Archive for October, 2011

Think For Yourself

Friday, October 14th, 2011

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” Isaiah 55:8 New Living Translation

Aren’t you thankful that God isn’t like us? We are masters at revenge and quick to judge unworthy. It seems to come naturally too. Our flesh is alive and searching for someone to pounce on.

Sometimes it’s those in our own families. I know I’ve dished it out myself and taken a hit a time or two. Both hurt deeply.

In my devotion reading this morning, the writer spoke of trust. The trust that Ruth had for her mother-in-law Naomi. Even though the direction she gave Ruth didn’t make sense (how to get noticed by Boaz) she still trusted her. My question to ME–Could I trust someone like that?

Life has a way of jading our view. We get burned by people and withold our full trust. Therefore, we end up missing out on some wonderful blessings. We’re stuck because we can’t get past the sting of an old mistake. Which brings me back to my thoughts and God’s way of thinking.

I know….He doesn’t see me in any of the same ways that I see those around me. Clearly, I’m much harsher with my feelings. So if there ever an encouraging verse for Friday, (Is. 55:8) is it.

Remember that today….when you catch your heart judging another or when you think an unkind thought. God never does that to you and me. Oh boy, am I glad!

A Brand New Day

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

Isn’t it amazing how a good night’s sleep can wipe a bad day away? I probably hit my snooze button 6 times this morning and I ended up having to hustle to make it to work on time. But my ATTITUDE….it was on fiyah!

I’m feeling like a new lady! In honor of my fresh outlook, I’m going to throw out some Pinterest love. I know, I’m awesome! 😉


Now this is something I plan to apply to my life today. With my gene to blab, it will be challenging.

If there ever were a prayer to put on repeat…this is it! At least it is for me anyway.

Yep, I’m choosing JOY today. How about you?
Remember, it’s Friday eve.

Birthday Shmirthday

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

Here’s me. Today was my birthday.

This is what I looked like at lunchtime. I know, I look happy.

But it was stressful and busy at work. I came home with a whopping headache. Someone had a surprise for me.

Thank you to my sweet Ally for decorating in my honor and for the pretty scarf. Oh I loved the Owl City video too. She’s my GIFTS love language child!

While I was at work, my very dirty car got a complete detail job thanks to my Sweetboy! Smells awesome too. Yay!

My hubby went bonkers and PRE-ORDERED the new KINDLE FIRE for me! {I told him I wanted Botox!} Whoop whoop! I can’t wait to play with it. He says it will be a bit nicer than the Nook Color…..really? Ok, then. I’ll take it!

What I was really wishing for was a RED VELVET CAKE.

That was out of the question because I’m literally out of everything awesome to bake anything. Just my crazy luck, ya’ll! So, you can bet your sweet biffy that I’ll be creating some cream cheese madness this weekend in honor of my big 4 5!! Don’t worry….I will post pictures.

I loved reading the messages on my Facebook wall. It’s amazing how much love a person can get from all over the world. Thank you friends & family. I’m so very blessed.

Birthday is over. Tomorrow is a new day. Since it is officially still MY BIRTHDAY now–I’d like to make a wish:

A stress free Thursday & Friday at school. 🙂

Train Em Up

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

Some of my greatest lessons have come by way of parenting my children. You’d think I would have this gig down by now. It seems like I’ve been in a perpetual parenting training class since 1990. Maybe that’s what parenting is all about.

Learning something new, everyday.

I’ve made so many mistakes along the way and my hope is that once my kids fly the coop they’ll see….this ain’t no easy job! Fingers crossed, ya’ll!

One of my biggest downfalls has been my desire to indulge my kids with my care. Every parent does that to a point. Right? But I think maybe I went overboard a little. I’ve created lazy people.

I’m ashamed. So bear with me while I share.

I never wanted my kids to deal with any of the stuff I experienced growing up. I know it’s tough raising kids. I’m not here to bash or criticize my mother. But I hoped to improve the skills that I grew up under and to be a mom that loved unconditionally.

So, why should I be surprised that my kids EXPECT to be taken care of? Afterall, I’ve trained them to be that way. Some would call it lazy others might say spoiled. I’m sticking with cheated.

Whether hubby and I meant to or not, we cheated our little darlin’s out of some very important life training. Chores and helping out around the house never killed anyone (that I know of). What I’ve created is bums.

Now for those of you reading that actually know my kids…..please understand when I say these things. I’m not trashtalking my good kids, I’m simply pointing out how important it is to teach your kids to work.

I have a neighbor that has this figured out. From the time his kids are able to hold a rake in their little hands, he has them out helping in the yard. I can see clearly that they make their youngin’s do chores from my kitchen window. It’s a running joke over at my house (THE HOUSE OF LAZE-MAZE). I’m not laughing anymore.

I’ve come up with some MUST KNOWS that parents should teach their kids if they’re to make it outside of our safe little homes.

1) How to cook 3-5 complete meals.
2) Money management. How to make it, save it, tithe it, spend it & share it!
3) Laundry. Sort, wash-dry-fold-put away!
4) How to load & unload the dishwasher. And what to do if you don’t have one.
5) Bathroom etiquette. How to clean it top to bottom.
6) Ironing. This is almost a lost art. Don’t wear smushed up stuff, people!
7) How to pump their own gas (I don’t do this for my kids, really).
8) Car maintenance. Tire changing, checking oil, repair lights lit & washing.
9) Medicines. What to take for what ails ya!
10) How to sweep & vacuum a house, porch, tent, vehicle.

Of course there are many more skills kids should know but this is a good starting point. Life is rough and unless you have hired help OR MAMA’S to do everything for you–you need to know how to do the basics. I’d love to hear your take.

Parents join me—let’s agree to do the hard stuff and give our kids more responsibility. Our future son & daughter-in-law’s will thank us! 😉

PS–I feel the need to add a disclaimer here. I have amazing kids. They are SOULED OUT Christians dedicated to obeying and following Christ. Each of them have made good choices with their lifestyle and behaviors. I’m more than proud of the decisions they make on a daily basis to take the road less traveled. All three of them are leaders and good ones at that. I’m beyond blessed to call myself their mother. God has been so good to me to share such wonderful kids with me.

It’s my mistakes that I’m pointing out here. They are just by-products of my helicopter parenting. A lesson I’ve learned…the hard way.


Motivate Me

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

Last night, Hubby and I took a walk-run.  Both of us have fallen short when it comes to caring for our bodies.  Because we both like living and enjoying the people around us we decided to get serious about exercise.

By the time we reached the top of the first hill in our neighborhood….we came face to face with the cold hard facts–we’d NEED JESUS to keep going.  So, we used our time to pray and no, not for mercy.  😉

It was a great break from our normal routine.  I love anytime that I get to spend with my husband but I must say….exercising and praying together totally blessed me.

I feel it today.  But I’m not going to let that stop me from going out again tonight.  I realized that not only did my physical body need a boost, so did my spiritual and mental body.  I needed to talk out some frustrations and I needed to confess some shortcomings and sin. 

My body was aching…but my mind and spirit were soaring!

How can I stay motivated?  Oh, I know.  By thinking about my clothing mishap yesterday!   🙁


You are perfect.  I want to strive to be the best me.  I know I can’t do that without you!


Who Shrunk My Junk

Monday, October 10th, 2011

Remember how I posted recently about eating healthy and getting physical?  Yea, I experienced a big slap in the face this morning when I had to iron four different things to wear to school.  Everytime I picked something else out to wear…..sadly, it didn’t fit when I attempted to put it on.   🙁

Sad day, baby!

My lack of planning almost made me really late for school too.  So not only did I feel utter failure but I was zinging around on rush adrenaline!  Not cool!  It doesn’t help that I stayed up too late, again.  I say it every morning–I’m going to bed early tonight!   Just you wait and see.

I’m also planning to jog home from school and to the grocery store.  Kidding.  But that’s what I deserve after my morning reality check.  Why is it so hard to live a disciplined life?

At my small group meeting last night, we spent some time discussing the fuzzy line many Christians find acceptable to live with.   Reading Facebook can tell you a lot about a person’s lifestyle.  Unfortunately, everyone doesn’t hold the same values while calling themselves followers of Christ.

A concern for each of us — how our kids view what they see these folks saying and doing.  It’s confusing to young people when they see adults doing things that are sketchy all while in leadership positions in church.  Kids are looking to adults for boundaries and examples.  If you and I are careless with our witness it puts our kids (and other’s that we may influence) at risk for a superficial relationship with God.  Or worse yet, no relationship with Him.


I need your conviction on my life, everyday.  I recognize just how easy it is to do or be whatever I want.  As your child, I see that my choices affect those around me.  I want to be an influence for other’s to follow YOU.  The world has enough followers and it burdens my heart.  Help me TO LIVE OUT LOUD for all to see YOU in ME especially my kids!
