Archive for February, 2012

No Car But Awesome Boots

Monday, February 13th, 2012

For those of you who like to look at the glass 1/2 full.  My Monday tried to put me to the test.  But I won't let it!  πŸ˜‰


I woke up to a dead car. Not a great way to begin a Monday, wouldn't you agree? So hubby pulled Ally's car around for me to drive since she was too "sick" to attend her early 7:00am class. Hrmph! I realize as I'm walking up to it….it's very quiet and confirm its not running when I hop onto the freezing seat. Not cool, okay too cool! It won't crank! Not for all the tea in China. If you're counting that's 2 cars not working this morning. Except I haven't mentioned that my son took his car to the shop last night to be worked on. 5 people sharing 1 car today!


Good news….

I'm wearing new boots and I look good y'all!


I hope you're having a great Monday! I'm sure glad God loves you & me aren't you?

What? WordPress Does THAT?

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

My heart belongs to Jesus!  No qualms about that, I promise!  But the rest of me is now in looooove with my WordPress dashboard!  For 4 years (I really could yell this out) I have whined and cried over the fact that I KNOW MY WORDPRESS BLOG DOES MORE THAN THE BASICS!!

After a new plugin update, hubby installed the Cadillac Escalade of goodies to make my blogging more fun!  I've literally driven everyone crazy over switching my fonts and making little doo-dads here and there.  I knew there was a way…

4 years later, here I am y'all.  Playing with a whole new blog!

Just look out, there's no telling what you're going to see when you click into my little kingdom.  I'm going to need some time to figure everything out.  So bear with me, ok?

Everyday I learn something new.  That's good, very good!  Keeps the Alzheimer's away.  At least I'm hoping it does!

PS–THANK YOU Honey!  And WordPress, I love you too!

Ministry Fail

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

I’ve been talking with a friend who’s smack dab in the middle of a church problem. It brings up so many painful memories of what my own family experienced a few years back. I feel the punch in my gut with every little issue she shares. I can’t help but feel that same hopeless confused emotion….all over again.

I wish I had an explanation for why these things happen. But, I don’t. People are human and they act like it. Especially, Christians. While one would think they behave with some form of restraint, that’s not always the case. The mind-boggling reasons for asking a pastor to leave catch us by surprise or shock us.

But does it shock God?

I don’t believe it does. He sees right past our facade of pretend. He knows the depth of our hearts and He sees the dirty black we hide there. It’s never a surprise when we reveal something painful or ugly….He’s aware even if we think we have it tucked securely away. He sees. He is El Roi (the God who sees, Genesis 16:6). There is no place God can’t see. There is no situation He cannot discern.

Sadly, the wounded left in the wake of such pain aren’t always okay. It changes everything. It alters how you feel about yourself and certainly the way other’s look at you. You become a sort of walking wounded. Almost like you have a Scarlet letter stamped on your life. It robs you of your peace, satan beats you up for every weakness and when no one supports you or stands behind you….you begin to believe all the hoopla that is said about you.

Even though…it’s not true or exaggerated!

What is our role in supporting pastors? How can you and I do what God expects of us when those around us are demanding HE GO? I’ve thought about this many times and I know without a shadow of a doubt, I WILL NOT BE A PART OF PASTOR/MINISTRY ABUSE! EVER! If I don’t like someone, it isn’t my job to run them off. If he is out of sorts with his theology or misleading his flock that is something to be addressed (in a Christlike manner). If I just don’t enjoy his sermons or think his wife does enough for the church….too bad! That’s God’s job to handle, not mine!

Petty meanness and witch hunting for problems is out and out wrong. Any Christian participating in that will face God and have to answer for it. Scripture is clear about loving one another and supporting those in leadership. Justifying your actions with bogus complaints will not cut it when faced with a Holy God. He will be our final judge.

I’ll close this sad post down with names. These are names of people I KNOW PERSONALLY who have suffered at the hands of hurtful members of the flock. Some are young, some are old…all are forever changed by what someone did to them in the name of Jesus Christ.

Susan Ben Wes Danny Bert Marilyn Randy Dustin Tanner Cody Cheryl …

I could continue with the list but I won’t. You get the picture. Pray for them and the ones facing judgement everyday by the ones they are loving and serving. You never know when it might be you.

Who Has Time

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

I’m a practical gal. I try to manage my time accordingly. I always have. I’m uptight, remember? I love pampering myself. Only I don’t usually do much pampering. I’m too busy! I remember a friend from a long time ago who said, “Women who wear polish on their toes are women that care about HOW they look!”.

I thought he was crazy at the time. But now that I’m getting up there in years (hehe) I see how easy it is to neglect taking care of myself. I suppose it happens to every woman. Life steals time and energy so we do what we can just to survive. Or maybe that’s just me. πŸ˜‰

Last night, my youngest daughter (she’s 17) spent the entire evening in the bathroom. I mean, 7:00pm until after 11:30pm. What was she doing? Primping, painting, showering, plucking, shaving….everything a girl needs to do on a regular basis. I had to step over her and her polish station a few times just to use the T-let! I thought she was crazy.

I’m rethinking it though.

Ladies, we should be primping! Maybe not all night long…..but at least slap some polish on and shape up the eyebrows. Right? I’m happy to say that I took just a few minutes and painted on a light coat of nail polish today.


Try to do something JUST FOR YOU today! It’s invigorating!


Book Snob

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

I’ve been in a book funk. Since I finished reading several really good books last month—I’ve been on a search to keep the momentum up. It’s all part of my crazy book snobbery! I admit it, I only read certain genres. I’ve never been a good chic lit kind of reader. I’m also not fond of most fantasy or fiction.

I know…I’m missing out. My friends tell me all the time. My brain just can’t enjoy it. I love truth and if I’m going to invest hours of my time, I want to learn something. That’s just who I am.

So, after trolling the entire internet looking for a new read you’ll be surprised to see my final selection would be FICTION! I know, I drive me crazy too.

I couldn’t help it…the reviews sucked me in and the author actually wrote the story based on a case that took place in her own life. I guess you could call it a based on a true story book. Anyway, I bought it for 99 cents and if it stinks I can just put it down and walk away. Right?

My book choice? TAKEN by Debra Lee


Pretty cover, huh? I love the snowy back road scene and I’m excited to get started. Now I just need a good snow day to snuggle up and read.

Oh I kid. Snow? It skipped Indiana this winter! And I’m NOT complaining.

Dog Sitting Super Bowl

Monday, February 6th, 2012

I’ve had a great weekend, what about you? I did a bunch of nothing mixed in with a lot of puppy duty! It’s only fair that the grandparents get a little time with their grand-dog right? Gavin has a life (who knew) outside of caring for his new pet, Gracie! That’s the way it is with college kids. When opportunities arise to party–they take em!

It wasn’t that big of a deal except for the fact that my very kind neighbor cleaned out her fridge and threw all the rotten food outside into her front yard. Nice, huh? Of course the new puppy ran right over to feast upon its goodness and then barfed it all over my kitchen floor. Even nicer! This was the start of our very guarded dog-sitting duty! We spent the rest of the weekend screaming our heads off if Gracie even looked in that direction. Also, watching as every single dog in our neighborhood came over for some yum-tum stomach destroyer!

Ahh, neighbors! I love em! πŸ˜‰

I can’t complain about much more (believe it or not) because the NEW YORK GIANTS came to town and beat the Patriots! It was a close game and at the end….my stomach started to hurt as if I’d sampled the neighbors yard buffet myself! It was nerve wracking! Oh, but they pulled it off. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….if #18 couldn’t play at least his baby brother could!

That was my weekend. I didn’t even put on a swipe of makeup the entire time. I wore sweats, cooked good food, chased that dang dog and cleaned the kitchen 67 times. It was perfect!

I’m ready to do it again….only it’s Monday!