how cute Old Navy's Christmas pj's are but THIS link will take you right to them.  Every girl loves comfy lounge pants especially at this time of year.  Go, quick.  They're on sale for $8!!

Eyelet Peter Pan Collar

Isn't that the sweetest collar?  I love lace!  This is a stylish way to jazz up a cute top or dress and draw the attention up…you know, to the face!  wink


Nomad Rainboots (Harley Brown)

I know, I know.  More boots.  But I'll tell ya, girls love em!  So do I.  I may have to borrow these if anyone in my house happens to get them.

Geometric Block Clutch

I love this!  It's so cute and it's from Dayspring!!


Putting Fairy Tales to Shame

Who doesn't want to encourage young women to make good choices?  This sweet author is a wonderful leader for young girls.  I can't think of anything more important than to equip my own girls to love themselves.

Faux Fur Vest

If you haven't heard, faux fur vests are all the rage this year.  They are a great accessory and hide a multitude of secrets.  They look flattering on just about everybody too!

Ok, so there!  I think this gives you an idea of what's popular and what chicks are looking for.  If you're like me, you could use a little direction when it comes to shopping for girls!  Maybe now you can pull a few deals from your resources and bless some cute gal with Christmas lovin!

4 Sure Ways To Make Your Kids Resent You

Friday, December 7th, 2012

I've had my share of rotten mom moments.  I've been a real dud and I've rocked it like a rockstar!  Over the last 22 years, I've picked up on some real dangers in parenting.  It's often said that kids are pretty pliable and I agree.  But why risk sabotaging your relationship with them just because of some thoughtless behaviors or words?  I love my kids and I bet you do too….so, I've come up with some sure-fire ways that wreck it all and make your kids resent you.  

Here's what NOT TO DO.

CRITICIZE.  It's so easy to do and not only do we criticize our kids but we take it a step further and pick on their friends, friends parents and even strangers.  Bet you didn't know….your kids dislike your negative vibe!  Don't be a jerk.  Show lovingkindness and for what it's worth speak words of affirmation.  THEY ARE LISTENING!!

BE LAZY.  I'm not referring to leaving the dishes piled in the kitchen sink, although….kids do feel safe when they know parents care about house & life responsibilities.  Teach them to help out with chores.  I mean, don't throw out empty threats.  Follow through with every teachable moment.  Nothing says my parents are push-overs more than lazy parenting.  Get up and discipline, every single time there is a need for guidance.

GIVE THEM ALL POWER.  I see this all day long.  Kids behaving any old way they please.  No fear of anyone (adults, that is) and certainly not being held accountable for poor behavior.  It's so sad.  On the news tonight, a teen girl was killed in a nearby town because she was running with the wrong crowd.  Parents owe it to their kids to boss them around and SAY NO!!  Teach your kids to respect others!

MOCK GOD.  One of the biggest indicators of trouble (that I've experienced with teens) is a complete lack of spiritual guidance.  It's often a big joke to love God and especially to want to follow Him in a Biblical lifestyle.  Teaching kids to trust Him and obey Him is essential but even better than that is HAVING A REAL RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST YOURSELF!!  Nothing influences a kid more than to have a parent who genuinely loves God and shows it in their everyday life.

I'm a mom who's looking at 11 more days of high school for the baby of my family.  I don't get anymore second chances.  The foundation has been set and the product is nearing the end of the assembly line.  I'm grateful that I started the whole deal out with a determination to honor God with my parenting.  While I haven't done a perfect job….I'm happy to say that in spite of me, God has blessed me with great young adult kids.  Do I have regrets?  Oh you bet!  I see some of my mistakes as growing opportunities, not just for me…but for each of them too.  My prayer is that they would know without a shadow of a doubt, that my love for them is solid & neverending!

So, tell me….what are some ways that you think kids feel resentment?