Archive for September, 2011

Watch Out

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

When you least expect it…..God has a blessing for you! Yesterday, I almost missed mine. My youngest, Gates is at the very end of her orthodontic appointments. {She’s so excited to get them off in October and see her beautiful smile minus all that metal!} Just like having a baby–the last set of appointments are many and close together. Which can be a little invasive to your work schedule.

Hubby had to pick us both up and drive us to the out-of-town appointment. We were going to drop him off at another location where he could work on someone’s laptop and pick him up afterwards. When we pulled into the ortho’s parking lot, he noticed a familiar car.

OUR FAVORITE FRIENDS FROM ANOTHER TOWN WE LIVED IN OVER 10 YEARS AGO! Like our besties! Who we haven’t been able to get together with in almost 2 years! Seriously!

Isn’t God so cool?

If you’re like me, then you know….God loves to show off with his blessings. This is definitely one of my favorite joys! We ended up staying together all afternoon and going to grab a meal. We managed to catch up on all of our family happenings and even set a date to get together like we used to.

Thank you for blessing me with the greatest friends. You know just how to blow my mind.

Book Crazy

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

I’m one of those people who bites off more than she can chew. In everyway. Especially when it comes to books. I see one that interests me and I grab it. Before you know it, I’m stacked up with stuff to read and no time free to actually do the reading. Typical, right? Tell do it too?

I’m stuck in the middle of Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo right now. I started it about two weeks ago and just haven’t had time to sit around and read. It’s a fairly quick read, so I hope to finish it up in the next day or so. I’m loving Todd’s story of his little boy and what happens in a time of grave illness. If you haven’t read it, get it. I wouldn’t call myself a sceptic of death to life experiences but I would say I’m cautious. The story is really heartwarming and reminds me God works in His own way.

Back in July, hubby bought me Laura Ingraham’s book, Of Thee I Zing. I’d been scanning the internet hoping to find a giveaway of it (cause I’m super cheap like that). But the book was HOT and no one was hosting any giveaway’s yet. I’ve been plucking along with it, in little bite-sized portions. I love this lady’s humor. She is so funny and has a keen eye for the tacky that surrounds us. It’s a gift. I think she and I have way too much in common. We both tend to come off as a bit HARSH! πŸ˜‰

If you haven’t heard, Angie Smith has a new book. I pre-ordered it in hopes of diving right in when it was released from the presses. Well, it’s been a few weeks now and I haven’t even opened it yet. Yesterday, I found out that it was chosen for the newest BLOOM BOOK CLUB read over at (in)courage. I’m not a good candidate for the bookclub follow along gang. I’m definitely inspired to start reading What Women Fear. Also, if you’re looking to join the group or get the book at a great price please click over. (in)courage makes it easy to afford the book through a discounted price and offers scholarships. You can help with that too! Or buy it HERE on sale.

I have no excuse. Reading time is as important as I allow it to be. I hereby promise (to me & now to you) to get serious and finish these three books that I’ve talked about. It’s just a matter of doing it. Right?

What about you? Do you have stacks of books to read that you tell yourself you’re going to soon? If so, what’s on your list?

Gaylord Opryland Hotel Get-Away

Monday, September 12th, 2011

My wedding anniversary is coming up this week. On Friday, September 16th my hubby and I will celebrate our 22nd anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been that long. It seems like only yesterday (1989). I’m so thankful for our relationship, it gets better every year!

Recently, we took a little trip…just the two of us. Really, he had a work conference to attend and I just tagged along. It’s not something we get to do normally. So when he asked if I wanted to join him, I jumped at the chance. I mean, how often do you get an opportunity to spend a few days at Nashville’s Gaylord Opryland Hotel? I’ll tell ya, never!

It is one of the most exciting places to visit. I love Nashville and this hotel is now on my I WANT TO GO BACK list. Even though hubby had to work while there, I managed to wander around doing things I enjoy. Like sitting by waterfalls to blog and shopping. Yes, they have shopping IN THE HOTEL!! πŸ™‚

Plus, how can you ever get sick of looking at such awesomeness?

Each day we were there, this is where you would find me. By the time I had to leave for home, I had become pretty accustomed to that lounge chair. We were close pals.

One night, this was a special treat hubby found on his way back to our room. He really knows how to win my affection, ya’ll! Chocolate truffles make my heart go all-a-flutter. Which reminds me, you can walk forever around this hotel and still not see everything. It’s gorgeous!

I really don’t know how to put into words how amazing this place is. It’s a one-stop kind of hotel. Once you arrive, you can just stay put. Everything you can dream of is right there for you to enjoy. You never have to leave…for anything.

So, if you’re ever in Nashville and looking for a great place to stay….this is the place. You’ll love everything from the beautiful rooms to the amazing restaurants and the sparkling pools to the buzzworthy shopping. While I didn’t use it, the spa looked pretty awesome too. All of this is neatly wrapped up in a beautiful resort full of waterfalls and gardens. You won’t be disappointed. Trust me.

I have to give Gaylord Opryland Hotel a two thumbs up! I can’t wait to visit again. Maybe it will be soon. πŸ˜‰

Pssst, hello….anniversary coming up! [hint hint]

Thank you for a great get-away filled with wonderful memories.

I Remember

Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Like every other American, I remember exactly where I was. I was getting dressed for my church’s first women’s Bible Study (and I was the teacher). My husband was in Louisville, Ky. attending seminary classes. Our little brood of babes were safely tucked into their elementary school classrooms.

I stepped out of the shower and heard Jon & Sherry on KLove say something was terribly wrong in NYC. Quickly, I turned on my television and stood in shock as the images flashed across the screen. Like most I’ve spoken with about it….I thought it couldn’t be real. Nothing like this could be happening, in real life. Maybe in a movie, but not in my world.

Looking back, 10 years later. I see my world with such different eyes. My children don’t remember a USA that wasn’t so vocal about terrorism. Life for everyone changed that horrible day.

Over the weekend, I’ve watched hours of 9-11 footage. I sat in awe as I watched 102 Minutes on the History channel. It was raw and real but full of incredible acts of humanity. I’ve always known I lived in the greatest country….on days like today–I’m beyond proud to be an AMERICAN!!

Dear God–
You are the King of Peace. Reign down on our world your goodness and mercy. Thank you for the strength of the people in America. Remind us, everyday…that you are our only hope!



Friday, September 9th, 2011

In honor of Blue Friday, I think it’s only appropriate for Colts fans (like me) to take a moment blogpost of silence. Last night’s awful news of our beloved QB Peyton Manning and his third neck surgery have forced me into a big boohoo of sadness! As was reported, it is very likely that #18 will not return to the playing field at all this season. I’m speechless and uber sad!

I know it’s just football, ya’ll! But seriously! I LOVE THE COLTS!!! This will now be a totally different team with a new Quarterback. Let’s just hope Kerry Collins can step into such a role! {Wishing him the best!}

Sunday/Monday football just won’t be the same at my house.

So, don’t mind me…I’ll just be wearing my blue and cheering my team on anyway!

God bless #18! GET WELL SOON, Peytie Pie!

Dad Rules

Thursday, September 8th, 2011

Maybe you’ve bumped into this post out in the blog world already. If you haven’t, you must read it! I promise…’ll love it! It’s all about dad’s and the rules for fathering a daughter. Be prepared to giggle, tear up and remember your own daddy relationship.

For some (like myself) that relationship wasn’t as special as it should have been. I remember my dad being there up until the death of my little brother. After that, it was just the two of us. My mom did her best, but being a single mom isn’t the ideal situation. I missed out on so many things that little girls shouldn’t have to. Sadly, I was also a victim of other people’s sins.

I don’t own the shame that comes from that abuse. However, I do wear the scars in my heart from the innocence that was stolen. It happens. More often than you’d think. Children, especially misplaced children are easy targets for the sick in our world. Daddies have the power to protect the girls they father.

Mine could not do that.

For my own beautiful girls, God had special plans. He custom created the best daddy in the world. One who would be madly in love with them. Nothing they could ever do or say could stop him from that. He has always teased about snippin’ a notch in their ears at the hospital to keep anyone from trying the old switcharoo. Instead, he chose to stick right with them the entire time. That, he did. (Our son, too) None of our children were ever out of his sight.

Over the years (in 8 days–married 22 years) I’ve felt a sort of redemption for my own childhood. Mine was full of turmoil and pain. I grew up thinking love was conditional and costly. All things that are foreign to my kids. While they can surely point out parenting errors, I know each of them cherish their dad & I. They have known love, protection and trust everyday of their lives. God surely makes beauty from ashes. I’m living proof.

Today, I see my past as a gravel road to a victorious life. One that could only be orchestrated by God. He knew what I needed. While I didn’t experience the warm fuzzy love of a daddy…..I’ve stood witness to that in my own children’s lives. I see now, what a real dad is. A blessing to me and to them.

I can’t leave without sharing this link. It’s just another daddy making it his goal to rock his little girl’s world (as long as he can get away with it). Hehe! If you have a daddy in your life that has blessed you and loved you with his whole heart–Don’t forget to let him know what he means to you.

Ok, one more link, just in case you haven’t had enough “love those daddy” tears.

Thank you for the dad you’ve given me (in my husband). While he can never change my past…he’s certainly blessed my future.