Archive for August, 2012

Unglued Mama

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

I hope I've made it clear here that I am far from perfect.  Matter of fact, I might be a poster child for the mom who loses it on a regular basis.  To be honest, as I've gotten "older" and trained forced conditioned my children/family to comply with my ways….being a well-functioning mom has gotten easier.  But there have been times when sister has flipped her lid and melted down in a puddle of emotions that only Jesus could handle.

Alright….I've been known to come UNGLUED!

After reading many "confessions" by other mom's on some of the greatest blogs in the world…I've come to the conclusion—>  I'm not crazy and other mom's wig out too!

Good to know, right?

Now, I don't have the book in my hot little hands just yet.  But I've been following along as Lysa (I call her that….cause she is my internet friend) has posted snippets as she wrote the words that no mom wants to admit.  All I can say is that I admire anyone who puts their business out there (the stuff we try to hide from everyone else) and allows God to use it to help others.  So, if you haven't heard yet….the new book UNGLUED is out and ready for you and for me to buy and read!

Also, good news!   Several bloggers are hosting book giveaways right now.  Who wouldn't want to win a free book?  Click on this link to Lysa's blog and viola, you will find all the blogger links participating.  Feel free to enter them all and for gracious sake….don't be afraid to admit that YOU TOO COME UNGLUED!

You're welcome, just sharing the love…friends.  Enjoy your Thursday or as I like to call it–FRIDAY EVE!!!





Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

I am so pumped up for the new tv season.  Shows that I've been waiting to pick back up are looming overhead as I type.  Some people spend their money on season tickets to NFL games or new cars or even trips…..I buy cable/NETFLIX/Xfinity!

Worth it.

I'm still pretty psyched that we cut our cable bill down to practically half of what we had been paying.  Yeehaw!  It pays to shop around.

I loved the winter (2010-11) we had a ton of snow days and I was able to watch several seasons of LOST with my kids.  It sucked us in and may have been the cause of extra prayers for snow days that year.  I couldn't think of anything but what was going to happen next….

Yes, I am the queen of lame.

This last winter, DOWNTON ABBEY owned my heart!  I practically cried every Sunday night when the show would end.  My ability to wait all week long for another episode was almost childlike.  I couldn't stand the waiting!  I even bought the book by the current owner of the mansion and read the real history based on the show.  Good stuff!

So, finding a new love for summer was so awesome.

During June, my girls and I were G L U E D to the tv/Hulu watching the whole season of REVENGE.  Oh my word!  It is crazy good!   I just thought LOST was addictive.  I admit it, the three of us (my girls and I) even drug our meals down to the family room to watch episode after episode.  Sick pups!  You can probably guess about bathroom breaks….hit pause and run?  Yea, that was us.  Real mature, huh?

When the season ended (it was still early summer)….I thought each of us were going to need some sort of intervention.  The crack show had us hooked!  But, I pushed on and I can't believe that just this week….teasers are being played to let the world know, REVENGE is coming back on September 30th at 9:00pm!

Yippee!  Yahoo!  I AM SO HAPPY!

The only bummer is that I'll have to play by the rules and watch it like everyone else—week by week episode!  It'll be a Downton Abbey moment all over again.  Which is also coming up January 6th!!!   Woohoo!  I feel like hugging a stranger this excites me so much.

I know they're just tv shows, but I love them.  I don't get into the reality shows (sorry, but I hate the dating shows), never liked Dancing With the Stars, gave up American Idol (it turned sooooo bleh), can't stomach the dysfunction of Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, Kardashian's and most sitcoms….they just don't do it for me. But give me a well-done drama or good story show and I am a fan!

Oh and don't let me forget to mention….it is officially NFL season!  You know I'm watching football!  I even asked my hubby about getting the NFL channel so we could watch Peyton in Denver.  I miss him and the rest of the Colts that were sent a packin!  I admit, it's going to be painful.  Like ripping a bandaid off of a fresh wound, painful.  But, I will be watching football.

What's your vice?  Are you a stay home kind of girl/family that loves watching good tv?  Or would you rather go somewhere and do something out & about?

Oh and listen, all of the shows that I've mentioned in this post are available to watch (in full) for free.  If you haven't watched any of them….you should!  Maybe you'll get a taste of just how addicting they are.


PS-Something that really makes watching good shows fun…is doing it with my family.  It's a great way for us to spend time together and to get involved with characters.  Some families like to sit at track meets/sporting events etc…we like our family room!  



Shade Tree Mechanics

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

These are my guys.  They work on stuff and make it right again.


I know what you're thinking…..rednecks, right?  Well, in my family…we don't hire out any jobs unless it is absolutely necessary.  Hubby and son usually do all the car maintenance and house maintenance.  We are frugal, except for the part where we have to rebuy tools and equipment because….we can't FIND THEM!!  🙁

This past weekend hubby needed to change his spark plugs–8 of them!  I told him he had to do something!  Every time we were cruising down the highway, the car would chug like a choo-choo train.  At fast speeds.  Talk about a stomach ache.  Eww.

The job took all day.


When I walked outside and saw this…..I knew I had to take a picture.  Because telling you and showing you just aren't the same.

Shade tree mechanics.   I love them!

PS-the car drives awesome now too!

Tell me, does your family do their own maintenance jobs or do you pay someone else?


Monday, August 20th, 2012

I'm so good at learning life the hard way.  I'm sure you can remember (yourself) the old days when you knew it all.  Right?  It may not have been so long ago.  I just happen to be a middle aged lady that has lived a few more years than many of my day-to-day friends.  Ok, I'm the oldest in most of my circles.

How'd that happen?

I read the greatest post this weekend, it was a younger blogger's take on what she's learned in "30" years.  Whoop-dee-doo, kid!  Try almost 46 years!  Now that's a long time to learn some stuff!  I had to giggle at some of the things she's learned because….she's spot on, I've learned many of the same lessons.

Life, it's a school everyone must attend.

Forty-five Things:

— Learn to apologize, sincerely.



— Show affection, even when you're PMS'n.

— Learn to cook.  It makes lots of people happy.

— Read books, lots of them.  Every genre.  (I know, I'm book snobby)

— Only buy clothes that flatter.  Don't fall into trendy mistakes.

— Make friends, especially with someone you wouldn't normally talk to.

— Pray.  Outloud.  Every time you have the chance.

— Sing to your children, all the time.

— Celebrate special occasions.  Each one is a gift.

— Learn to drive a stick shift.  It will impress your son, someday.

— Go to the beauty parlor at least every other month.  Trim those scraggly ends.

— For goodness sake, WAX YOUR EYE BROWS!!

— Be patient with your hubby & kids.  They really do want to make you happy.

— Write thoughts and prayers down in a journal.

— Have a healthy sense of humor.

— Smile, a lot.

— Share what God gives you.  It really is better to give than to recieve.

— Be passionate about something and help someone else love it too.

— Send words of love to those who are far away.  Distance can't stop love.

— Watch movies with your family.  Make it special with treats & pj's.

— Own a dog.  Caring for an animal teaches a lot about unconditional love.

— Learn how to make eye contact and do it.

— Overdress.  Always.  Trust me on this one.

— Guard secrets.  No one keeps them, in case you haven't learned yet.

— Speak kindly about others.  It will always come back on you if you don't.

— Keep in contact with college girlfriends.  Forever.  It's fun growing old.

— Tell your kids who you admire and why.

— Use a 3-way mirror.  Really, look at your backside before you leave home.

— Learn how to wear make-up.  Look classy when you go out.

— Wear cute boots & scarves.

— Take fun trips with your hubby (alone).

— Splurge & buy something really special for yourself.  Especially on your Bday.

— Go to the beach every time you get the chance.  You may move far away.

— Cheer for your hubby's favorite teams.

— Buy good sheets!

— Brush your teeth and floss 3 x's a day.  Just do it.

— Change your hair color.  Wear it like a bosslady!

— Be known as an encourager.

— Save your money.  It disappears before your eyes & you will need it!

— Go to college.  Do it.  Don't think you'll go back.  You won't.

— Marry for love, not money.

— Open your heart to Jesus.  He will change your life like no one else.

— Love people.  Really love them.  They'll know if you don't.


I know I'm not the wisest gal in the world.  But this list represents much of what I do know.  My wish is that somehow along this path of livin'…I've passed the good stuff on to my children.  Don't wait to make your own list.  Write down what you know and smile at the life lesson's God has sent your way!

Cootie Alert

Friday, August 17th, 2012

I think I'm getting in the groove of school after a week-and-a-half….except, I woke up this morning with a screaming sore throat and sinus gunk.  Hello, school cooties!  I feel miserable and the worst part?

IT'S FRIDAY, dangit!

Friday's during the school year are sacred.  Set apart just for those of us banging out the work week like the troopers we are.  So waking up sick as the weekend is just getting started stinks like a skunk hit on the highway.  Not good!

I threw back an antibiotic and took off for work.  So, here's to hoping I'm not sick all weekend.  The days of freedom.

Before I go and make this the most amazing weekend ever….I wanted to share this  writing tip that I read this morning.  I love the idea behind it and I believe that each of us can incorporate it into our lives no matter what it is we're trying to accomplish.

"You have to find a way of working that makes it dead easy to take full advantage of your inspired moments."  Hugh MacLeod

You see the thing about inspiration is it tends to come when it's least convenient.  Like for me…I can think of a thousand book ideas or blog posts when I'm in traffic or sitting reading a story with a class.  So, I'm learning that when the mood hits….scribble the idea down and go back to it later.  Eureka moments will continue to happen when you're too busy to deal with them.  It's up to us to take advantage of them the best way we can.  So…no matter what you're trying to make happen in your life take complete advantage of your inspired moments.

Enjoy your weekend, friends.


What I Love about Gracie

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

I have to be honest. I didn't really want to get another dog. After our beloved black lab Maggie died, I was content just loving on our old poodle Miss Lizzy. The thoughts of starting all over with a new puppy made me feel awful dread. Who has time to potty train (house break) a new dog? Certainly not me. I'm busy, remember? But way back in February, my son brought home this gangly odd looking lab mix from the pound and she's been the star of our family ever since.

I can't even look at her without smiling. She has such a great personality. She oozes with sweetness. I know it sounds crazy, but dogs really do have a persona. Gracie's is very similar to Gavin. He's attractive and he pulls you in when he's around. He makes you smile and thinks up the funniest ideas. Gracie is always moving from one thing to the next. Exploring. Seeking.  Much like Gavin.


This morning as I was getting ready for work, my girls commented on the dogs waiting for me outside the bathroom door.  They do this.  They both follow me from room to room and wait (sometimes not so patiently) for me to finish up whatever I'm doing and then follow me to the next stop.

Sweet loyalty, I tell ya!

As soon as the bathroom door opened, Gracie ran in and went straight for my leg.  You see, she's a licker.  She loves to taste just about everything she comes in contact with.  She's learned that the bathroom usually equals — lotion.  The girls in our family lotion up their legs and Gracie loves the flavor of lotion better than just about anything.  Sometimes, I put some on her own front legs just so she'll have something to lick on besides me.   wink

I've come up with some reasons why I love her.

1 — She's always happy.

2 — She runs everywhere.

3 — She plays hard & rests hard.

4 — She's inquisitive.

5 — She might be ADHD.

6 — She licks everything she loves.

7 — She loves my son.

8 — She saved him from a dark place.

9 — My neighbors accept her wild invasions.  (I told you she was sweet)

10 — She reminds me to find the good in others.

11 — She belongs to us and she knows it.

See, I didn't realize at the time just how important adopting another dog was to my son.  He was struggling.  He felt hopeless and out of place no matter where he turned.  Bringing Gracie into his world gave him reason to get up and move it.  She filled his hours with love and playfulness.  He needed her and God knew it.  That's why when I clean up a trashed flowerbed or kick a half-chewed bone across the room with my toe (ouch!) I thank God for bringing such a rowdy happy girl dog into my life.

I've always heard "a dog is a man's best friend" and I genuinely believe it.  She's Gavin's best friend and she adores him.  While he's not in the same position he was months ago….he realizes her value and he too is very thankful that she came into his life.  I bet he could come up with an even longer list of why he loves Gracie.  I wonder….do you have a pet that you love?

Dogs rule, right?