Archive for November, 2011

I Bake To Please

Monday, November 21st, 2011

I’ve been hanging onto the recipe for a few weeks now and figured it was time to try it.

Meet my Cinnamon Roll Cake

Looks good, huh?

Well, it was. I made a few baking errors though. First, the recipe says to add all the ingredients and mix. Then once everything is blended add in the melted margarine/butter. Yea, I forgot that part until I had already poured the batter into the buttered pan. No worries, I mixed it in while still in the pan and it was fine. Second, I realized after re-reading over the recipe (I always do that when I’m cooking or baking just to torture myself if I left something out!) and I had FORGOTTEN to add the dang vanilla!

Oh yea, I’m considering taking Ginko Biloba. My mind…she is a leavin’! πŸ˜‰

If you look closely, you can see it’s not very cinnamon swirly. At least for my taste anyway. So, next time I make it… not only will I add all the ingredients that belong in it I will up the cinnamon stuff too.

My opinion (not that you need it) is that it’s a keeper. It was fairly easy and most everyone should have all the ingredients on hand. Anytime I can bake up a treat without having to make a store trip—I likey! Also, my people liked it which settles it. Keeper!

Link to recipe H E R E

Author Crush

Friday, November 18th, 2011

I’ve had my nose stuck in a book, well…two books for the last week. One on my Nook and the other on my Kindle Fire, both by the same author. I picked them off of my library’s website not really sure what to expect. Don’t you love when you make a good book choice? I literally, want to keep on reading…even through meals!

I finished the first book, Blue Nights in a weekend. I had been put on a waiting list for The Year of Magical Thinking. Luckily for me, as soon as I logged on to see if it was available yet…it was! I grabbed it, or rather my Kindle wifi did and we’ve been together ever since.

Joan Didion is amazing! She is, by far one of the easiest writer’s to gel with. I can’t think of another way of describing it. Her words are clean and intelligent. She writes with emotion and thought. In Blue Nights, Didion writes about the death of her beautiful daughter Quintana Roo. Her memories are so precise that you feel like you are right there living each one with her. I loved every word. Which made me love Joan Didion too!

I had to keep reminding myself that this is a woman in her late 70’s. She’s lived a glamorous life, been married to another successful writer and raised a daughter thanks to the gift of adoption. Each story is sprinkled with the beautiful moments of their lives. The Year of Magical Thinking takes you along her journey of the death of her beloved John and the illness of Quintana Roo. She isn’t afraid to say all the crazy thoughts that fill a person’s mind when they are grieving. It’s deep, then light….not depressing and painful as you might think such a book would be.

I’m a little sad that the end is near for the last book. I want to keep reading or maybe even call her (see my crazy at work, ya’ll?) and check in to see how she’s doing. That’s how connected she makes the reader feel. Don’t worry, I’m not a weird author stalker! I’ll be thinking of her…long after I finish the book.

She has a story to tell and if you like a good book–Joan Didion will provide.

Who Needs Insurance?

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

No thanks to Obama’s healthcare plan! I don’t want his idea of medical coverage. I would, however… to be able to GO TO THE DOCTOR, have needed tests run and be able to actually FILL THE PRESCRIPTIONS that my family needs!

Living without health insurance since 2008 has proven to be a dance with the devil! Literally, we have walked through illness scares with more fear than one can imagine. Last year, when I found the “lump” in my breast for example. I don’t know which I was more afraid of–the actual lump or the fact that if it was cancer I would have to die before my family’s eyes because I’m not insured to fight it off.

Every single month, I chase around pharmacies trying to find the most affordable location to purchase my husband’s medication. I’ve mentioned his ADHD, right? Well, hubby minus med’s means he doesn’t F U N C T I O N !! For real! It was around $80 a month until this summer when the sky fell and it skyrocketed up to a whopping $150. What I’m not mentioning? Is two of my children need that same exact prescription as well, plus inhalers to boot!

It’s a game of share and stretch!

I don’t know how else to rant about this other than to just say it. IT TICKS ME OFF!!! I’m angry about it! I feel stressed constantly. What if? I bet that’s what you’ve been thinking too. What if, God forbid…something tragic happens? That’s one of my constant fears!

One car accident. One appendectomy. One bout of pneumonia. One emergency room trip can literally put my family back on a road of financial disaster. I’m smart enough to know that my family isn’t the only one in this position either. It boggles my mind how many hard-working Americans (like me) are uninsured!

I hope you’re not walking a medical tightrope. I can’t imagine how long my family can outrun this situation. Eventually, it will catch up and then…

Who knows?

You care about every detail, even health insurance. My family is 100% in your capable hands. Thank you for protecting us for the last 3+ years. I pray you will continue to “cover” us.

PS–Do not take healthcare for granted. (Not that you do) It is a blessing.

It’s Hot…Like Fiyah!

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

You have every right to pass on by here today. I’m simply goo-goo eyes for my new toy and I’m blabbing away about it! I’ve mentioned it a few times, remember?

My birthday present? The Kindle Fire!!!

I know, I know….big whoopdie doo! But really ya’ll, IT IS SO AWESOME! I’ve only played with it a teensy bit because hubby has been “loading” it up with goodies.

Which reminds me….

What’s a “Queenie style” post without a bit of neurotic mish-mash? As soon as I saw the box on my kitchen table, I felt a little flipflop in my stomach. I told you…major whack job here, guys! It’s embarrassing to admit this but I felt like I was some sort of trader.

I looooove my Nook! Ever since my son returned from Washington and we did a little switcharoo (he’s using it to read the Steve Jobs book)….I’ve felt guilty. I’m not a Nook quitter, I PROMISE! I’m simply a SHARE-ER (yes, I made that up)!

I can use both, right?

NOTE: When hubby handed my new e-reader back to me tonight…guess what he added?

MY NOOK APP!!! All of my Nook books are on there too! This is like the motherload of awesome, ya’ll! I’m definitely moving up in this world. Not only can I watch movies, blog, read Facebook — I can read my books from my other Library that I’ve bought/acquired along the way! Yeehaw!


Hmm, now I wonder if I’ll ever upgrade to a big girl cellphone? Naaah!

More School

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

Tonight is the night our community is invited to “listen” in as our school board discusses YEAR ROUND SCHOOL. Also known as Balanced Calendar. It’s happening! I knew it was coming and like many other’s, I have mixed feelings. Mainly, the thought of a 2 1/2 month summer break ALL AT ONCE….umm, being no more!

I think I’ve mentioned a time or twenty how much I LOOOOOOVE SUMMER BREAK!!?!

What exactly does this new year-round setup involve? I’m not quite sure. I haven’t gotten the deets! I’ve heard some rumors of it over the last few years and it doesn’t seem horrible. Maybe something like–6 weeks of school with 2 weeks off?!?! Possibly?

I don’t know. I’ve heard information like blocks of school time with little chunks of off time. Off time = my favorite time! πŸ˜‰

Any YEAR ROUNDERS out there? What do you think? Does it work? Do you like it? Are your kids succeeding because of it? Afterall, what else are we doing this for? To create a better education experience for our kids, right?

I’m not sure if I’ll attend the meeting. Either way, the vote won’t stop by my presence or lack thereof. I’ll be happy ….. just to have a job! As long as nothing changes in that area, I’m cool!

I mean……I’m not working for my health are you? {giggle}

Seriously, this post will be lamesauce. Go away.

Monday, November 14th, 2011

If you had told me last year or even the year before that MY TEAM would be 0-10 THE YEAR WE HOST THE SUPER BOWL…..I would have laughed in your face!

Everybody knows the Colts are a top-of-the-line team! They’re matchless. Awesome. They have the NFL’s best quarterback! Peyton Manning is superhuman on the football field. He’s respected by everyone! Players, fans, coaches & opposing teams!

But, for the first time in blah blah seasons (Peyton has had a record 227 starts). Which means, he doesn’t stand on the sideline and watch any games…he plays!

Until this year.

This year, the one that the Colts haven’t one a single game all season.

He’s standing. On the sideline. Looking bewildered and frustrated. Much like his fans and the fans who cheer the big blue franchise on everyweek. I’ve even noticed the sports announcer’s shaking their heads at what they see each week. It’s unbelievable!

Not this team!

It’s been painful to watch. By no means, do I blame Peyton Manning for the entire season of losses. I am intelligent football savvy enough to see there are other men on the field getting paid to play. It just seems coincidental that since he’s been out with a serious surgery recoop that the team has fallen to pieces. He’s known for being a great leader. But he’s not the only one playing. It’s a team, right?

I love the Colts. Most of my friends….love the Colts. I was so excited about this year’s SUPER BOWL!! Not anymore. I feel bummed! Embarrassed even. Indianapolis is a crazy fun town. What a smear of reality in the face of so many fans it will be to watch the entire city fill up with fans from other teams. Indy is a town of blue, Colts blue!

I’m not a fairweather fan. I promise. It’s been torture to watch them lose every week. It’s just not how the Colts do things. To call it humbling is almost insulting too. The Colts are known as a classy franchise. They don’t play dirty, they aren’t showy…..

They are just THE COLTS!

I haven’t worn any Colts gear….all season! Come on, don’t judge! It’s just too painful! Now, do you see why I titled this post lame?